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Dining Specials

This form is designed to help you spotlight your deletable dining offers on your mobile app. Please provide the following information
to ensure your specials are showcased seamlessly:

- Special Name: Give your special a captivating name that highlights its essence and appeal.

- Description: Craft a mouthwatering description that captures the essence of the special. Use enticing language to convey the
flavors and experience diners can expect.

- Available Dates: Specify the start and end dates of the special to let diners know when they can enjoy this treat.

- Pricing: Provide the special's price or pricing details, If ther are any discounts or package options, share those too.

- Share Message: A Share Message is a message you can send and share to others via different messaging platforms like SMS
and Social Media.

Example: "Hey! Check out Soboba's specials today and discover awesome deals. Visit Dining from our website to learn
more at <link to website specifically to the Dining Section>."

- High-Quality Image: Upload a high-resolution image that visually captures the essence of the special dish. A tempting image
can entice users to explore the special further. (upload images to the SharePoint folder, Content Management)

#1. Dining Special Details

Name of Special

Description (can include hyperlinks or embed pictures/video)

Share Message - Optional:

#2. Dining Special Details

Name of Special

Description (can include hyperlinks or embed pictures/video)

Share Message - Optional:

Dining Specials
#3. Dining Special Details
Name of Special

Description (can include hyperlinks or embed pictures/video)

Share Message - Optional:

#4. Dining Special Details

Name of Special

Description (can include hyperlinks or embed pictures/video)

Share Message - Optional:

#5. Dining Special Details

Name of Special

Description (can include hyperlinks or embed pictures/video)

Share Message - Optional:

Dining Specials
#6. Dining Special Details
Name of Special

Description (can include hyperlinks or embed pictures/video)

Share Message - Optional:

#7. Dining Special Details

Name of Special

Description (can include hyperlinks or embed pictures/video)

Share Message - Optional:

#8. Dining Special Details

Name of Special

Description (can include hyperlinks or embed pictures/video)

Share Message - Optional:

Dining Specials
#9. Dining Special Details
Name of Special

Description (can include hyperlinks or embed pictures/video)

Share Message - Optional:

#10. Dining Special Details

Name of Special

Description (can include hyperlinks or embed pictures/video)

Share Message - Optional:

#11. Dining Special Details

Name of Special

Description (can include hyperlinks or embed pictures/video)

Share Message - Optional:

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