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Niño Atad Bangcale BSEE1A

1. Differentiate Cover and Concealment. (10 points)

- Based on what I’ve learned on the discussion last meeting, to differentiate cover and
concealment, cover is something like shelter that’s protects you from danger that may
harm you, for example if you are in a situation to a place where there is a conflict
between two places and you are a soldier on your community, and there is shot and you
need to cover yourself, you are going to find an object like stone or bricks, shield cover
that may protect you from danger or death that is one of my learnings during discussion
while the concealment, it is something that acts as a hiding place to prevent from being
known or seen, for example again there is a conflict you are going to find a place that
the enemy can’t seen you like for example a house, comfort room. House is a
concealment because you are not safe on your house there is a tendency of death, you
can’t be seen but you will be hit by a bullet, temporary shield only while the cover you
are safe in terms of conflict may occur depends on the cover you may use.

2. Explain how can the Cover and Concealment strategy be used in real-life situations at its
maximum effectivity. (20 points)

- It is one of the requirements to understand and learn this cover and concealment
strategy not only the military people but also us students who live in this community it is
very useful in every aspect of our community, especially in terms of conflict and disaster
it may occur. You may use this to have an idea and knowledge about simple principles in
surviving this world, especially this situation between the war of Russia and Ukraine we
don’t know we might get involved with their fight it is just for our safety. It is to ensure
you know the difference between them and how to use them effectively, both
separately and together.

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