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Three important factors in Solar Campaigns

1) Educating consumers to check their energy costs.

2) Spreading awareness of the advice and support available for consumers.
3) Ensuring that consumers can save money and energy by implementing energy
efficiency measures.

Focusing on Consumers:
1) Are you struggling with your energy bills?
2) Are you frustrated with frequent power cutoffs?
3) Getting anxious about your energy bills?
4) Can't afford to run AC full night due to bills?
5) Lets save your energy
6) Shocked by your electricty bills?
7) Break Free from High Electricty Bills with Solar
Imagine an electricity bill that never goes up and at last goes away.
You can have that with XYZ COMPANY

<Always engage with audiences about particular energy problems in their local area.
Encorage benefits of rooftop Solar>

The Copy:
1) Many of us are spending more time at home this summer which means a spike in
energy cost.
If you are struggling with bills and not sure how to reduce your costs then book a
FREE Consulatation call with us.

2) Worried about your electricity bill being too high?

we are encouraging anyone losing sleep over their energy bill to talk to us by
clicking "Sign up" button

3) Turning off your AC to save on bills?

Talk to us today and we will help you to stay cooler this summer.

4) Adding solar panels to your home can reduce your energy bills like crazy!
Don't believe us? 🤔
Give us a call today and we'll prove it to you!

5) Did you just purchase your own home?

Give us a call today to get your solar journey started.

The Instant Form:

1) We just collect a few bits of information to calculate your savings and see
which solar purchase option is right for you and your home.
2) Our talented XYZ COMPANY team members are available daily to answer any of your
questions about going solar. We're always here to help you! 👏

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