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Sebastian and the magic potion

Once upon a time in a very distant city there lives a boy named Sebastián,
SEBASTIAN is a very ugly boy and his dream is to be pretty, his friends made
fun of him for how ugly he was, but with so much sadness he felt he kept
believing that one day he would be Bello and his friends laughed harder
because it was impossible for them that Sebastián would be cute one day.

Sebastián was very intelligent, he wanted to make a potion to be pretty and

at the age of 12 Sebastián managed to have the IQ of a genius so much that
he surpassed the IQ of some of the most intelligent people in the world,
among them the physicist Albert Aistan and he proposed Make potions to
improve your face.

Every time he tried to try the potions they failed and instead of becoming
more beautiful he became more horrible.

Then he was disappointed because he had not managed to be beautiful,

Sebastian decided to go to the park to get some fresh air, he sat under a tree,
seeing the sad boy, a man decided to approach him and asked him what
Sebastian had, he did not mind talking to the man with whom man about
problem and told him that he was creating a magic potion to make him cute
but instead it made him less cute, the man was surprised to hear that a
twelve year old boy wanted to make a magic potion to make him pretty the
man asked him what if he was too smart to try to be a potion Sebastian told
him that he gets the best grade in school. I can help you make your dreams
come true then Sebastian was very surprised he told him how you can help
me to be beautiful he told him I am a magician I can make you beautiful, but
in return you have to give me your intelligence.

Sebastian hesitated but he thought of his friends laughing and he wanted

nothing more than to make fun of him so he accepted.

The wizard gave him a potion and took away his intelligence, Sebastian drank
the potion and became the cutest boy in the whole city. Sebastián was very
happy because at last he was the most beautiful in the city. So he went home
waiting for the day to go to school to see if now his friends were going to
make fun of him. Next it was time to go to school and all of his friends were
surprised to see Sebastián very handsome and they all approached Sebastián
and asked him if they could be his friend, he very happy said yes and all the
boys wished Being a friend of Sebastian as the day went on Sebastian
realized that his brain was not working like the brain of that young man God
had given him the gift of intelligence and all his friends realized that he was
no longer intelligent as before Oh, he didn't answer the questions that the
teacher asked him well, so they began to make fun of him. Sebastian was sad
because everyone made fun of him and he began to wonder how he was

At that moment Sebastián realized that intelligence is more important than

beauty because intelligence cannot be bought.

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