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1. What distinguishes Therapeutic Community (TC) programs from other treatment approaches?

a) The use of medication as the primary method for facilitating change

b) The incorporation of peer-led counseling sessions

c) The integration of community as the primary method for facilitating change

d) The exclusion of structured daily activities

2. In TC-oriented programs, what does "Community Separateness" refer to?

a) The integration of various agency programs within the same space

b) The isolation of clients from all social interactions

c) The separation of TC programs from other agency or institutional programs

d) The strict supervision of clients' interactions with peers

3. What is emphasized within the inner environment of a TC facility?

a) Personal privacy and seclusion

b) Competitive individual achievements

c) Collective activities and a sense of commonality

d) Strict disciplinary measures

4. Which activities are typically programmed in collective formats within TC-oriented programs?

a) Only individual counseling sessions

b) All activities except group therapy sessions

c) All activities except meal preparation and service

d) All activities except recreational time

5. What defines the generic role of all staff in TC-oriented programs?

a) Strict disciplinary enforcers

b) Medical professionals only

c) Community members who are rational authorities, facilitators, and guides

d) External consultants without involvement in the community

6. In TC programs, who are viewed as role models?

a) Only staff members

b) Only clients in senior roles

c) Clients who demonstrate expected behaviors and reflect community values

d) Clients who have completed the program

7. What is the purpose of a structured day in TC programs?

a) To encourage negative thinking and boredom

b) To counteract characteristically disordered lives of clients

c) To isolate clients from each other

d) To discourage clients from participating in recreational activities

8. How are therapeutic and educational interventions designed in TC-oriented programs?

a) By avoiding any form of emotional growth training

b) By emphasizing strict discipline and punishment

c) By raising individual consciousness of conduct and attitudes

d) By providing medication-based treatments only

9. What is the optimal length of time for full program involvement in TC programs?

a) One month

b) Six months

c) It varies depending on the individual's phase of recovery

d) Two years

10. What is emphasized in the continuity of care within the TC model?

a) Isolation from peers and community

b) The use of medication as the primary treatment method

c) The integration of right living and self-help recovery principles

d) Strict adherence to vocational and educational programs

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