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Exposition: Amelia and Lucas had spent the last two years of the Covid-19 pandemic doing

nothing but stay at home and do their schoolworks. But even with distance, their friendship never
wavered, but grew stronger. And as the world slowly began to reopen, they decided to meet for a
long-awaited day out after all those years.
Rising Action: The two friends met at a nearby food court, cautious yet excited. They talked and
talked and shared their experiences with the pandemic. After they finished eating, they took a
walk along the street and encountered different eyes full of different emotions. These reminded
Lucas of how heartbreaking it is to lose someone so close to you and is unable to come see them
one last time. Their day was a rollercoaster of emotions, a microcosm of the pandemic itself, full
of joy and despair. As they found a bench to sit on, they looked at their phones and saw the
news. The local authorities were implementing stricter measures due to a resurgence in Covid-19
cases. It was a stark reminder that the virus was far from defeated, and the world remained in a
state of uncertainty.
Falling Action and Resolution: Amelia and Lucas walked back to their respective homes,
disappointed but grateful for the time they'd spent together. The pandemic had taught them to
cherish moments of connection and to adapt to ever-changing circumstances. They promised to
stay in touch, even if it had to be through virtual means. The day served as a reminder that the
pandemic was an ongoing battle, but through it all, their friendship and resilience endured,
offering a glimmer of hope in a world still grappling with the challenges of Covid-19.


In life, we may find ourselves in a cramped space that gets us closer to a never-ending void. Those
crushing feelings that breaks our heart into pieces and the overwhelming weight of pain with the
challenges we encounter are never-ending. But that doesn't mean that we should give up. This life of
ours is full of ups and downs that can get as high as the clouds or as low as the core. So, we should
always remember that whenever we feel low, we should think positively, there is no reason for us to
stay miserable. It is we who hold the power if we should be happy or in despair. Positivity is not a mere
emotion, but an outlook on life, and a force that can transform even our darkest moments into
opportunities for growth and change. No matter what the situation may be, even if the crushing anxiety
is eating you up on the inside, we should always look. Look at a new perspective, look at the world, look
at how strong we've become even after all those sleepless nights. We should always keep pushing
forward, no matter how hard the world may be on us.

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