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No Nama (B.Cina) Idiom Meaning

1 KAN ZHI QIAN 蔡文强 cold feet to be very afraid
2 KONG YING LE 张慧贞 under the weather feeling sick
3 PEH TONG 张乐宜 beat around the bush not speaking on the main topic
4 TAN WENG KHONG 刘凯旋 burn the midnight oil to work late until night
5 陈厚源 cry over spilt milk when you complain about

JOEL LEE something that had already happen

6 LIAU MAN SHEN 何素渝 miss the boat someone missed his or her chance
7 MOHAMAD ALIF IKHWAN 何泳欣 once in a blue moon something happens very rarely
8 李祖明 better late than never better to arrive late than not to

LOW WEN QI come at all

9 LEOW YEE KHANG 简智谦 call it a day stop working on something
10 THU YEN WEI 江映乐 hit the sack go to bed early
11 CHONG LOK YI 柯宇谦 miss the boat something that is too late
12 TAN HUI HUA 林妍妘 feeling blue feeling so sad
13 LAM YEN YUN 廖宇康 on the ball doing a good job
14 HO WING YEN 廖文燊 raining cats and dogs raining very hard
15 CHAI WEN KEONG 刘雯琦 piece of cake very easy
16 FELICIA HOW SOK YEE 阿里夫 pulling a leg to joke with someone
17 YANNIE WOH 彭伟汉 on cloud nine feeling very happy
18 WONG ZI YING 白 桐 costs an arm and a leg very expensive
19 陈荟桦 no pain, no gain you have to work for what you


20 KUAH YU QIEN 陈勇嵻 give a hand to help someone
21 CHRISTIAN EMMANUEL LIEW 涂妍薇 pull yourself together calm down
22 ELGIN CHAN HOU YUAN 王紫滢 let the cat out of the bag talk about someone else’s secret
23 PANG WAI HAN 胡严倪 all ears listen carefully

Good morning everyone.

The idiom for today is ___________(idiom)______________________.
It means ___________(meaning)____________________________.
For example, _____________(sentence)___________________.
Please repeat after me, _(idiom) again, __(idiom) again __(idiom) .
Thank you. 

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