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What motivated you to pursue a career in the pharmaceutical industry, specifically in

2. Can you provide a brief overview of your journey to becoming CEO of a pharmaceutical
3. How do you perceive the current state of the pharmaceutical industry in Pakistan, and
what opportunities do you see for growth?
4. What do you believe are the biggest challenges facing pharmaceutical companies in
Pakistan today?
5. How do you ensure that your company maintains high quality and safety standards in the
production of medications?
6. What strategies do you employ to ensure affordability and accessibility of medicines for
the Pakistani population?
7. How do you navigate regulatory hurdles and ensure compliance with local laws and
regulations in Pakistan?
8. Can you share an example of a successful initiative or project your company has
undertaken to address healthcare needs in Pakistan?
9. How do you foster innovation within your organization, particularly in the context of the
Pakistani market?
10. What is your vision for the future of your company within the pharmaceutical landscape
of Pakistan?

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