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Crafting a comprehensive literature review is often a daunting task for many researchers and

scholars. It requires meticulous attention to detail, extensive research, critical analysis, and effective
synthesis of existing literature relevant to a particular topic or research question. One of the widely
recognized methodologies for structuring a literature review is the Literature Review Map proposed
by John W. Creswell.

The Creswell Literature Review Map serves as a valuable guide for organizing and presenting
literature reviews in a clear and coherent manner. This systematic approach helps researchers navigate
through the vast sea of scholarly articles, books, and other sources, enabling them to identify key
themes, concepts, and debates within their field of study.

However, despite its usefulness, constructing a literature review using the Creswell map can be a
time-consuming and challenging process. It requires a deep understanding of the subject matter,
proficient literature search skills, and the ability to critically evaluate and synthesize diverse sources
of information.

For those grappling with the complexities of writing a literature review, seeking assistance from
professional writing services can prove to be immensely beneficial. Among the myriad of options
available, ⇒ ⇔ stands out as a reliable platform offering expert guidance and support
in crafting literature reviews that meet the highest academic standards.

At ⇒ ⇔, experienced writers with expertise in various disciplines are adept at

conducting thorough literature searches, critically analyzing existing literature, and synthesizing
findings into cohesive and well-structured reviews. By entrusting your literature review to the skilled
professionals at ⇒ ⇔, you can alleviate the burden of this demanding task and ensure
the delivery of a high-quality and meticulously crafted document.

In conclusion, while writing a literature review, especially using methodologies like the Creswell
Literature Review Map, may pose significant challenges, seeking assistance from reputable writing
services like ⇒ ⇔ can help alleviate the burden and ensure the production of a
comprehensive and scholarly review.
The modern idea to structure information in a concept map originates from Novak et al. Ritchhart
and colleagues ( 2009, p. 154) calculated the percent of responses in each category. Moreover, one
can assume that prior knowledge on the use of concept maps may affect the cognitive load and
therefore learning performances. Further studies should measure the participants’ working memory
capacity when learning materials contain memorization tasks (Wilhelm et al., 2013 ). Biographies is a
PhD student at Chemnitz University of Technology (Professorship Psychology of Learning with
Digital Media). Presentation Outline: What “Literature Review” is and its importance. Three studies
used qualitative analysis to identify conceptual growth, for instance, the concept of leadership,
where students considered leadership more as a process in the post-test. Ten Simple Rules for
Writing a Literature Review - NCBI - NIH. Learning with concept and knowledge maps: A meta-
analysis. Conclusions about meaningful learning and more balanced understanding, were also based
on quantitative analysis. Scientific articles are selected from three databases: the Education
Resources Information Center (ERIC); PsycINFO; and the Web of Science (WOS). To be able to
accomplish this, sufficient working memory capacities are required. A total of 109 citations were
extracted from these three studies. 2.4 Data analysis Data analysis is performed by using the selected
articles for within- and cross-case analysis (Miles and Huberman 1994 ). Jot down all the ideas that
come to mind while you answer the following questions: What is your research about. Book chapters
also need to indicate the page numbers of the chapter in the book. In addition, it allows paper
imports from an ORCID profile. c. Keywords search method is used to find Litmaps indexed papers.
d. Additionally, it allows setting up email updates of “emergent literature”. e. Its unique feature that
allows overlay of different maps helps to look for overlaps of papers. f. Lastly, its explore function
allows finding related papers to add to the map. 4. Citation-based Sites a. Quantitative analysis
reduces the unique terms respondents use to numbers. Specific aspects of structural complexity, were
breadth or number of hierarchies and depth or hierarchy level (Beyerbach 1988; Read 2008 ). Decide
on a few important subtopics related to the main topic, and write them down below it. Studies are
included if one or more focus questions or one central concept was provided. We'd like to
acknowledge Coffee Machine Cleaning for the image of the coffee cup and notebook used in this
blog post. Overall, 130 students from Chemnitz University of Technology, who received either 1-h
course credit or the possibility to participate in a voucher lottery, took part in this experiment. Join
our awesome membership site - a safe haven offering you coaching, community and content to boost
your research experience and productivity. Announcement: Today’s class location has been
rescheduled to TEC 112 Next Week: Bring four questions (15 copies) to share with your classmates.
Your concept map will show the concept in words inside a shape, and the relationship is then
presented in words next to each arrow, so that each branch reads like a sentence. Here's a mind map
template from the University of Queensland to use as a guide: For additional guidance, visit for a
guide on how to write a clear, impactful lit review for classes, articles and other publications, and
grant applications. Besides, one point was awarded when a false item was not selected. Conclusions
about development were also based on the type of structure of concept maps in repeated measures.
Search Google Scholar or your favorite publication repository for good research articles pertaining to
each point and record the primary author's name and the year of publication. Despite the
brainstorming, the struggle of understanding how much literature is enough for your research paper
or thesis is very much real. As already mentioned, creating concept maps is associated with a greater
learning benefit relative to studying constructed concept maps (Schroeder et al., 2018 ). In this study,
however, participants were asked to learn with prepared concept maps what needs to be considered
when interpreting the results of this study.
When participants were confronted with a difficult-to-encode map (low-salience), they felt more
disorientated while learning. Unlike the old days of flipping through pages for hours in a library,
literature has come easy to us due to its availability on the internet through Open Access journals and
other publishing platforms. This ubiquity has made it even more difficult to cover only significant
data. Instructional efficiency: Revisiting the original construct in educational research. ERIC,
PubMed, ProQuest, Sociological Abstract, PsycINFO and SSCI Literature map a visual summary of
the research that has been conducted by others build a visual picture of existing research about topic.
Knowledge maps as scaffolds for cognitive processing. In conceptual terms, these four methods of
analysis are mutually exclusive, as they estimate the concept map characteristics differently.
Although it is a time-consuming step to describe and interpret terms used by respondents, this is the
only way to gain insights into the semantic content of the maps. Gordon Universally Designed
Learning Spaces: Some Considerations Universally Designed Learning Spaces: Some Considerations
Damian T. This is mainly favored by the fact that the individual nodes were distributed as randomly
as possible across the map. Based on the associations found across articles between the methods of
analysis applied, the concept map characteristics considered and the conclusions drawn,
considerations for methodological coherence between these aspects were formulated. The combined
search yields 451 studies in ERIC, 198 studies in PsycINFO and 498 studies in WOS. Conducting a
good literature review takes patience and is a matter of practice. How conclusions drawn are related
to concept map characteristics and methods of analysis is described at the end of the paragraph
concerning conclusions drawn. 3.1 Methods of analysis The different methods of analysis as
described in the studies are extracted and presented in the table below. Introduction. Qualitative
Methodology: An Overview Foucauldian Discourse Analysis Wilderness or Working Forest: British
Columbia Forest Policy Debate in the Vancouver Sun, 1991-2003. Just the measurement from Eysink
et al. ( 2009 ) distinguishes the extraneous cognitive load into the dimensions: navigation, design of
the learning task, and accessibility of information in order to address the different sources of
learning-disrupting factors. Similarity analysis in repeated measures revealed an increased overlap in
specific measures, which was considered as development of understanding. The variation in
outcomes using open-ended concept maps as a research instrument reduces the comparability and
leads to difficulty in data analysis (Watson et al. 2016a; Yin et al. 2005 ). Previous studies describe
limitations concerning methods of analysis. Subsequently, the conclusions drawn were explored for
each combination of methods of analysis and concept map characteristics considered. One study
calculated correlations between different concept map characteristics, and two studies drew
conclusions purely on group level, resulting in 25 studies being included in this review, as depicted in
Fig. 2. 2.3 Data selection from articles Information on the following topics is extracted from the
articles: the method of analysis, the concept map characteristics, the conclusions, the rationale behind
the choices made, and general or descriptive information. Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck To
Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee Other: American Born Chinese by Gene Luen Yang The Pearl by
John Steinbeck. Research Methods in Library and Information Science: Trends and Tips for Rese.
Different types of categories were established, either valid and invalid nodes or propositions, where
invalid nodes are outside of the scope of the prompt, and invalid propositions are incorrectly linked.
Moreover, one can assume that prior knowledge on the use of concept maps may affect the cognitive
load and therefore learning performances. Additionally, Ifenthaler et al. ( 2011 ) argue that some of
the methods of analysis applied in previous studies have questionable reliability and validity. Concept
maps may be simple designs illustrating a central theme and a few associated topics or complex
structures that delineate hierarchical or multiple relationships. J.D. Novak developed concept maps in
the 1970's to help facilitate the research process for his students. From a descriptive point of view,
there is hardly any difference between the four groups in terms of the two factors. Book chapters
also need to indicate the page numbers of the chapter in the book. These connections can be explored
manually in a database such as Scopus or by the use of free browser-based tools such as Connected
Papers, L itMaps, and Open Knowledge Maps. It is therefore important that a topic is first chosen
before the literature review is undertaken. How to write a literature review - Library and Learning
Author mapping: This is also termed as citation matching that identifies key experts in the field and
may include the use of citations to interlink them. The Literature Map helps researchers review
literature for gaps and points of impact. Also, a salient structured concept map, in which related
information is arranged spatially close to each other, should lead to lower ECL and disorientation
perceptions. Literature mapping is not only an organizational tool, but also a reflexive tool. Once it
has been finalised, the map can be used to conduct a planned and structured literature review.
Literature review samiyah musallam, Ameenah mohammad, Haya ali, Eman saleh, A. ? ? More
Related Content What's hot literature review literature review Hassan Shaibah How to guide for
effectually writing a publishable research manuscript - Pub. Identifying the inquiry and stating the
problem (Practical Researc. Chapter 2. Identifying the inquiry and stating the problem (Practical
Researc. Textbook Chapters. Creswell, Chapters 2 and 5 Salkind, Chapter 3A. Citation (referencing)
patterns What is a literature review. The Objective of the Review of the Literature is to... Zero in on
the research that relates to your project. It helps me organize each one of my projects and see how
they relate to each other, as well as to keep up to date on publications done in my field” Daniel Fuller
Clarkson University, USA “Litmaps is a game changer for finding novel literature. The critical
appraisal of the methods section, leads to two additional exclusion criteria (Verhage and Boels 2017
). Helps clarify both what you already know and where you have gaps in your knowledge.
Instructional efficiency: Revisiting the original construct in educational research. Adapt your concept
map as you go along, and once you have the final version of your literature review, add your concept
map as a figure to your literature review chapter. In line with the statistical test assumptions of the
mediation (cf. This was to ensure that learners were aware of the goal of the investigation from the
beginning. When an open-ended concept map is used to gather the unique terms respondents use
and there is no correct map available, qualitative analysis is required to explore or describe this
information or to make quantitative analysis more meaningful. 4.2 Concept map characteristics
Concept map characteristics are not always explicitly described, and many different descriptions are
used for similar concept map characteristics. Background information to help frame my inquiry and
to illustrate its importance: A NZ 'digital citizenship' definition includes ideas around confidence,
capability, participation, thinking, challenge, management, relating to others, integrity, ethical
behaviour, respect and contribution (Netsafe, n.d). Filtering becomes less effective as students
mature. Also, the mediation model showed that a low salience of the map structure significantly
affects perceived disorientation. For all variance analyses, the group variables, salience of the map
structure (low vs. Production (2017). Creswell, J.W.: Educational research: planning, conducting and
evaluating quantitative and qualitative research. Explanation of the rationale for concept map
characteristics and measures varied from just mentioning which characteristics are measured and
how, to studies that explain their operationalization based on theoretical descriptions of the research
object that is explicitly deduced into specific concept map characteristics and measures. However,
the same term was sometimes used to refer to more than one analysis method, while in other cases,
multiple terms were used to refer to a single method. Whether you are an academic or a business
person or government researcher, this is important. On the other hand, qualitative analysis has a more
explorative purpose. Provides editors with a list of potential reviewers. Quantitative analysis is based
on an evaluative approach which assesses knowledge or growth based on specific measures or
characteristics, such as size or complexity. Thus, the approaches emphasize the identity of different
scientific institutions from different fields, which can be mapped theoretically, methodologically, or
fundamentally. What is working memory capacity, and how can we measure it.
The Literature Map helps researchers review literature for gaps and points of impact. This raises the
question whether all development is interpreted as development, and whether an increase in nodes
and links represents better understanding or not. Improve the quality of your literature review by
editing and proofreading. You can use the concept map you drew when you brainstormed your
research topic to give you guidance in terms of the keywords to search for. In the overall structure of
the literature review, there should be a logical flow of ideas and within each paragraph there should
be a clear theme, around which related ideas are explored and developed. Future studies in the field
of concept mapping should collect this variable, for example, by means of questionnaires. Studies are
included based on the following inclusion criteria: Concept maps were used as a research instrument;
The study was an empirical study; Respondents made their own concept map; and An open-ended
concept map assignment was applied. Similarity analysis in repeated measures revealed an increased
overlap in specific measures, which was considered as development of understanding. Here, you can
add sticky notes, develop ideas through freehand drawing, and collaborate with your teammates.
LibGuides: NSED 150 (Sinha) 2024: Literature Review Process Basic Literature Review Source
Template from Walden University Writing Center to help record the main findings and concepts
from different articles. Digital knowledge maps in education: Technology-enhanced support for
teachers and learners. Category representation was calculated by the number of nodes per category
and was also referred to as knowledge richness, frequencies of themes, presence of systems,
representational level or category distribution (Cakmak 2010; Kostromina et al. 2017; Ritchhart et al.
2009; Tripto et al. 2018; Yaman and Ayas 2015 ). In line with Kalyuga ( 2009 ), integrating and
organizing new elements into the learner’s knowledge structures can be defined as knowledge
elaboration. A Model for Writing the Literature Review For a quantitative or mixed methods review,
write a review that contains sections about the literature related to major independent and dependent
variables and studies that relate the independent and dependent variables. Concept Maps are a way
to graphically represent ideas and how they relate to each other. Hayes, 2018 ), it is assumed that the
mediators are in a causal relationship with a temporal precedence. This research will consider ethics
not only in its design but as a lens through which to analyse findings. 2. Ontology: Social
constructivist approach - individuals develop subjective meanings of their experiences; socially,
culturally, historically (Creswell, 2014). Conclusions about the content of maps, and what respondent
know or what themes they mention, were based on qualitative analysis of terms used. 4 Conclusion
The central research question was: Which methods of analysis are applied to open-ended concept
maps when studying knowledge and learning, and how are these associated with concept map
characteristics considered and conclusions drawn. Ethical issues inherent in the studies were not
widely articulated - which was surprising given that a lot of data collection involved children and
teenagers. The aim is to reduce the element interactivity artificially since the amount of information
to be learned remains the same. Rudy McDaniel, Ph.D. Lecture 2: Literature Review, Famous
Studies, and Ethics. Outline. Discussion of your research project plans Lecture Part I: Literature
Review Part II: Using Endnote Part III: Two Famous Studies Part IV: Ethics Part V: Assignments.
Both researchers selected statements from the articles concerning the items described in Table 1.
Data availability The data that support the findings of this study are the papers as mentioned in the
results and summarized in Appendix A. It serves to extend the work done in o ther studies. Smart
Citations allow users to see how a scientific paper has been cited by providing the context of the
citation and a classification describing whether it provides supporting or disputing evidence for the
cited claim. Identify the most important research that has already been done in the area. It is
recommended that experts in their fields develop knowledge structures that are richer not only in
terms of knowledge, but also in terms of the links between this knowledge. The literature review
conceptualizes research structures as a “knowledge production domain” that defines a productive
and ongoing constructive element. Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck To Kill a Mockingbird by
Harper Lee Other: American Born Chinese by Gene Luen Yang The Pearl by John Steinbeck.
VOSviewer also offers text mining functionality that can be used to create and visualize networks of
important terms extracted from a scientific literature. 5. Citation Context Tools a.
How can this help? A literature review of open-ended concept maps as a research. 1 Mention Explore
all metrics Abstract In educational, social or organizational studies, open-ended concept maps are
used as an instrument to collect data about and analyze individuals' conceptual knowledge.
Furthermore, navigating between the concepts was complicated by the low salience of the map
structure. Based on the two experimental factors, participants randomly received one map dependent
on their condition. Despite whether concept map characteristics were counted, compared, scored or
described, conclusions were drawn about understanding or conceptual growth in repeated measures.
Of course, you can do it on a blank page on your laptop as well. Despite these limitations, the
studies were still valuable for my needs as this is a limited, dynamic and emerging research area.
EJER (2016). Chenail, R.J., Duffy, M., St George, S., Wulff, D.: Facilitating coherence across
qualitative research. Only studies applying open-ended concept maps to study knowledge and
learning were included. Gordon Designing Teaching: ASSURE Designing Teaching: ASSURE
Damian T. Specifically, a clearly arranged structure should be visible in one condition and an unclear
structure in the other condition. Jot down all the ideas that come to mind while you answer the
following questions: What is your research about. He specializes in qualitative and quantitative
research designs and methods, multimethod research. Outline. The research topic. Data availability
The data that support the findings of this study are the papers as mentioned in the results and
summarized in Appendix A. Under the premise that navigation within the material can be seen as a
fundamental prerequisite for successful learning, this factor should get more attention in future
research. Literature mapping is not only an organizational tool, but also a reflexive tool. It serves to
extend the work done in o ther studies. The conclusions are presented based on the three main
aspects of the research question, namely methods of analysis, concept map characteristics and
conclusions drawn, as well as their mutual associations. 4.1 Methods of analysis This review explored
the methods of analysis applied in open-ended concept map studies and provided a first step towards
exploring which methods of analysis are applied and how. For the second task, the participants were
asked to assign the following cell organelles to the correct cell type in which they occur: vacuoles,
mitochondria, chloroplasts, and Golgi apparatus. Accordingly, Huberman and Miles ( 2002 )
proposed three central validities for assessing the quality of qualitative research: descriptive,
interpretative and theoretical. Learning time is stated in seconds Analyses of variance To investigate
possible effects of the independent variables on learning performances, a MANOVA was conducted
using retention and comprehension as dependent variables. Determine The Purposes For The
Literature Review Recognize The Need For Becoming Familiar With The Library's Services
Distinguish Between Primary And Secondary Sources In Research Literature Recognize The
Importance Of Grey Literature. Quantitative analysis, or counting concept map characteristics, was
performed absolutely or relatively—for example, the number of links was counted separately or
calculated in relation to the number of nodes. In 71 studies, concepts map were constructed by the
researcher based on interviews, together with the respondent during an interview or at group level
based on card sorting techniques. Zero in on the research that relates to your project. Rights and
permissions Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
International License, which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any
medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source,
provide a link to the Creative Commons licence, and indicate if changes were made. Lastly, what are
the strategies and methods you use for literature mapping. A good literature review expands on the
reasons behind selecting a particular research question. In addition, the most cited references missing
in the set of input articles are suggested for further review.” Citation Gecko Gecko is designed to
help you find the most relevant papers to your research and give you a more complete sense of the
research landscape. The first author coded the data from the remaining 22 articles included in the
review and consulted the co-authors when in doubt. I nclude r eferen ces. 7. Assem ble the li terat
ure revie w themat icall y or by conce pts addr essed i n the stud y.
Here are the most recommended literature mapping tools to choose from: 1. This research will
consider ethics not only in its design but as a lens through which to analyse findings. 2. Ontology:
Social constructivist approach - individuals develop subjective meanings of their experiences;
socially, culturally, historically (Creswell, 2014). Identify the most important research that has
already been done in the area. Reliability was further ensured by using signal words, based on
common terms used in the studies. Must be organized and flow coherently under various
subheadings. The concept maps used in this study were developed with the free software tool
CmapTools (cf. A “primary source” is research reported by the researcher that conducted the study.
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic and related social distancing interventions, the experiment was
conducted online via the open-source web conferencing system BigBlueButton. However, the
simultaneous usage of these principles (e.g., combining signaling with segmentation) also had
negative impacts on learning with concept maps. The number of nodes was referred to as the size or
extent, and considered as “a simple indicator for the size of the underlying cognitive structure”
(Ifenthaler et al. 2011, p. 55). Size was established by counting the number of unique or correct
nodes or propositions. The concept map characteristics of structural complexity, interlinkage,
complexity index and type of structure consider both the nodes and the links and lead to conclusions
about knowledge structure or integration. Then, as you become more and more abreast with the
research out there, modify your concept map. Conclusions about an increase or growth, are mainly
based on counting structural concept map characteristics, or applying quantitative analysis. It
provides a digital canvas where users can create and manipulate nodes representing concepts or
topics, and connect them with lines to show relationships and associations. Whether the learner’s
navigation impressions while learning are sufficiently captured with an unspecific single item is
questionable from a psychometric view. Revisiting the use of concept maps in a large enrollment
general chemistry course: Implementation and assessment. Concept Maps are a way to graphically
represent ideas and how they relate to each other. The learners could achieve a maximum of three
points. This type of interactive learning project is useful for all fictional elements, such as setting,
point-of-view,, conflicts, resolutions and consequences, tone or mood and atmosphere. In contrast to
texts, concept maps represent visualized relationships between thematically-related information units.
Novak found that visually representing thoughts helped students freely associate ideas without being
blocked or intimidated by recording them in a traditional written format. In a similar way, the
artificial reduction lead to higher learning efficiency since less time is required to understand the
learning content. A description of the literature relevant to a particular field or topic. Structuring a
literature review Directing the argument and synthesising sources Being critical in your literature
review. The concept map characteristics of size, category representation and semantic sophistication
consider the nodes and lead to conclusions about knowledge. Gordon Designing Teaching: ADDIE
Designing Teaching: ADDIE Damian T. Bolin TD, Wong S, Ult GC, Crouch R, Engelman JL and
Riordan SM. These characteristics were only considered when meaningful categories were present
and interconnection of these categories was convenient, for instance, in the case of systems thinking.
In comparison to the concepts of geography or setting, literary cartography has been far more
sporadically practiced. Home - Write a Literature Review - Library Guides at University of.
In the very early stages, when you start thinking about your research project, draw your concept map
to get your thoughts organised. Sensitive nature of sexuality research - data collection method could
profoundly affect results What role does culture play. First, I take a piece of paper, turn it 90 degrees
so that it is horizontal, and write my research question across the top. A beginner’s guide to factor
analysis: Focusing on exploratory factor analysis. From there each card is positioned based on its
alignment to the theme. In addition, the paper examines associations between the three aspects of the
studies and provides guidelines for methodological coherence in the process of such analysis. A
concept map assignment includes: concepts or nodes, links or linking lines, linking phrases, and the
concept map structure, and all these aspects can be either respondent driven or provided by the
instructor (Ruiz-Primo 2000 ). Bryman, A. (2008). Social Research Methods, third edition, New
York, Oxford University Press. Gordon Designing Teaching: ADDIE Designing Teaching: ADDIE
Damian T. Open-ended concept map studies devoted to knowledge and learning apply a variety of
methods of analysis. Implications for researchers On the theoretical side, this study gives a first
impulse that disorientation can be regarded as a meaningful supplement of our current understanding
of extraneous cognitive load. Qualitative methods are critical within a transformative research
paradigm (Mertens, 2009). Open Access funding enabled and organized by Projekt DEAL. The
research design - is this feasible, am I asking the right questions. A meta-analysis on facial
anthropomorphisms and pleasant colors during multimedia learning. It must be noted that the
concept maps caused high intrinsic loads since a high amount of information was presented. Specific
aspects of structural complexity, were breadth or number of hierarchies and depth or hierarchy level
(Beyerbach 1988; Read 2008 ). A map I drew of John Berger’s Ways of Seeing in 2008. Tumblr post.
April 14, 2016. Literature Review Mind Map Example This example shows the different aspects of
the author's literature review with citations to scholars who have written about those aspects. Care
should be taken to ensure that the topic is doable. Michael Hoerger. Observation. Hypothesis
generation Laboratory Observation: Parent-child interactions, marriages, intrusive interviews,
attachment style Naturalistic observation: bullying, ADHD. Research Methods in Library and
Information Science: Trends and Tips for Rese. Gordon Serverless Computing Serverless Computing
Damian T. This review underscores the importance of expatiating on choices made concerning these
aspects. Since disorientation is negative for learning it is hypothesized that this perception leads to
higher ECL ratings. This literature review systematically summarizes the various ways in which open-
ended concept maps have been applied in previous studies of knowledge and learning. Nevertheless,
this instrument measures navigation with the question if working within the learning environment
was rather easy or difficult. The structural complexity and semantic sophistication can also be
evaluated in relation to a reference map based on a rubric. Join our awesome membership site - a
safe haven offering you coaching, community and content to boost your research experience and
productivity. Knowledge maps as scaffolds for cognitive processing.

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