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fl . •1) l>i�,·uss rlir pmhkrn in �ingk inheritance. llow can you oven:0111c llris prohlcrn'! ( 111
•t,) llo" 11rm:il. <.- :i pri,·:11c mcrnhcr inlicrirahlc'! �:)(plain wi1h example. (07)
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c.1k••l::1. th. :·r•::i :·011 must ttsc l<r1·ta11gf<' cl.i,s poinrer ,if o 11i\.:C1 r;,r ,:,,• calculati1111"

7. ::i) Why upcrator and function o\'erloadinl! :ire callnl compile lime pol� mo1phi�m'! 1111,
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::ind how can you olvc it' !
lincludc <iontreilm> class Derived: .int m,1 in ()
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pu11; ir111al fum:tion'!

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-------- I
B.Sc. Engineering 2nd Year 1st Term Examination, 2019
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
CSE 2101
Object Oriented Programming
TIME: 3 hours FULL MARKS: 210
N.B. i) Answer ANY THREE questions from each section in separate scripts.
ii) Figures in the right margin indicate full marks.

(Answer ANY THREE questions from this section in Script A)
1. a) Discuss about Data Hiding with necessary figure. What are the limitations of C structure? (10)
b) What are the special characteristics of a static member variable? How can you access static (10)
variable and functions of a class without creating any object? Explain with example code.
c) Define friend function. Write the special characteristics of friend function. (10)
d) Explain the difference between references and pointer with example. (05)

· 2. a)· "When default argument constructor is called with no argument, it becomes a default (10)
constructor.''-justify the statement with proper example.
b) ls it possible to call constructor and destructor explicitly? Explain with suitable example. Also (10)
explain the output.
c) How constructors are different from a normal member functions? What are the advantagesof (10)
this pointer?
d) Why should the copy constructor accept its parameter by reference in C++? (05)

3. a) How does C++ compiler differentiate between overloaded postfix and prefix decrement (10)
operators? Explain with appropriate examples.
b) Write a C++ program to add two 2X2 Matrix of complex numbers. Write the declaration of (12)
. complex number class into ComplexNumber.h file and definition into ComplexNumber.cpp
file. Then create a template class Matrix to perform matrix addition.
c) ls it possible to overload"<<" operator using member function? Explain with example. (08)
· d) Discuss memory allocation of objects in Object-oriented Programming (OOP). (05)

4. a) What is STL? Discuss about the types of STL containers. Give an example how does stack (12)
and priority queue work? ,.' ..
b) Write a program to add two numbers and store the result using file. Sample input and output (10)
are given below.
10 20 30
3.0 40 70 .,
50 10 60
, input.txt output. txt
c) Why do we use template? Predict and explain the output of the following code: (08)

template <class T>

void fun(const T &x)
static int count= 0;
cout << "x =" << x <<" count "<< count++ <<endl;

int main ()

fun<int> (1);
fun<int> (2);
fun<double> (1.1);
return 0;
d) How can you initialize a class using initialization list when all the member variables are (05)

Page: 1 o/2
(Answer ANY THREE questions from this section in Script B)
5. a) Write down the differences between Structured Programming Language and Object-oriented (10)
Programming Language.
b) What is the problem arise in the multiple inheritance? How can you overcome ti? (09)
c) Why 40 we need "protected" access modifier? (06)
d) Explain the output of the following program: (10)
#include <iostream> class C� virtual A{
using namespace std; public:
class A { C.() { cout<<" 5 "; }
· public: C(C & obj) { cout<<" 6 ";}
A () { cout<<-"_l 11; } } ;

A(A & obj) { ·.cout<<" 2 ";} class D: B, C{

}; public:
class B: virtual A{ D() {cout<<" 7 ";}
public: D(D & obj) { cout<<" 8 11;}
B () { cout<<" 3 "; } } ;
B (B & obj) { cout<<" 4 11;}
int main () _{
}; D dl;
Dd (dl);

6. a) "Every interface is abstract class but every abstract class is not interface"-justify the (10)
statement with examples.
b) Why is pure virtual function necessary? Explain with proper example. (10)
c) Explain the compile time polymorphism and run time polymorphism in details with (15)

7. a) Why is RunTime Type Identification (RTTI) a necessary feature of C++? (05)

b} Design a class containing attributes x and y where (x,y) denotes a 2D point. Derive another (15)
class which contains a value z and reuse the values x and y. So, the objects of derived class
denotes a 3D point. Use constructor in both classes to initialize an object of derived class.
Then declare and initialize two objects (3D points) of derived class and calculate the distance
between these points. Use membership functions as you like. Write the entire code in C++.
c) Explain Dynamic cast using an example of base class and derived c!ass. (10)
d) How does exception differ from error? (05)

8. a) Why do we need to handle exceptions in program? (05)

b) What do you mean by Is-A relation and Has-A relation? Discuss with examples. (10)
c) Is there exist any abnormality in the following code? If yes then how can it be handled? (10)
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
int array[lO) = {10};
for (inti= O; i <= 10; i++)
cout << array[i] << endl;
d) How canwe restrict a function to throw certain exception? (10)

Page: 2 of2
B.Sc. Engineering 2nd year 1st term Examination, 2018
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
CSE 2101
Object Oriented Programming
TIME: 3 hours FULL MARKS: 210

N.B. i) Answer ANY THREE questions from each section in separate scripts.
ii) Figures in the rightmargin indicate full marks.

(Answer ANY THREE questions from this section in Script A)
1; a) Distinguish between the following terms: (08)
i) - · Objects and classes,
· · ii) · Data abstract.ion and data encapsulation.
b) "The speed benefits of inline function diminish as the function grows in size." -- justify the '(07)
c) Create two classes DM and DB which store the value of distances. DM stores distances in (12)
meters and centimeters and DB in feet and inches. Write a C++ program that can read values
for the class objects and add one object of DM with another object of DB. Use a friend
function to carry out the addition· operation. The object that stores the results may be a DM
object or DB object. The output should be in the format of feet and inches or meters and
centimeters. Assume 1 centimeter is equal to 0.39 inch.
d) Give an example of overloading constant and Non-constant function with appropriate (08)

2. a) What is inline function? When an inline function does not work? Explain with example. (�8)
b) Is it possible to call constructor and destructor explicitly? Explain with suitable example. (08).
Also explain the output.
c) Write a C++ program to create a class "DoubleArray". It will be used to store double data in (12)'
an array member variable. The data will be stored in heap. At fast create an object and store
N double data. Later, find the average of the data and copy the average and data into another
object during initialization of that object using deep copy method.
d) ''Static member function has no this pointer." - Is it true? Explain your answer with example. . (07)

3. a) What are the advantages of using this pointer? Explain with suitable example(s). (09)
b) Write a C++ prograni to add two 2x2 Matrix of complex numbers. Write the declaration of (14)
complex number class into ComplexNwnber.h file and definition into ComplexNumber.cpp
file. Then create a template class MATRIX to perform matrix addition.
c) What is STL? Briefly describe the components of STL. Also,.., give a C++ coding example. (12)

4. a) Explain the uses of functor with appropriate example(s). What are the advantages of functor (09) ·
over function pointer?
b) Define - Lambda expressions. Explain the syntax of Lambda expression with suitable (08)
· c): Compare the performance characteristics of lists; vectors and maps with proper example. (11)
d) Define reference. What are the typical uses of reference? (07).

(Answer ANY THREE questions from this section in Script B)
5. a) What doyou mean by containership? How does it differ from inheritance? (08)
b) Briefly describe the multiple and hierarchical inheritance with examples. (08)
c) Where does the .diamond problem occur in inheritance? How does it can be solved? Give (13)

Page: 1 of2
· · d) Explain the output" of the following program. (06)
using namespace std;
class A{
A(int a) {
cout<<nBase A \nn;

} ;
class B{
B(int a) {
cout<<nB�se B \nn;

-} ;__
:cl�ss C:. protected A, private B{
C(int a) :B(a),A(a) {
cout<<nDerived C \nn;
.} ;
.. int main ( ) {
C c(lO);
B a ( 5) ;

p. a) Define polymorphism, static binding and dynamic binding. (06)

b) Consider the following code segment. (08)
;i:nt a, b;
void set(int a)
I/ ... .
v-, ..
. . } ;
int main () ,,

M objl;
M obj2;

Discuss the amount of memory allocated by obj 1 and obj2.

· c) Why is pure virtual function necessary? Explain with proper example. (10)
d) How do we achieve runtime polymorphism? Explain with proper example. (11)

7. a) How does exception differ from error? (05)

b) Describe the exception handling mechanism using block diagram. (10) ·
c) How does rethrowing of exception work? Give an example. ( 10)
d) How does C++ handle different signals? What is the general syntax of signal() function? (10)
Explain. -,

8. a) Why is Run Time Type Identification (RTTI) a necessary feature of C++? (05)
b) What are the .design principle of Object Oriented Programming? (08)
· c) Explain Dynamic Cast using an example base class and derived class. . (10)
d) Briefly describe· the different membership function of type_info class for RTTI. (12) ·

Page: 2 o/2
B.Sc. Engineering 2nd Year 1st Term Examination, 2017
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
CSE 2101
Object Oriented Programming
TIME: 3 hours FULL MARKS: 210
N.B. i) Answer ANY THREE questions from each section in separate scripts.
ii) Figures in the right margin indicate full marks.

(Answer ANY THREE questions from this section in Script A)
1. a) Write down minimum number of constructors to declare six objects of any
user-defined class (08)
using following parameters as a constructor parameter:
i) ('A', 3, 3.2), ii) (2, 3.�,), iii) ('B', 2), iv) (2, 3.3, 'A'), v) (2, 3.4, 2),. vi) ('C').
b) Create a STUDENT class that includes a student's first_name (private), roll_number (private) (12)
and marks of three subjects (private). Now create a demo array of objects and copy the
previously created objects into this demo one using copy constructor.
c) How can we prevent class objects from being copied to other object? Explain with examples. (10).
d) Explain the differences between references and pointer with example (05)
2 .. a) Define a class "String" that could work as a user defined string type. Include constructor that (15)
will enable you to create an uninitialized string.
String S 1; //sting with length 0.
And also to initialize an object with a string constant at the time of creation like.
String S2; ("object oriented"); ·· � .
Now, overload '+' operator to add two strings making a third string/\==' operator to check
whether the two strings are equal ar not. (Do not use any string related built in function).
b) Can we overload .main() in C++? Explain your position with proper reasons. (05)
c) Why overloading of operator '<< must return by reference? Is it possible to overload '<<' (10)
operator US�a10 mernoei f, 1lT.Cd0,L cxpiavn wi '!., �:i·•i-xampres.
. ·,t-� _..__ •..., l��, 1, .! ,. "t·'·I \,,\.'!�
� ... I.......... 1 , 1 ---

d) Predict the output of the following program: (05)

#include <iostream>
.using namespace std;
class Test{ ·
static int x;
static int. Y].
void func(int x) {
cout<<"Value of Test :: x isn <<Test: :x; "'
cout<<"Value of xis" <<,x;

} ;
int ·Test: :x -1;
int 'I'es.t r : y 2;
int main() {
Test· obj;
int x = 3;
obj. func (x);
cout<<u\n Tcst::y "<<Test::y;
return o.,

3. a) What mistake prevents the following class declaration from functioning properly as an (08)
abstract class? class Shape{
virtual double print()const;
double area()const{
return·�ase * height;)
} ;
double base;
double height;
) ;
b) From the following class definition find out the errors. Rewrite the program after removing (15)
errors and then predict the output of the modified program. NOTE: You cannot define any
new constructor for any classes and the given constructor for each class must take only one
integer value as a parameter except Al's default constructor.
#include <iostream>
using narnespace std;
class Al{
Al (int x ) {
cout<<"Al Al(int) called"<<endl;}
} ;
class A2 : public Al{
A2 (int x) {
cout<<"A2 : : A2(int) called"<<endl;)
} ;
class-A3 : public Al{
A3 {int x) {
cout<<"A3 A3(int) called"<<endl;}
} ;
class A4 : virtual public A2{
A4(int x){
cout<<"A4 : A4(irit) called"<<endl;}
class AS : virtual public A3{
AS(int x) {
cout<<"AS : AS(int) called"<<endl;}
} ;
class A6 : public A4, public AS{
A6Unt x ) {
cout<<"A6 A6(int) called"<<endl;}
} ;
int main() {
A6 A61 (30);
return 0;

c) Define two classes Polar and Rectangle to represent in the Polar and.Rectangle system. Use (12)
conversion routines to convert from one system to another.

4. a) Design a class hierarchy for persons (class Person), srudentsjclass Student), and master (15)
students (class MasterStudent), such that a person has a name (ctf type string), a student is a
person with an additional matric_number (of type int), and a master student is a student with
an additional' subject ( of type string). Provide suitable constructors for the classes and make
sure that all data members are private. Write a virtual member function info that prints all
information (i.e. the data members) about a person and override this function in the derived
classes such that also the additional information about students and master students is printed.
When overriding info, call the info function of the base class first and then print the additional
b) What do you mean by "this" pointer? Explain with example. (06)
c) Why is the use of the '<<' and '>>' operators called "formatted" I/0 and the use of the (07)
functions put(), get(), write(), read() etc. called "unformatted" I/0.
d) Why argument to a copy constructor must be passed as a reference? (07)

(Answer ANY THREE questions from this section in Script B)
5. a) "A deep copy allocates memory for the copy and then copies the actual value, so that the copy (08)
lives in distinct memory from the source". Explain with appropriate code.
b) Is it possible to use template version of Lambda Expression? Justify your opinion briefly. (06)
c) What is the difference between list's member function remove() and algorithm's remove()? (05)
_ d) Traverse the map: rnap<string, list<map<string, vector<int>>>> (06)
e) Write down the template version background code for the following code segment. (06)
for each(vect.begin(),vect.end(),print it);
Where "vect" is a vector and. ..print_it" is a runction.
f) What will be the output of the following code? (04)
class Lsb_less{
bool operator() {int x, int y) { ·
return (x%10)<(y%10);

} ;
set <int,Lsb_J.e;s>s = {21,23,26,27};
set <int,Lsb_:Je;,s> :: iterator itrl, itr2;
itrl find(s.begin(), s.send() .36); //output ??
itr2 = s.find(36); //output=??

6. a) int main () (08)


Auto_ptr <Resource> res (new Resource)

return 0;

Use smart pointer concept and append necessary code with the above code segment in such a
way that "res" gets deallocated when it goes out of scope.
b) What would be the problem when you write the following code segment? (Auto__ptr is a smart (05)
pointer). Auto_ptr <Resource> resl (new Resource);
Auto_ptr <Resource> res2 (new resl);
c) eempttte the fio1l owing two tables. (06)
Lvalue reference Can be initialized with Can modify·
Modifiable Lvalues -- --
Non-Modifiable L-values -- --
R-values -- --
R-value reference Can be initialized with Can modify.
Modifiable L-values -- --
Non-Modifiable L-values -- --
Rvvalues -- --
d) (08)
class Dog{
void bark() {
cout<<"I don't have a nall\e,"<<endl;
. . " .
} ;
class YellowDog : pub.l i.c Dog {
.string m_name;
public: �
YellowDog(string name) :m name(name) {}
void bark() {cout<<"My na;e is ·"<<m_name<:<endl;}

Write necessary codes (use STL containers) to arise a scenario of "object slicing" and then
resolve it.
e) template <class T> int main O { (08)
class storage8{ storage8<int>intstorage;
priv.ate: for(int c = O;c < 8;c++)
T_m_array(8); intstorage.set(c,c);
public: storage8<bool>
void set(int index, const T &value) for(int c = O;c <-8;c++)
{ m_aray[index) = value;} boolstorage.set(c,c&3);
return O;
. .
storage8<bool> class in the above code segment contains 8 bools, which is 1 byte worth of
useful information and 7 byte of wasted space. Now, using the concept of class template
initia1ization, append necessary code with the above code segment so that the array of 8 bools
can be replaces with a variable that is single byte in size.

Page: 3 o/4
7. a) Give two solutions for the problem in the following code segment (04)
Person *pJahn = new Persan("Jahnu, 18);
PracessPersan(pJahn);//Exceptian occurs here
delete pJohn;

catch(PersonException &CE)
cerr<<"Fail: u<<&CE.what();
} . . .

b) Give an example or �
via exception handling. (07)
c) "Exceptions should not be thrown in destructors", Why? (05)
d) What does it mean to delete memory and what is dangling pointer? (06)
e) What are the problems of writingpointers to disk? (07)
f) Identify the problem-in each of the following codes. (06)
i) void doSomething{) ii) int value= 5;
{ int *ptr = new int;
int *ptr new int; ptr = &value;

iii) int *ptr = new int;

ptr = new int;

8. a) Write necessary code to read the content from an input file (in.txt) and make an output file (06)
that looks like out.txt. Use file pointer manipulator concept for this.
This is line 1 is line 1
This is line 2 line 2
This is line 3 his is line 4
This is line 4

in.txt out.txt
b) What are the errors in the following code segments? (if any) (04)
vector<int>vec = {2,3,4,5}; deque<int>deq = {2,3;4,5};
int *p = &vec[3]; p = &deq[3];
vec.push_back(6); deq.push_back(6);
cout<<*p<<endl; cout<<*p<<endl;

c) Given a key,· use Lambda Expression and find_if algorithm to find the corresponding value in (08)
an STL map? · ..
d) What are the ways to insert a custom object in a set? Explain witli appropriate code. only. (08)
e) What is anonymous variable? Is it possible to hold the address of an .anonymous object? (05)
Justify your answer. .
f) What is meant by each of the following code segments: ., (04)
. i) char *canst ptrl == "ABC";
ii) int canst *ptr2 = &m;
iii) canst char* canst cp == "XYZ";
iv) tonst static int x == 42;

Page: 4 of 4
B.Sc. Engineering 2ndYear 1st Term Examination,2016
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
CSE 2101
Object Oriented Programming
TIME: 3 hours FULL MARKS: 210

N.B. i) Answer ANY THREE questions from each section in separate scripts.
ii) Figures in the right margin indicate full marks.
(Answer ANY THREE questions from this section in Script A)
1. a) What is Object Oriented Programming (OOP)? Encapsulated classes are easier to change. (09)
Give an example·with necessary code.
b) How can you access static variable of a class without creating any object? (05)
c) Write a template function which returns the average of all the elements of an array of any (10)
built in data type. Extend your program for a user defined data type.
d) How does C++ handle different signals? Write the general syntax of signalO function. (06)
e) How does a function return another function with the help of a function pointer? (05)

2. a) How does internal shared ownership counter work while working with shared pointer? (06)
Explain with necessary code.
b) Suppose you enter 5 elements in a vector. UseLambda expression and find_if algorithm to (08)
search a particular element in that vector.
c) How can you make the member function of a class friend of another class? Explain with (08)
necessary code.
d) Write a class to represent a vector (a .series of float values). Include member functions to (13)
perform the following tasks:
i): To create the vector ·
ii) To modify the value of a given element
iii) To multiply by a scalar value
iv) To display the vector in the form (10, 20, ... )

3. a) What are the differences between if-else block and try-catch block for exception handling? (13)
Write a program to handle divide by zero exception using appropriate try-catch block.
b) Give an example of overloading const and Non-const function-with appropriate code. (08)
c) How can you initialize a class using initialization list when 'all the member variables are (05)
d) What is an inline function? When an inline function does not work? Explain with example. (09)
4. a) What is bit field? How is bit field used to utilize the memory space in a better way? Give an (10)
b) Consider the following program- (15)
Class Person
string name;
int id;
... ... ...
Use STLmap to map an integer to a set of person. So the key value pair would be:
<key, valueiecint, setcperson»
Now write necessary C++ code to-
i) insert data into the map
ii) traverse the entire map
c) How can you change the default order of entering data into priority Queue? Use custom sort
object and overload"()" operator.

Page: 1 o/2.
(Answer ANY THREE questions from this section in Script B)
5. a) Discuss the possible ways of overloading Double Subscript operator"[][]'' in C++. (10)
b) How does C++ compiler differentiate between overloaded postfix and prefix decrement (05)
operators? Explain with appropriate example(s). ·
c) While overloading an operator using non-member function, is it mandatory to make that (05)
function a friend function? If so, explain why.
d) Consider the input.txt file shown· below. Write a C++ program which reads two complex (15)
numbers from each lirie of input.txt file and performs the specified mathematical operation
(+, -) on those numbers, For working with these numbers create a ComplexNwnber class
with appropriate member attributes and functions. Specified mathematical operation must be
performed using overloaded + and - operators. The program must generate a file named
output.txt as shown below. For printing complex numbers use overloaded << operator.
Perform following operations: �+2i + 5+3i = 8+5i
3+2i + 5+3i 15+3i - 3+2i = 2+ Ii

input.txt output.txt

6. a) Create an array container class with bound-checking and dynamic resizing (when elements (15)
are added or removed) capability. ·
b) What is memory leak? Explain with suitable example(s) how memory leaks occur in a C++ (08)
program. .
c) What is the problem associated with shallow copy? Explain how the problem can be solved (12)
using deep copy (consider both copy constructor and assignment operator).

7. a) Differentiate among composition, aggregation and inheritance with appropriate example. (15)
q) Briefly explain the roles of different access specifiers used in inheritance in context of C++ (08)
language. Also discuss how granting access works for both member variables and member
G) What is the problem associated with multiple inheritance? Discuss all possible ways of (07)
solving the problem.
d) "Child's pointer can point to parent's object but parent's pojnter cannot point to child's (05)
object"> Justify this statement. v

8. a) Discuss the benefits of using "Namespace" in C++ with suitable example(s). (06)
b) Write a C++ program to show· the use of Run-Time Type Identification (RTTI) and (08)
Dynamic cast.
y) Describe the necessity of virtual destructor with an example. (05)
d) Explain the necessity of pure virtual function with appropriate example(s). What is an (10)
Abstract class?
e) "Virtual functions are hierarchical" - justify this statement through suitable example. (06)

Page: 2 o/2
B.Sc. Engineering pt Year 2nd Term Examination, 2018
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
CSE 1203
Digital Logic Design
TIME: 3 hours FULL MARKS: 210
N.B. i) Answer ANY THREE questions from each section in separate scripts.
ii) Figures in the right margin indicate full marks.

(Answer ANY THREE questions from this section in Script A)
1. a) State duality principle. Show that the dual of the exclusive-OR is equal to its complement. (07)
b) Express the following function in a sum ofmintenns and product of maxterms. (10)
d..",ntV\cJ- F(w, x,y, z) = y'z + wxy' + wxz' + w'x'z
c) How many eistfi€t Boolean functions are there of n Boolean variables? (04)
d) Is it possible to replace a 4 input NOR gate with(2 input NOR gates? Justify your answer. (05)
e) A majority gate is a digital circuit whose output' is equal to 1 if the majority of the inputs are (09)
1 's. The output is O otherwise. By means of a truth table, find the Boolean function,
implemented by a 3-input majority gate. Simplify the function.
2. a) Define Odd function, Even function, Don't -care conditions. (06)
b) The following Boolean expression: BE+ B' DE' is a simplified version of the expression: ( 10)
A'BE + BCDE + BC'D'E + A'B'DE' + scos: Are there any don't-care conditions? If so,
what are they?
c) If the function F ( w, x, y, z) is equal to L
(1, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 15) and the prime implicants (07)
are x'y'z, w'xz', w'xy, xyz, wyz, wx' then show how the prime implicants are selected to
return simplified function.
d) Design a four-bit binary adder using I-bit full adder circuit. How can it be modified to use as (12)
, a four bit subtractor?
3. a} Obtain the equivalent AND-OR logic diagram of the following figure. (06)

---D-· -- L

l F

. '

b) Design a combinational circuit that accepts a 4-bit number and generates a 3-bit binary (12)
number output that approximates the square root of the number.
c) Write down the output Boolean functions and truth table for the following circuit: (12)

d) Prove or disprove thnt NAND operator is not associative over NOR operator. (05)
4. a) Suppose, you need a full adder for an experiment. But in lab, you could not find a full adder, (1 O)
instead you found plenty of 3-to-8 decoders. Can. such decoder be used as a full adder?
Explain your answer with trnth table.
b). How many don't-care inputs are there in a BCD adder? (05)

Page: 1 o/2
c) Design a combinational circuit with 3 inputs: x, y, and z, and 3 outputs: A, B, and C. When . (11)
the binary input is 0, 1, 2, or 3, the binary output is two greater than the input. When the
binary input is 4, 5, 6, or 7, the binary output is three less than the input.
d) What is a multiplexer circuit? Implement the following function with a multiplexer. .(09)
F(A,B, C,D) = �)1, 7, 9, 11, 15). Use A, B, and Das selector inputs.

(Answer ANY THREE questions from this section in Script B)
5. a) Write the differences between combinational circuit and sequential circuit. (06)
b) Given a sum of minterms- (10)
Fi (A2A1Ao) = �)1, 4, 7), F2(A2A1Ao) = Ico, 3, 5, 7), F3 (A2A1Ao) = I2, 5, 7
Design a ROM with as minimum Lines as possible.
c) Design a PLA which considers 3-bit input line generating excess-3value as the output. (13)
d) Convert a T flip-flop into a.JK flip-flip-flop and vice versa. · (06)

6. a) What are the differences between latch and flip-flop? (05)

b) Write down the truth table, characteristic table and excitation table of SR flip-flop and also (11)
draw the figure of SR flip-flop.
c) How a race around condition occurs in JK flip-flop. Explain it using truth table and timing (11)
diagram. · ·
d) Design a SR Flip-Flop using a D Flip-Flop and a 4 x 1 MUX.. (08)
7. a) Prove that master - slave flip-flop is equivalent to negative edge triggered flip-flop. (12)
b) Convert SR flip-flop to JK flop-flop using flip-flop conversion method. (13)
c) Design a sequential circuit for the following state diagram. Assume the edges are inputs and (10)
outputs will be resulted from flip-flops you will use.

.. .
� ·. .

8. a) Define register and its classification (05)

b) Design a sequential circuit for. the following state diagram. Use state assignment and ( 15)
reduction if necessary.

.�"-. .�· .



c) Design a 3-bit Synchronous and Asynchronous up counter. Necessary figures and tables (15)
should be written.

Page: 2 of2
B.Sc. Engineering 1st Year 2nd Term Examination, 2017
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
CSE 1203
Digital Logic Design
TIME: 3 hours FULL MARKS: 210
N.B. i) Answer ANY THREE questions from each section in separate scripts.
ii) Figures in the right margin indicate.full marks.

(Answer ANY THREE questions from this section in Script A)
1. a) What is Gray code? Determine a combination for Gray code. (08)
b) Find the comp lenient of the following Boolean function and reduce them to minimum (07)
number of literals.
F = B1D + A' BC'+ ACD + A' BC
c) Express the following function in sum of minterms and product of maxterms. (09)
F(A, B, C, D) = D(A' + B) + B'D
d) What is the difference between Canonical form and Standard form? Which form is (06)
preferable.when implementing a Boolean function with gates?
e) What is duality? (05)

2. a) Show that a positive logic NAND gate is a negative logic NOR gate and vice versa. (07)
b) Justify that any combination of four adjacent squares in the three-variable map results in an (06)
expression of only one literal.
c) Simplify the Boolean function Ftw, x ,y ,z) = _L(l,3, 7, 11, 15), where the don't conditions (10)
are diw, x ,y, z) == L(O, 2, :5), in sum of products and products of sums.
d) D etermine
. the pnme
' ·.nnp 1··1ca11 ...• � ....
antss t,.l '"'-- -.. y,,·..,.
,,.,.1\...11,. ,l\,!.l.···Ji'i,., y
, ,, , ,.. ·.,
,/ :· •. ,-)"l
... k-. ,. . . 46'7°910
, , , , .,, , 115)
1, , (12)
and then show the selection of prime implicants to re tum minimized function.

3. a) Mentionthe steps of combinational circuits' design procedure. (06)

b) Show that a full-adder can be implemented with two half-adders and one OR gate. (08)
c) Suppose that you are asked to design an alarm circuit which will be operated as follows: (12)
"The alarm will ring if the alarm switch is turned or{ and the.door is not closed, or the
time is between 6 PM and 6 AM and the window is not closed."
Show the design of this combinational circuit in detail.
d) Obtain the NAND logic diagram of a full-adder from the Boolean function: (09)
C = xy + yz + zx •
S = C'(x+ y+ z) + xyz

4. a) Show that.the output CPJTY in a full-adder circuit can be expressed as: , (10)
, Ci+l = Gi + PiCi = (G;�· + c;c;y
b) What is priority encoder? Design a 3-bit priority encoder circuit. (09)
c) What is the significance of Quadruple 2 to 1 line multiplexer? Implement the following (10)
function with a multiplexer. ·
F(A, B, C, D) = _L(O,l, 3, 4, 8, 9, 15)
d) Construct a 5x32 decoder with four 3x8 decoders and a 2x4 decoder. (06)

(Answer ANY THREE questions from this section in Script B)
. 5. a) How does.combinational circuit differ from sequential circuit? (06)
b) "Circuit design with JK flip-flop gives more don't care options with respect to other flip- (09)
flop" - justify the statement with flip-flop excitation table.
c) Design a counter with the fellowing binary sequence: 1, 8, 0, 7, 0, 1, 9 and repeat. Use T (10)
flip-flops in this design.

Page: 1 o/2
d) Design sequential circuit with JK flip-flops to satisfy the following state equations: (10)
A(t+l) = A'B'CD+A'B'C + ACD+AC'D'
·B(t + 1) = A'C +CD'+ A'BC'
C(t+l)= B

6. a) "If Q' output of a D flip-flop is connected to the D input then it acts as T flip-flop" -justify (07)
the statement.
b). What are the rules for state reduction? Reduce the number of states in the following sate (13)
. table and tabulate the reduced state table.
Next State Output
Present State ..
x:a::0 x=l x=O x=l
A B c 0 0
B .D E 0 0
c F G· 0 0
D. H I 0 0
E J K 0 0
F L M 0 0
G N p 0 0
H A A 0 0
I A A 0 0
J· A A 0 1
K A A 0 0
L A A 0 1
M A A 0 0
N. A A 0 0
p . ()
A A v
c) A sequential circuit has two flip-flops (A and. B), two inputs (x and y) and an.output (z). The (15)
flip-flop input functions and the circuit output functions are as follows:
JA=xB+ y'B'
KA =.xy'B'
KB= .xy' +A,-�·· ..
z = xyA + x'y'B
(i) Draw the logic diagram, (ii) Draw the state table, (iii) Draw the state diagram, and
(iv) Find the state equation.

7. a) The context of a 4-bit shift register is initially 1101. The register is shifted six times to the (06)
right with the serial input 101101. What is the context of the register after each shift?
b) Design a sequential circuit with two SR FFs A and B and two inputs E and x. If E=O, the (13)
circuit remains-hi the.same state, regardless of the value of x. When E=l and x=l, the circuit
goes through thestate transitions from 00 to 01 to 10 to 11 back to 00, and repeats. When
E=l and x=O, the circuit goesthrough the state transitions from 00 to 11 to 10 to 01 and back
to oo; and· repeats.
c) Draw a circuit diagram of a serial adder with sequential circuit and explain its operation. (11)
d) Differentiate
. .
between register and latch. (05)

8. a) Design a 4096 bit ROM whose word size is 4 bit. ···�· :, (06)
b) What is PLA? What are the advantages of PLA over ROM? (07)
. c) A combinational circuit is defined by the following functions: (12)
Fi (A, B, C) = (3, S.; 6, 7)
F2(A, B, C) = z)0,_2, 4, 7)
Implement the circuit with a PLA having three inputs, four product terms and two outputs.
d) Show the design of a.4-bit parallel load register with a load line using SR flip-flop. (10)

B.Sc. Engineering 1st Year 2nd Term Examination, 2016
Department of Computer Scienceand Engineering
CSE 1203
. Digital Logic Design
TIME: 3 hours FULL MARKS: 210

N.B. i) Answer ANY THREE questions from each section in separate scripts.
ii) Figures in the right margin indicate full marks.

(Answer ANY THREE questions from this section in Script A)

1. a) What do yo:,1 mean by Self-Complementing code? Explain it using an example. (06)

b) Show that N0R and' NAND gates are functionally complete. (09)
c) What is a switching function? Express the following switching circuit in binary logic. notation (05)
in terms of L. Hence,·find its truth table.

�- c D

B ---
d) Derive the circuits for a three-bit parity generator and four-bit parity checker using an odd (10)
parity bit.
e) Define a Logic gate. Derive the logic equation and its corresponding truth table for the (05)
following logic diagram.



2. a) What is a combinational logic circuit? Explain the combinational circuit design procedure (09)
using an example.
b) A hardware engineer has been asked to design an/ alarm circuit which will be operated as (06) .
"The alarm will ring if and only if the alarm switch is tu�rn� on and the door is not closed, or
it is after 6p.m and the window is not closed". �1""- AA ·
c) What is "minterm" and "rnaxterm"? Find the minterm and maxterm expressions of the (10)
following function/Ca, b, c, d) == a(b + d) + acd. .... ' ·
d) Implement the following Boolean function using tabulation method. (10)
F(A, B, C, D) iJ_O, 1, 2, 8, 10, 11, 14, 15)

· 3. a) What is a full-adder? Show how a full-adder can be converted to a full subtractor with the (08)
addition of one inverter circuit.
b) Design a combinational circuit that multiplies 2 unsigned 4 bit numbers. Use AND gates and (11)
binary adders.

Page: 1 of 3
c) Complete the following timing diagram. (06)

n ___.
- ----
A+B------------ ---------------
----- ----------·
AB----------.-------- -----
A+B------------------------------------- -·
- - - ·.
AEBB • - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - --- - - - - - -
-AEBB --------------------------------------·

d) What is a look-ahead carry generator? Design a look-ahead carry generator circuit for a 4-bit (1 O)
parallel adder. -

4. a) What is a multiplexer circuit? Explain how a full-adder circuit can be implemented using (1 O)
b) Implement the following Boolean functions using PAL. ( 1 O)
i) X(A, B, C) = r(2, 3, 5, 7)
ii) Y(A, B, C) = �(O, 1, 5)
iii) Z(A, B, C) = �(O, 2, 3, 5)
c) Given a· 64x8 ROM chip with an enable input, show the external connection necessary to (07)
construct a 256x8 ROM with four chips and a decoder,
d) Specify the size of a ROM (number of words and number of bits per word} that will (08)
accommodate the truth table for the following combinational circuit components.
i) A binary multiplier that multiplies two 4-bit number s.
ii) A 4-bit adder-subtractor
iii) A quadruple 2 to 1 line MUX with common select and enable inputs.
iv) A BCD to seven segment decoder with an enable input.

(Answer ANY THREE questions from t�is section in Script B)
�-. ·' .
circuit models using (12)
5. a) What is a sequential circuit? Explain different kind of sequential
example/ s ).
cted using logic gates. (09)
b) What is a flip-flop? Discuss how a clocked JK flip-flop C£\Il be constru ·
Hence, derive its characteristic equation.
The circuit will (14)
c) For the following state-diagram, design a Mealy-machine using T-flip-flops.
have one input and one output.

Page: 2 of 3
sequent;al Analyz�
6. a) w1Jy do you need to analyze a circuit? the following circuit in terms of ( 13)
the followings:
i) Input and output equations.
ii) State Table.
iii) State diagram.
x K Q

x --

b) Designa 3-bit Gray codesynchronous counter using Tvflip-flops. (10)

c) "Circuit design with JK flip-flop gives more don't care options with respect to other flip-flop" (06)
-justify the statement with flip-flop excitation tables.
d) Draw the circuit diagram of a 4-bit up-down Asynchronous counter and explain its operation. (06)

7. a) The content of a 4-bit shift register is initially 1101. The resister is shifted six times to the (06)
right with the serial input 10110 I. What is the content of the register after each shift?
b) Why do you need to reduce the number of states? Reduce the number of states in the (10)
following state table and tabulate the reduced state table.

Next State· Output

Present State
x=O x= 1 x=O x=l
a f b 0 0
b d c· 0 0
c f e 0 0
d g ·a . ,1 0
e d c 0 ·O
f f b 1 I
g g ·. h 0 1
h g a l 0

c) Construct a T-flip-flop using .TK flip-flops and other gatesIif necessary). (06)
d) A hardware engineer has been asked to a
design sequence detector which has one input, x and (13)
one output, z. The proposed detector will examine 'a string of O's and 1 's applied to the x
input and generates an output z=l only when a prescribed input sequence .occurs. It is
assumed that the input x can only change between clock pulses. A typical input and the
corresponding output sequence are given below.
x 0 0 1 l 0 1 I 0 0 "1 0 l 0 ] 0 0
z 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 ·o 0 0 l 0 1 0 0
time 0 1 2. 3 4 85 6 7 9 10 ]1 12 13 14 15
Now, design the sequence detector using Dvflip-flops.
' . .

_ _. 8. · a) What is state assignment? List the three guidelines which are useful 111 making state (I 0).
assignments, and apply these guidelines for a particular state table.
b) What is the difference between serial and paralleltransfer? Which types of register is used in (08)
each case? Explain.
_c) Explain the different kind of hazards that may present in combinational networks.Tdcntify the (12)
kind of hazards present in the following circuit. Explain how to remove it from the circuit.

. d) Di ffcrentiate between a register and a latch. (OS)

Page: 3 of]
B.Sc. Engineering 1st Year 2nd Term Examination, 2015 ·
Department of Computer Science and Engineering ·
CSE 1203
Digital Logic Design
TIME: 3 hours FULL MARKS: 210
N .B. i) Answer ANY THREE questions from each section in separate scripts.
ii) Figures in the right margin indicate full marks.

(Answer ANY THREE questions from this section in Script A)
1. a) What do you mean by self-complementing code? Explain. (07)
b) State duality principle. 'Show that the dual of X-OR is equal to its complement.'.. (06)
c) There is a strong room having an electric locks with four keys. The keys have the (08)
following weights. ·
Key no. Weights
I 45
2 35
3 15
4 20
The lock is opened if at least 38 weights are present. Design 'a combinational circuit for
the lock.
d) Implement the following Boolean functions with NAND gates by means of Block (09)
Diagram method.
(i) F=B(AC+D)+AD'
(ii) F =(A+ BD')(CD + E')
Both the normal and complement inputs are available.
e} Is it possible totreplace a 4 input NOR gate with 2 input NOR gates? Justify your answer. (05)

2. a) What is a combinational circuit? Design an even parity generator for 3c.bit message using ( 11)
combinational circuit design method.
b) What is carry propagation delay in a full adder circuit? Show that carry propagation (10)
problem can be eliminated by designing a carry look ahead generator.
c) What is priority Encoder? Explain it using example. .. .. (07)
d) Design a combinational circuit which compares the magnitude of two 6 bit binary (07)

3. a) Find the truth table for the following circuit. ' (06)

.f .

b) What is the significance of Quadruple 2 to 1 line multiplexer? Implement the following ( 12)
function with a multiplexer.
F(A,B,c, D) = I<o, 1, 3, 6, 7, 12, 13, 15)
c) Simply the following Boolean function by means of Tabulation method. ( 12)
F(A, B, C, D) = 11: (0, 2, 3, 5, 12, 13, 14)
d) Implement the following functions using PAL. (05)
Fi= AB'+AC
F2 = AC' +BC
F; = AB+B'C + ABC
4. a) Design a 4096 bit ROM whose word sixe is 4 bit. (06)
b) Design a 1 :.8 demultiplexer using 2 to 4 line decoder. (08)
c) What do you mean by PAL and PLA? State the relative advantages of PLA over ROM. (10)
d) Develop the PLA program table for a combinational circuit that squares a 3-bit number. ( 11)

Page: 1 of2
(Answer ANY THREE questions from this section in Script B)
5. a) What is a sequential circuit? Explain the models of sequential circuit using example(s). (10)
b) Analyze the following circuit in terms of (i) input equations; (ii) state table and (iii) state (14)
diagram. What is the function of the circuit? ·

Q' A'



c) "If Q' output of a D flip flop is connected to the D iriput then it acts as T flip-flop"- (06)
Justify the statement.
d) Differentiate between a register and a latch. . (05)

6. a) What is an asynchronous counter? Design a decade binary asynchronous counter with JK (10)
Flip-flops. .
b) What is synchronous counter? Design a synchronous using· JK flip-flops for the binary (12)
sequence 0, 3, 4, 7 and repeat.
c) Is it possible to generate timing signal with a combination of shift register & decoder? (07)
Justify your answer.
d) The content of a 4-bit shift register is initially 1101. The register is shifted six times to the (06)
right with the serial input 101101. What is the content of the register· after each shift?

7. a) What is race-around condition & how does it a wise in JK flip-flop? Explain Master-Slave (11)
technique to resolve race-around condition in JK flip-flop.
b) A hardware engineer is asked to design a sequence detector. The detector will examine a (14)
string of O's and 1 's applied to the x input and generate an output z = 1 only when. a
prescribed input sequence occurs. The detector circuit needs to be designed so that any
input sequence ending in 101 will produce an output z = 1. coincided with last 1. The
circuit does not reset when a 1 output occurs. A typical input and output are given as
follows: -; · •
x = 0011011001010100
z = 000001000010100
c) Explain the difference between serial and parallel transfer. What type ofregister is used in (10)
each case? Explain. '

8. a) What is a ripple counter? Draw the circuit diagram of a 3-bit binary ripple counter and (10)
explain its operation.
b) Design a serial adder using sequential logic procedure. (12)
c) Reduce the number of states in the following state table and tabulate the reduced state (13)
Present Next state Output
state x=O x=l x=O x = 1
a f b 0 0
b d c 0 o.
c f e 0 0 ,t•.

d g a I 0
e d c 0 0
f f b 1 1
g g h 0 I .
h g a 1 0

Table 8(c): State table

Page; 1 efl
B.Sc. Engineering 1st Year 2nd Term Examination, 2018
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
MATH 1207
Coordinate Geometry and Differential Equations
TIME: 3 hours FULL MARKS: 210

N.B. i) Answer ANY THREE questions from each section in separate scripts.
ii) Figures in the right margin indicate full marks.

(Answer ANY·THREE questions from this section in Script A)
I. a) What is the role of shift of origin? Find the angle through which the axes to be rotated to (12)
transfer ax2 + 2hxy + by2 � 0 to the form A.X2 + BY2 = 0.
b) Write the condition for which the general equation of second degree will represent a conic. (05)
c) Reduce the equation 36x2 + 24xy+ 29y2 -72x+ 126y+81 = Oto the standard form and find (18)
its lengths and equation of axes.

2. a) Write the transformation equations to obtain the Cartesian coordinates of a point whose (08)
coordinates are in cylindrical system. Also find the spherical polar coordinates of
b) Let the line of shortest distance between the lines 2x - 3 y - 4z + 6 = 0 = 2x + 5 y - 4z + 7 = 0 (18)
x - 5 = --
an d .-- Y + 3 = --
z - 4 mtersects
· . 1 y. Obtam
at L and M respective . the coord'mates o f th em.
-2 3 5
'· c) Write the different forms of a plane along with the explanations of the role of the constant (09)
present in the equations.

3. a) Obtain the equation of a right circular cylinder of radius 4 whose axis passes through (10)
(3, -1, 4)and (2, 3, 7).
., b) A variable plane is at a constant distance from the origin and meet the axes in A, B, C. Find (12)
the locus of the centroid of the tetrahedron OABC.
c) Define direction ratios of a line. If a line makes angles a, p, with the axes, show that (13)
sin a + sin
/3 + sin 2 r == 2.
x - x1 - y1 z- x - x2 y - y2 z - z2 (13)
4. a) Derive the condition for which · =y z1
= -- and . = = be
a1 b1 c1 a2 b2 c2
b) Define sphere. What will be the equation of the tangent plane to the sphere having radius ../3o, C 14)
centered at (2, -1, 3) at (3, 4, 5).
2 2 2 x2 2 22
c) Analyze the equations � + L + !...__ = 1 and - - L + - = 1. (08)
4 9 25 16 4 9


(Answer ANY THREE questions from this section in Script B)

5. a) What is meant by order and degree of an ordinary differential equation? Provide examples to (10)
support your answer with explanation.
b) Obtain the differential equation whose general solution is y = e-3x'( A cos 4x + B sin 4x) :' (12)
c) Show that y = Ji (x - ct)+ fz (x +ct) is the solution of Ytt = c2 Yxx· (13)

6. a) Solve(4x-5y+3)dx+(x-3y-()dy=0. (12)

b) Solve (D4 + 2D3 -3D2 )y = x2 + 3e2x + 4sin x. (12)

c) Solve dy +3xy = 9x. (11)


Page: 1 of2
7. a) Solve y2 +4y = cos2x. (12)
b) Solve y2 -5y1 + 6y = xe2x +x2. (11)
c) Solve y2 +4y1 +13y = e-2x sin6x +e-3x cos6;.. (12)

8. a) Obtain the solution of d + 9y = 5 cos


2t subject to the. conditions. y(O) = 3 and y(l})= -5.
. ..

b) Obtain the amplitude and the phase angle of the wave that will arise from + 36y = 0. (11)
d2; +(2x-3)dy
c) Obtain the solution of (2x-3)2 + y = log(2x-3). (12)
·· dx dx

Page: 2 of2
B.Sc. Engineering 1st Year 2nd Term Examination, 2017
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
MATH 1207
Coordinate Geometry and Differential Equations
TIME: 3 hours FULL MARKS: 210
N.B. i) Answer ANY THREE questions from each section in separate scripts.
ii) Figures in the right margin indicate full marks.

(Answer ANY THREE questions from this section in Script A)
1. a) Find the rectangular and spherical polar coordinates for a point wh��e cylindrical polar (10)
coordinates is (3, �n, 4).
. 3
b) Find the equation of the right circular cylinder of radius 2 whose axis passes through (13)
(-1, 2, 3) and has direction ratios 1, 0, -2.
c) Find the centre and nature of the surface represented by the following equation: (12)
x2 +2y2 -3z2 -4yz+8zx-I2xy+ 1 = 0

2. a) A variable plane is at a constant distance p from the origin and meets the axes in A, B, C. (12)
· Show that th� locus of the centroid of the tetrahedron OABC is· x-2 + y-2 + z-2 = 16 p-2 .
b) Find the equation ofthe plane passing through points (2, 3, -4) and (1, -1, 3) and parallel to (11)
the x-axis.
. · · . x-1 y · z+2 x y+3 z-2
c) Verify whether the Imes--=- .= -- and - = -- =-- are coplanar or not. If (12)
2 -3 -r . -1 -2 1
coplanar, then findthe eq_uation of plane containing them.

· 3. a) Find the length and equation of S.D. between the lines whose equations are (15)
x-I y-2 z-36
-- = -- - . - and x + y - 0 z ·- 1
4 3 -6 ' .
b) Find the equation of the sphere passing through the circle x2 + y2 + .:-2 - 9 = O, (1 O)
2x+3y+4z-5 = 0 and the point (1, 2, 3).
c) Find the equation of the right circular cone whose axis -is·�= y = z, vertex is ·origin and (10)
whose semi-vertical angle is. 45°.

4. a) When the general equation of second degree represents , (07)

i) a parabola
ii) an ellipse
iii) a rectangular hyperbola.
b) Reduce the equation x2,+4xy+y2-2x+2y-6=0 to the standard form and identify the (18)
conic. Also, find the equation of axis.
c) Transform the equation 2x2 + y2 -LJ.x + 4 y = 0 when the origin is shifted to (1, -2) keeping (10)
the direction of axes unchanged.

(Answer ANY THREE questions from this section in Script B)

5. a) Define singular point, regular singular point and ordinary point of a differential equation. (05)
b) Find the series solution of x2y" -xy' + (x2 = 0. (30)

6. �) .Find a particular solution of y" + 3y' + 2y = 0 when y(O) = 0 and y'(O) = 1. (09)
b) Solve .Jx+ y+l(dy)
: ==1. (08)

Page: 1 o/2
c) Solve � = 4
a a2 ; , 0 < x < n, t > 0 subject to the boundary conditions y(O,t) = y(n-,t) = 0
ot ax (18)
andy(x,O)::;: -4sin5x.

7. Solve any three of the followings: (35)

i) (x3+xy4)dx+2y3dy=O
· ii) y2 dx + ( x2 - xy + y2 )dy = 0
iii) (3x-7y-3)dy-(3y.-7x+ 7)dx = 0

iv) dx =sin(x+y)+cos(x+y).
8. Solve any three of the following differential equations: (35)
i) y" -6y' +9y = ie 3x
ii) (D2 -SD+ 4)y = 3x + 2ex + 4e3x
••• )
lll tt 3 ' 2
. d2y
iv) y" + y = cotx, where.y" =- 2.

Page: lo/2
B.Sc. Engineering 1st Year 2nd Term Examination, 2016
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
MATH 1207 .
Coordinate Geometry and Differential Equations
TIME: 3 hours FULL MARKS: 210

N.B. i) Answer ANY THREE questions from each section in separate scripts.
ii) Figures in the right margin .indicate full marks.

(Answer �NY TI-I�EE questions from this section in Script A)

1. a) Find the angle through ·which the axes must be rotated to remove xj-term from the . equation (10)
7 x2 - 6.fixy + 13 y2 = 16. Also find the transformed equation.
b) Write down the general equation of conic. Find nature . and the centre . of the conic (11)
6x2 +5xy-6y2 -4x+ 7y + 11 == 0.
c) The direction cosines l, m, n of two lines are connected by the relations l + m + n = O and ( 14)
2lm+2ln-mn = 0. Find them and also find the angle between the lines.

2. a) Find the rectangular and spherical polar coordinates for a point, whose cylindrical polar (12)
coordinates are 4.Js, tan -I
-1), 1}

b) Find the equation of a plane that passes through the point (2, -3, 1) and perpendicular to the (11)
line joining the points (3, 4, -1) and (2, -1, 5). .
c) Find the distance of the point (2, -4, 5) from the plane 2x + _5 y + 6z = 11, measured parallel (12)

to the line � = y = �.
2 1 -2

3. a) Findthe locus of a 3-dimesional point, whose x-coordinate is 2 and y-coordinate is 4. (1 O)

b) Find the equation of cone whose vertex at (1, 1, 1) and which passes through the guiding (12)
2 2 ·
curve x + y = 4, z = -2 .
c) Find the length and the equation of the shortest distance between the lines (13)
x-3 = y-S = z-3 and x+3 = y+ 7 = z-6 Also find the points 'where it intersects the
3 -1 1 -3 2 4
lines .

. · 4. a) Define great circle. Find the equation of the sphere, which touches the plane (17)
3x+2y-z+2=0 at the point (l, -2, 1) and cuts orthogonally the sphere
x2 + y2 + z2 -4x + 6y + 4
= 0.
b) Reduce the equation of conic x2 - 5xy + y2 + 8x -· 20 y + 15 =0 to the standard form and find (18)
its vertex, equations of the axes and latus rectum.

(Answer ANY THREE questions from this section in Script B)

5. a) Define order of a differential equation with example. Find the differential equation 'tor" which (09)
xy = Ae" + Be" is a solution, where A and Bare arbitrary constants.
b) Solve the partial di f'ferentia
C' . . a2 z ai z
I equation - 2- -- + 2 - 2= (Y - i)ex · a2 z (16)
. . ox oxoy oy
Solve. au = 4 �
c) by the method of separation of vari�bles. (l 0)
ot ax

Page: 1 of 2
6. Solve any three of the followings: (35)
(i) �3 + y2 � x2 + y2 px
-(xy� x2 + y2 µy = 0.
(ii) (1 + x2 )dy
+ y = tan" x.
. .
(iii) (6x-4y + l)dy = (3x-2y + l)dx.

(iv) dy
--(2xx 1)
+ y=e -2x .

7. Solve any three of the followings: (35)

d2 - y =· ( 1 + -
l .
d2 y 2 -+
--- dy - y=x x •
(11· )· e smx.
dx' dx
d2Y dy e-3x
(iii) --9-+18y=e
dx1 dx


d• 2 d .
8. a) Solve x2---f-x-2:'..+2y=x1ogx.
dx dx (16)
b) Define .ordinary point and regular singular point of a differential equation. Find the indicial (19)
roots and recurrence relation of the differential equation x2 E_ + x dy + 2

dx dx
(x -1 )y = O.

Page: 2 of2
B.Sc. Engineering lst Year 2nd Tenn Examination, 2015
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
MATH 1207
Coordinate Geometry and Differential Equations

TIME: 3 hours FULL MARKS: 210

N.B. i) Answer ANY THREE questions from each section in separate scripts.
ii) Figures in the right margin indicate full marks.


(Answer ANY THREE questions from this section in Script A)

1. a) Determine the· transformed equation of 1 lx2 + 24xy + 4 y2 - 20x - 40 y - 5 == 0 of which ( 12)

the origin remain unchanged and the direction of axis is rotated through . an
·tan- 1(-� )-

b) Define invariants. Find the rotation angle of axis for which, . the. xy-terrn from the ( 13)
expression ax2 + 2hxy + by2 must be removed.
c) Write down the general equation of 2"d degree. Also write the conditions for which it (10)
represents: (i) a pair of straight lines. (ii) a parabola and (iii) an ellipse.
. .

2. a) Find the nature and centre of the conic + 4xy + - 2x + 2y-6 = 0.

x2 y2 (08)
b) Reduce the equation x2 - 5.xy + y2 + 8x - 20 y + 15 = 0 to the standard form and find its ( 15)
equations of axes and latus rectums.
c) Show that the straight lines x + 3y + 2z + 1 = 0 = 2x- y- 2z -1 · and (12)
- x + 2y + 3z + 1 = 0 = -3x- y- 2z + 1 are co-planar.

3 · a) Define direction cosines of a line. Prove that z2 + m2 + ·,? = i, where /, · m, ·. n are the ( 10)
direction cosines of a line.
b) Find the equation of the plane which is perpendicular to the plane (12)
Sx + 3y + 6z + 8 = 0 and contains the line of ..
intersection of the planes
x + 2y + 3z -4 == 0 and 2x + y - z + 5 == 0.
'· d t h e s h ortest diistance an d its
c) F:m ·
. b etween two 1 mes
. equation x - 3 = --
-- z - 3 and (13)
y - 8 = --
.,. 3 -1 1
x+3 y+7 z-6
-3 2 4

4. a) Find the equation of sphere m which the circle (12)

x + y + z .+ 10y-4z -8 = 0, x + y + z - 3 = Ois a great circle.
2 2 2

b) A 'plane meets the co-ordinate axes in A, B, C such that the centroid of the triangle ABC ( 1 1)
is the point (p, q, ;). Prove that the equation the of plane is !_ + y + :_ = 3 .
p q r
c) Define right circular cone. Fine the semi-vertical angle of the cone represented by (12)
2(x2 + y2)- 3z2 = 0 and also find its axis.

Page: 1 of2

(Answer ANY THREE questions from this section in Script B)

· 5. · Solve ANY THREE of the followings: (35)

(i) Define order of a differential equation with an example .. Find 'the differential
equation of xy = ae" + be" + x2, where "c" and "b". are �bitrary constants.
(ii) Solve the D.E.; (2xy + 3 y2 )dx - (2xy + x2)dy = 0 · ·
(iii)Solve the D. E., y(xy + I)dx + x(l + xy + x2y2)dy = 0

(iv)Solve the D. E., dy - y = xy5.

6. Answer ANY THREE of the followings: (35)
(i) Solve (x + y-j)dx = (3x ...:·y - I)dy

(ii) Solve ydx - xdy = �x2 + y2 dx

(iii)Solve (xy2 + 2x2y3)dx + (x2y- x3y2)dy = O
(iv)Solve dy
. dx

7. Answer ANY THREE of the followings: . (35)

(i) Find a particular solution of y" + 3 y' +2y = 2 when y(O) = 1 and y'(O) = 2.
· (ii) Solve (D3 + 3D- 4)y = xe-2.r
(iii)Solve (D3 -6D2 + 1 lD- 6)y = e2xby the method of variation of parameter.
d2 . dy
· (iv)Solve -f-3y-+ 4y = cos(4x + 5)
dx dx .

8. a)' Find the series solutionof the following D.E (1- x2)y" -2xy' + 2y � Q.. (20)
b) Form partial differential equations by eliminating arbitrary constants from the following
(i) z=ax+(l-a)y+b (07)
. (ii) The equation of plane x + y + !... = 1, where a+ b + c = 0
· a b c ·.'. .

Page: 2 o/2
B.Sc. Engineering pt year 2nd Tenn Examination, 2018
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
CHEM 1207
TIME: 3 hours FULL MARKS: 210
N.B. i) Answer ANY THREE questions from each section in separate scripts.
ii) Figures in the right margin indicate full marks.

(Answer ANY THREE questions from this section in Script A)
1. a) Define unit cell and crystal lattice. Discuss various elements of symmetry of a cubic crystal (09)
b) Write down the differences between molecular crystals and ionic crystals. (08)
c) Illustrate the stoichiometric defects. (10)
d) What is miller indices? Calculate miller indices of a crystal plane which is cut through the (08)
crystal axes 2a, 3b, and 2c.
2. a) What are the important postulates ofVBT? Give the limitations of VBT. (09)
b) "N2 molecule possesses triple bonds and diamagnetic in nature" - explain the statement with (12)
the help of molecular orbital theory.
c) Write down the similarities and dissimilarities between BVT and MOT. (10)
d) What is resonan�e? Write down the resonance structure of C02. (04)

3. a) Explain about electrochemical equivalence, ionic mobility and 3 Faradays. (09)

b) Briefly 'discuss the Debye-Huckel theory of activity coefficients of strong electrolytes. (10)
c) What is electroplatingjHow can it be done? (10)
d) 0.5 Normal solution of a salt placed between two platinum electrodes, 20 cm apart and area of (06)
cross-section 4.0 sq. cm has a resistance of 25 ohms. Calculate the equivalent conductance of
the solution.
4. · a) Draw and explain an electrolytic cell and Galvanic cell. Write down the sign convention and (10)
types of reaction of these cells.
b) Discuss the principle of determination of pH of a solution with the help of a standard Hydrogen (08)
c) What is Li-ion battery? Draw two-dimensional picture of Li-ion battery. Write down the (10)
reaction of this battery at anode and cathode.
d) What is salt-bridge? How is it used? Explain its working principle giving an example. (07)
(Answer ANY THREE questions from this section in Script B)
5. a) Write down the mechanistic steps with chemical equation of the reaction when H2 and Brz (05)
react in presence of light.
b) Explain the terms. (i) Photosensitizations (ii) Quenching and (iii) Quantum yield. (09)
c) Write down the conditions for the reaction of (i), ¢ > 1 (ii) ¢ < 1 and (iii)¢= 1; Hence ¢ = (13)
quantum yield.
d) What do you mean by Einstein? Calculate the value of Einstein for the radiation of wavelength (08)

6. · a) What is photon? Calculate the energy in joule of a photon from sodium D line at 590 nm. (09)
b) What is black body? Write down the characteristic properties of black body radiation. (09)
c) Explain about emission and absorption spectra. (08)
d) Write down the postulates of Bohr's atom model based on quantum theory. (09)
7. a) Write down the differences between thermoplastic polymer and thermosetting polymers. (08)
b) Explain cationic and anionic polymerization processes with suitable examples. .'. (12)
c) What is conducting polymer? Write down the preparation method of polyamine (11)
d) What is condensation polymerization? Give one example (04)
8. a) "An electromagnetic radiation contain both particle and wave property"-explain. (08)
b) Explain briefly fluorescence and phosphorescence (10)
c) What is photoelectric effect? Describe with help of Einestein experimental set up. (09)
d) Describe the basic instrumentation of a spectrophotometer. (08)

Page: 1 of 1
B.Sc. Engineering 1st Year 2nd Term Examination, 2017
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
CHEM 1207
TIME: 3 hours FULL MARKS: 210
N.B. i) Answer ANY THREE questions from each section in separate scripts.
ii) Figures in the right margin indicate full marks.

(Answer ANY THREE questions from this section in Script A)
1. a) What is miller indices? Give one example of it in case of simple cubic unit cell. Draw 111, (11)
110 and 100 planes for simple cubic unit cell.
b) Explain about different types of crystal symmetry. (09)
c) Explain about hexagonal closed packed structure of metal. (07)
d) Draw face-centered and body-centered cubic lattices and explain them in brief. (08)

2. a) "No perfect crystal exists in reality" - explain. (07)

b) What do you meanby defects in.solid? Explain about Schottky and Frenkel defects. (13).
c) What is color center? How does it arise in crystalline solid? (07)
d) "SiCl4 is very reactive but CCl4 is inert" - explain. (08)

3. a) State the Kohlrausch's law. How can you determine the A0 of weak electrolytes using this (10)
b) What is equivalent conductance? Show graphically the variation of equivalent conductance (10)
against concentration for NaCl and CH3COOH. Explain the nature of these curves.
c) Calculate the equivalent conductance of N strong electrolyte solution. Given that cell (05)
constant= 1.10 cm " and R = 2.43 x 10 ohms.

d) "Oxygen molecule is paramagnetic" - explain with the help of Molecular Orbital theory. (10)

4. a) What do you mean by electromotive force (EMF)? Derive Nernst equation for determining (11)
b) Draw the two dimensional schematic diagram of Lithium ion battery. Mention each terms. (12)
Discuss the charging and discharging process with .chemical reaction.
c) What is transport number? Describe one method of determining transport number. (12)

. (Answer ANY THREE questions from this section in Script B)
5. a) Explain about quantization of energy. Relate the Plank's theory to explain it. (08)
b) Describe the instrumentation of a spectrophotometer. "' (12)
c) Explain about the function of monochromator and detector. (08)
d) · Explain the emission band spectra. (07)

6. a) State and explain the-laws of photochemistry. (09)

· b). Discuss the difference between photochemical reaction and thermal reaction. (08)
c) What is quantum yield? How would you explain very high and very low quantum yield of (12)
some photochemical reactions?
d) A compound absorbs 3 .0 x 1018 quanta of light per second on irradiation for 20 minutes. (06)
3.0 x 10-3 mol reactant was found to have reacted. Calculate the quantum yield of the reaction.

7. a) Discuss the mechanism for the polymerisation of propylene in the presence ofH2S04 catalyst. (08)
b) Distinguish between thermosetting polymer and thermoplastic polymer. (07)
c) What is conducting polymer? Write down the advantages of conducting polymer over (10)
traditional polymer.
d) Write short notes on the preparationproperties and uses of Nylon 6,6. (10)

8. a) What do you mean by high polymer and co-polymerization? (07)

b) Describe one chemical synthesis method of conducting polymer. (1 O)
c) Discuss the structureand properties of polymer. . (10)
d) Why should cross-linking as it occurs in vulcanized rubber and other polymers increase the (08)
hardness and strength of the substance?

Page: 1 of 1
'B.Sc. Engineering 1st Year 2nd Term Examination, 2016
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
CHEM 1207
TIME: 3 hours FULL MARKS: 210

N.B. i) Answer ANY THREE questions from each section in separate scripts.
ii) Figures in the right margin indicate full marks. ·
(Answer ANY THREE questions from this section in Script A)
1. a) Define a and 1r bonds. Show the electronic distribution in the structural formula of the (09)
following molecules (write the Lewis structure)
i) POCl3 ii) N204 iii) HCl03 iv) HClQ4
b) Indicate the different types of bond that are present in the following compounds: (06)
i): NaCl ii) . (H20)x iii) C:u(NH3)4Ch .
c) Draw the molecular orbital diagram of NO-. Illustrate the geometry and nature of (12)
hybridization of following molecules:
i) PCl ii) SF6 iii) HgCh
d) Discuss about the superiority of MOT over VBT on explaining the paramagnetic .property of (08)
02 molecule?

2. a) Write down the principle and mechanism of Li-ion battery (with diagram). (09)
b) Define e.m.f. Deduce Nernst equation. Draw and explain electrolytic cell. (13)
c) Write short notes on- (06)
i) Transport number ii) Electrical double layer
d) The e.m.f. of the following cell at 298K is O.SV (07)
Pt,H2 (1 atm) I H+ II KCl (Sat-) I Hg2Cb I Hg
Calculate the pH of the unknown solution, Ecat = 0. 241 SV.

3 .. a) Define crystal system. Illustrate with examples unit cells of Hexagonal and Rhornbohedral (08)
crystal systems.
b) "Parallel planes of a crystal have the same Miller Indices", explain. Why is it important to (09)
know Miller Indices in material sciences?
c) Consider a metal with FCC structure and atomic weight of 92.9. When monochromatic (08)
.X-radiation having a wave length of 0.1028 nm is focused 'on the crystal, the angle of
diffraction (2 tl) for the (311) set of planes in this metal occurs at 71.2 degrees for the first
order reflection n = 1. Calculate - · ·
i) the inter-planner spacing for this set of planes ..
ii) lattice parameters for this metal
iii) density of the metal (g/crrr')
d) Write short notes on- (10)
i) Schottky and, Frenkel defects
. ii) Structure and properties of Si

4. a) Define overlap zone, forbidden zone, conduction band and non conduction band. (10)
b) How can you calculate the IR drop in an electrolytic cell? (07)
c) Discuss the bonding character of the elements N and P with special reference to their (08)
positions in the periodic table.
d) What is non-stoichiometric defect? Explain with examples.
Draw a crystal structure of Ge.
. ....-

(Answer ANY THREE questions from this section in Script B)

5. a) What is conducting polymer? Distinguish among electron-conducting polymers, proton- (12)

conducting polymers and ion-conducting polymers .
. b) Describe the conduction mechanism of conducting polymers based on soliton. ( 1 O)
c) Discuss the free radical mechanism of polymerization with suitable examples. (08)
d) How can you prepare regioregular poly (thiophene )? (05)

Page: 1 o/2
6. a) What do you mean by oligomer and polymer? Describe the structural differences relating to (12)
thermo-setting and thermo-plastic properties of polymer.
b) Classify the polymers mechanically according to their Tg and Tm value. (08)
c) Explain the basic principle and instrumentations of spectroscopic technique. (10)
d) Calculate the vibrations frequency, Dmax (in c�-1). for -C = 0 and -C = N groups. (05)

7. a) Define singlet state and triplet state. (06)

b) From Jablonski energy diagrams explain fluorescence and phosphorescence. (12)
c) Describe the photosensitized formation of formaldehyde from H2 and CO in the presence of (10)
trace amounts of mercury vapor.
Some H-C-C-H · is formed during the reaction. Explain how.
d) What do you mean by wave number and quantization of energy? Calciilate the energy (07)

associated with a radiation having wave length 5000 A .

8. a) Why does a change in dipole moment during vibration of a molecule necessary for a molecule (04)
to be IR active?
b) Explain why symmetric stretching of C02 is IR inactive. (03)
c) Determine the vibrational degrees of freedom for nonlinear C6H6 molecule. (04)
· d) Define fundamental bands, first overtone and second overtone. Among these, fundamental (15)
bands are the most intense peaks. Explain this by Boltzman distribution law?
e) Determine which atoms are NMR active among l'H, �H, 1�C, 1�C, 1;0, 1:F . Why is external (09)
magnetic field necessary for NMR spectroscopy?

Page: 2 o/2
. B.Sc. Engineering 1st Year 2nd Term Examination, 2015
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
CHEM 1207

TIME: 3 hours FULL MARKS: 210

N.B. i) Answer ANY THREE questions from each section in separate scripts.
ii) Figures in the right margin indicate full marks.


(Answer ANY THREE questions from this section in Script A)

1. a) What is specific conductance? How is the specific conductance of an electrolyte solution ( l 0)

b) What do you mean by Relaxation effect and Electrophoretic effect? Write down the (.10)
Debye-Huckel-Onsager Conductance equation for 1.: 1 electrolyte solution and make a
schematic plot of /\ Vs. Jc for Nacl and Agel solution.
c) State and explain Kohlrausch's law of ionic mobilities. How does it help in determining (10)
the equivalent conductance of weak electrolytes?
d) 0.5 N solution of a salt placed between two platinum electrodes, 20 cm apart and area of (05)
cross section 4.0 cm2 has a resistance of 25 ohms. Calculate the equivalent conductance of
the solution.

2. a) What do you mean by free energy of reaction? Establish thermodynamically the ( 12)
relationship between E and K of cell reaction. Explain the significance of this relation.
b) What do you mean by Lead acid battery? How does Lead acid battery develop voltage? (07)
c) What types of solvents are used in Li-ion battery? Explain why Li-ion battery is better (06)
than Lead acid battery.
d) How PH of a solution in determined by using quinhydrone electrode? The emf of the ( 10)
following cell at 25°c is 0.112 V. ·
SCEII unknown solution! C6H4(0H)2, C6H402I pt
If the electrode potential of calomel electrode is 0.242·V,-find the PH. (Eg = 0.699V)

3· a) "Increase in polarity of the solvent shifts tr � tr• band to longer wave length but ( 10)
n � tr• and n � a· bands to shorted wave-length" comment on the statement.
b) Explain the terms with examples: (i) Bathochromic shift (ii) Hypsochromic · shift (iii) (09)
Hyperchromic effect.
c) What do you mean by allowed transitions and forbidden transitions? Explain the (10)
wavelength as well ,as the extinction coefficient increases with the increase in conjugation
in the compound. ·
d) Calculate the ilmax for the given structure. (06) ·

4. a) What is photochemistry? Discuss the differences between photochemical and thermal (08)
b) Explain briefly fluorescence and chemiluminescence. What are the origin .of the line and (13)
band spectra?
c) How doesa glass electrode function? (08)
d) The quantum yield for the reaction 2H202�2H20+02 is 3. Calculate the number of (06)
photons absorbed in an experiment in which 0.01 mole ofH202 are decomposed.

Page: 1 of 2

(Answer ANY THREE questions from this section in Script B)

5. a) What is meant by defects in crystal? Discuss about point defect and grain defect. (09)
b) Draw crystalline structure of Si. Discuss a comparative study between Si and Ge. (12)
c) The intercept of a certain plane on the x-axis is 2a/3 on the y-axis is 2b and on the z-axis (06)
1 c/3. Sketch the plane.
d) Discuss about the hexagonal close backed structure of metal. (08)

6. a) "N2 molecule is diatomic, but He is mono-atomic", Explain with MOT (10)

b) Explain why a a -boud is stronger than a tr -boud? . (04)
·c) Metals are good conductor of heat and electricity"-Explain. (I 0)
d) Describe valance boud theory for the complex compound with few of its limitations. (11)

7. a) "Resonance structures are not actual structures of molecule for ions, they exist only in (10)
theory" -Explain this with the help of nitrate ion (NO;)
,b) What is conducting polymer? How does polymer conduct electicity? (07)
c) Distinguish between weiss indices and Miller indices. (08)
d) What is bond order? Write down the condition for effective combination of atomic (10)
orbitals to
.. form molecule .
8. a) What do you mean by co-polymer, thermosetting polymer and addition polymer? (12)
b) Discuss the of
synthesis Poly vinyl chloride. (08)
c) "In modem time polymers are the best engineering materials"-Explain. (07)
d) Rubber is one of the main natural polymers. Write down its chemical structure. How is it (08)

Page: 2 of2
B.Sc. Engineering pt.Year l51 Term Examination, 2019
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
. EEE 1107 .
Basic Electrical Engineering
TIME: 3 hours FULL MARKS: 210

N.B. i) Answer ANY THREE questions from each section in separate scripts.
ii) Figures in the right margin indicate full marks.

(Answer ANY THREE questions from this section in Script A)
I .. a) Define resistance, voltage, node, and linear bilateral. element. . (10)
. b) Using mesh analysis. determine the value of
Ii and Vab of the following circuit- ·-· (12)


12A 2n ion 4n v

'-----'----�· --'------OJ
. ' .
c) Define supernode. Use nodal analysis to find the value of VI and and V2 as shown in the below
CI 3)


40 20

03) .

b) Determine the current supplied by each battery in the following circuit. ( 15)


c) .What is electrical source? Classify electrical sources. Define independent and. dependent (07) ·

3. a) Transfer a delta network to equivalent wye network, and find each of the wyc connected ( I 0)
resistances in terms of delta resistances.
b) Explain the methods of range extension of an nm meter and a voltmeter. ( l 2)
c) State and explain Ampere circuital law. Define (i) Permeabiiity.: (ii) Reluctance, and (13)
(iii) Magnetomotive force.

Page: I o/2.
4. a) - Write the principle of generator and motor. Describe a practical de generator. ( l 0)
b) A 4-pole, Jong-shunt, lap-wound generator supplies 25kw at a terminal voltage of 500V. The ( I 0)
armature resistance is 0.030, series field resistance· is 0.040 and shunt field resistance is
2000. The brush drop may be taken as l .5V. Determine the emf generated. Also, calculate the
_ number of conductors if the speed is 1200 rpm and flux per pole_ is 0.02wb. Neglect armature
c) Classify de generators according to. their excitation with necessary diagrams. Describe the (08)
three important characteristic curves of de generator.
d) What is back emf? What is the significance of it? Derive the condition·for maximum efficiency (07)
of a de motor.

(Answer ANY THREE questions from.this section in Script B)
5. a) Explain the following terms with necessary illustration. . (10)
(i) Oscillating current, (ii) Periodic current, (iii) Alternating current; (iv) Period, and (v) Cycle.'
b) Define impedance. Derive the equation of impedance of R and L branch. Show the graphical - (15)
representation of voltage, current, and power variation in that branch.
c) What is phasor? Write the significance of operator j. Express the complex expression (10)·
V4.5...., )7.79 + loge 1 OLl 72° �s a single number.

6. a) Obtain the value of crest factor and form factor of pure sine wave. (10) ·
b) Obtain the expressions for the amount of energy stored during a quarter cycle of an inductor _ (12)
and a capacitor.
c) A voltage 'v = 200sin377t is applied to an inductive branch and the maximum current is 10 (13)
i) Find the value of L in milihenrys and ii) If it is known that this inductive coil has the
resistance of 10., what will be the actual value of L?

7. a) Calculate real power and reactive power employing complex forms. The voltage of a circuit (12)
is v = 200 sin( wt+ 30 °) and the current is i = 50 sin( wt + 60") . What are _ the power factor,
reactive factor and volt-amp?
. b) Why is transfer rating in KV A? Describe the open circuit test and short circuit test of a single - (13) ·
phase transformer.
c) What are the differences between alternator and synchronous motor? Write the advantages of (1_0)
. stationary armature in an. alternator. Describe v-curves. ,·� -· .. -

8. a) Write the working principle of a transforrner ". Mention some applications of it. What are the (12)
main components of a transformer? Describe them. . _
b) What are the losses in a transformer? Define efficiency arid find the condition for maximum (08)
c) What are the different types of 3-¢ transformer connections? Describe them briefly. Write (15)
advantages and disadvantages of 3 - ¢ transformer.

Page: 2 of2
: ;1;3."�c .. Engineering '1 ��: Year P� Term Examination, 2018
·. Department' ofComputerScienceand Engineering: .
�-:,-, .. · ... . · -, . . ', : . .: . EEE .fi'o}:; :.: · . . .. .,
. _·: :: =. . .._. · Basic.Electrical'.En.gineeririg:
hours· · ·.:··.·:. . . -· · .. · ·. ·: .:·. -:r. ;,;-,._;.·:_·.. · .. - •, .· ·... · · .•. FULLMARKs· 210
N.B. Answer'� T�Ii:q���tlo�s_:���-e��h':.;�c&o� �--separa�e ��-np_ts;.- . .
·ii) 'Figures in the 'rightmargin indicate full
... . . . . : . .·
... • .. , :., .. :· -.'?

, SECTION A,• ... ·.

. ··.. . . . .
qu�stioristroril this -�·ection �-S�ript A) · . .. ..... ·
.... ,. .. . .· ....
· ':· ... . . . . . ' .
1. a) State and explain Ohm's law, KVL and KCL. '.
.......,.-.. .: : .· . . . -. (09) ·
. b) · Deduce -thecoaditiontor maximum
.. .power trrui.
,, .
smission ·and find the equatjon-· for maximum (11) .
' .
. power. .. . . . .· . . . . .. ..··.... · . .. . . .. .
.c) Find all the branch currents usingnodal analysis· forthe following circuit.· '. .: . (15)"
'. .... :. � '. ·:.:
, ' ' ' . ' ' . • , r • . · ". " •. ' ' · .• : •

. ·.··
' ' ':• '
\. ·.·., ., ......
.. . . ' . :.' . . . . ,'="---- .. '•
·�. �.··.·.:_. · 4n .. ··.·. · . : . · ·. : - ,
r: . -: • ·=.:;.:/ � .•
. . .... . : . :: lOv. · ·
. � •.....: ·.
. .
··'.' .. .i; .,- . .-: •' ·.
... .
·.;=:: ��·.: . ·,: • .. .A.�.·


��2tL� .,
. . •, . ' . ....• � ... . ,·
. .. .

_2. a) State
;;ild th� �e�r=. s p position
resistance using � �

.: r.
theorem for· the following circuit, · · · ·-· · · ·

-: .
·<>}_ .::. -:�,,6�.
•' ·:,·· '

:·4n · 1n . . · ·
.. . .. sn .·
· ion
.. .

•' • �·.' .
• • �· . '. 'I
"'" ·�··�· .:·.!·�·:� .. · ,,;. ,: . �� • ' ' .. •' ,.· � . '"
'b) State Thevenin's theorem· andby using the�.t�1eo·rem;Jeplace the followingnetwork with. (13)
. ·· reference to terminal AB. ·· : . · . .' ·: ·· '< '.: ·. · . , : . . . · ... , · ·. ·· ·. . :
••' . ··sn · · · ·· :· · �."·:· .' ·
.: ;
; · · ·· · · ·
. ;
. . ,· ·._ . �
"", · · '24v-=-=-:- -: · 60 ·,

40 ··. ·;:. .: -, - ... : .'. ....:'_;·, .. :'j· -," :· .. ·

.... ·.... · .:. -· .... ._ '

. ·.:·:· .
"":: ..
. . ·' . ··�. '.
. . . . . - . . .· :·. . . . '

�) F�r. transmission from � .·d lta. n�twork to· equivalent· . wy�. 'n etwork; find. each of ·th·e wye.. (09)
... connected resistances in terms delta resistances. . . . of
: "3.· a). Define -measuring' i�tru����: and.' clas-�if;/·��i°_'�are· the techniques of range extensi�n· or' (ll)
. ammeter and-voltmeter? . . . . . ·. . . : , . � .. . ·. . . . .. : . . . . .
· .: 'b) State and explain' Ampere. circuital, Compare between electrical circuit and magnetic law. .(12)·
circuit. . · :. · · · · . · . ·.;- . · · · . ·. . . . ·
.. c): Define (i) Permeability,. (ii) Permitivity, {ifi) Magnetic field, (iv) Electric field intensity and .(12)
(v) Right hand· rule: · · . . ._ . ·- ·
. ., ' . .. .. . ,· .. ·.... ·. ·,·:·:·'": ..... : : ._ . .

> . . . . . . a .' ..··.

-l 4. a) ·.What are 'the factors·. that -d�termine the
induced'-�oitage i� conductor? Detjv� the ·equation·
. . of generated' emf.of'a DC generator.. . . .. ·:. ·.: . . . . . . (1�)
. .
b) Deriye the condition for maximum effici. ency'of a DC motor. What'is meant by back emf? . (11)
. c) What'ate the f�ctors that·control-mot<?r.speed? A 220V-dc'.machine has an amiature resistance (12)
· . ·of 0.6(l°.'ffful1'1oad annatute ' _32A,.; 'find the induced em_fwhen the machine acts as·
. .. -Ci) m<;>tor:(ii).generator.·: ·.. :

Page: 1 o/2 .
· -SECTIONB ·.··
(Answer � T�E questions from this se tion in Script B)
5. a) What is phase_?:.find_.$e' angle of phase-difference between' V=lOOcos(ai--:-30°) and (05) .
. i = -iOsin(mt..,.. 60°): Which wave.lagsv ·.' · ·. ..
b) :Define impedance. Find ·the 'impedance of_· an L branch from.jts dynamic equilibrium (10).
·equation. . . . . . .
c). A voltage v = -150sin377t is applied. 'to a particular circuit element and it is -'found (10)
. i = 10cos377t amp. Make a sketch of v and i waves. Find the nature and magnitude of the
circuit parameter. . ' .
d) Define phasor. Write the significance . of j. Express the complex expression as a single �10)
.· number V4.5- }7.79 + loge IOLI 72°. . . ..
. . .
6. a) Find· the· equations· for energy delivered· to an inductor and to a capacitor· during a quarter (10)
. cycle. . . .
b) Deduce the value of crest factor and formfactor of sinusoidal waves. . . (08)_
c) Calculate real power and reactive power.employingcomplex form. . .(08)
d) What are-the differences betweenalternator and synchronous motor? Write the advantages of (09)
stationaryarmature in an _altemator. J?es�tib� ·v�curve�.. .

.. : ': 7. a) WntJ down ·th�

pe a on
principle of � � � �f -�higl�'.ph�e_.transf�rmer..Draw the' different (1-1) .
equivalent circuits of a transformer.: . .. . . .
b) Describe short circuit test and open circuit test of a single phase transformer. · (12)
c) Describe transformer on· no load. Show 'that for maximum efficiency of a transformer, Cu loss (12)
must be equal to ·the iron loss. · · ·

8. a) Mention some application of transformer.What are the main components of a transformer? (07)
b) Deduce the expression for induced e.m.f. in a transformer and find voltage transformation (07)
ratio: .
c) What are different types of 3-¢ transformer connecticns'i.Describe any two of them. · (11) ·
d) Write down the principle of operation of a synchronous motor. Why synchronous motor is not ( 10)
self-starting? . · ·

_Page: 2.o/2 .
B.Sc. Engineering 1st '(ear 1st Term Examination, 2017
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
EEE 1107
Basic Electrical Engineering
TIME: 3 hours FULL MARKS: 210
N.B. i) Answer ANY THREE questions from each section in separate scripts.
ii) Figures in the right margin indicate full marks. ·

. ' .
' . . '

(Answer ANY THREE questions from this section in Script A)

1. a) Write short notes on KVL, KCL and Ohm's law. (06)
b) State the conditions for applying superposition theorem to a circuit. Usetheilieorem to find (12)
current through 30 resistor of the terminal AB shown in the following figure.
. ·A
40 10
40- 30

c) "The power delivered to a load will be maximum when the load resistance is equal to the 'line (09)
resistance"-prove it. Also show that.atmaximum powerthe efficiency is 50%.
d) An electrical heater takes 1 KW 'from main· 'supply with certain voltage. If the voltage is (08)
increased -by 20%, the current through the heater is 8 Amp. (i) What is the original voltage?
(ii) What is the resistance of the coil?

2. a) For transformation from delta network to equivalent v.:ye network, find each of the wye (-10)
. · connected resistances in terms of delta resistances.' ·. ·
b) State Thevenin's theorem and by using the theorem, replace the network shown in the (15)
following figure with reference to the terminals AB.

80 60

,,......._.. B
c)' What is electrical source? Classify electrical sources. Define 'independent and dependent (10)

3. a) Find the current using Norton's theorem through a load of 8 n in the following circuit. (15)

200V 40 60 60

200 80

100 ion

Page: 1 of2
b) Determine the current supplied by each battery in the. following circuit.
__,, so 40 s so

30 2n
T rsv T5V 30V
c) How can a voltage source should be converted into a current source?. · (05)

4. a) Write down the working principle of a DC generator. (15)

b) Describe different parts of a DC motor. (15)
c) Prove that speed of motor depends on applied voltage, flux and armature resistor. (05)

THREE questions
from this
. .
in. Script

. 5. a) Define with necessary diagrams (i) Oscillating current (ii)�ent .(iii) Alternating (10)
current (iv) Period and (v) Cycle.
b) Define impedance. Derive the equation of impedance of q and L branch. Show graphical (15)
representation of voltage, current and power variation in'tjlat branch.
c) Find the amount of energy stored by a capacitor during a quarter cycle. (1 O)

6. a) Show that the crest factor of a sine wave is Ji and theform factor of the wave is 1.11. (10)
b) A voltage. y= 200sin377t isappliedtoan inductive branch and themaximum current is 10 (12)
A. (i) Find the-voltage of �:·.i°' millihenrys and (1.i)Jf is known that .this inductive coil
.. actually possesses LO resistance, .whatis the true value of L?
c) What is phaser? Write the significance of operator j .:Find all possible roots of the expression , (13)
10L45°5ei60(--4.047- j2.94).
,1- jl.732

7. a) Write the working principle of a transformer. 'Mention some applications of it. What .are the (1 O)
main components of a transformer?
b) Explain the transformer on no load and on load. Draw the necessary vector diagrams. (08)
c) Deduce the expression for induced voltage in a transformer and find out voltage· (07)
transformation ratio. .
d) Draw the equivalent circuit of a transformer and find ou! the total impedance between input (10)
terminals. ··. · "

8. a) Describe the working principle of a synchronous motor. Wrrte down the method of starting. (15)
b) What are the main four parameters of a transformer? How can they be determined? Describe (10)
transformer tests briefly. .,
c) A single phase. transformer has 400 primary and 1000 secondary turns. The .net cross- (10)
· of to
sectioned area· the core is 60 cnr'. If the primary winding be connected a 50 Hz supply at
520 V; calculate (i) peak value pf the flux density in the core {ii) the voltage induced in
secondary winding.

Page: 2 o/2
B.Sc. Engineering 1st Year 1st Tenn Examination, 2016
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
. EEE 1107 ·
Basic Electrical Engineering
TIME: 3 hours FULL MARKS: 210

N.B. i) Answer ANY THREE questions from each section in separate scripts.
ii) Figures in the right margin indicate full marks.
iii) B-H curve may be supplied ifnecessary.
(Answe! ANY THREE questions from this section in Script A)
1. a) Define: (i) node (ii) mesh . (iii) linear circuit. � -- (06)
b) Using mesh analysis, determine the currents for the network in Fig. 1 (b). · (12)


.z n sn

Fig. l(b).
c) Deduce the condition for maximum power transfer. Under maximum power transfer (11)
conditions, show that the power transfer efficiency is 50%.
d) Arrange seven resistors each having a magnitude of 4 ohm in such a way so that the (06)
equivalent circuit resistance will be 7 ohm.

2. a) Mention three conditions for applying superposition theorem in a circuit. Using (13)
superposition theorem, find the current through 1 on resistor of Fig. 2(a).

2V 10n 15 Q

Fig. 2(a).
b) Find the Thevenin's equivalent circuit for the network shown in Fig. 2(b) across the RL. (12)


Fig. 2(b).
c) For transformation from 'delta network' to equivalent 'wye network' find each of the 'wye' (10)
connected resistance in terms of three 'delta' connected resistances.

3. a) Define magnetic field, flux density and permeability. State Ampere's circuital law for (10)
magnetic circuit and give an example.
b) Write the principle of generator and motor. Describe a practical de generator. (12)
c) Classify de generators according to their excitation with necessary diagrams. Describe the (13)
three important characteristic curves of de generator.

4. a) Describe armature reaction and its effects. (06)

b) Define critical resistance and explain voltage build up of a shunt generator. (10)
c) Define counter e.m.f. and write its significance. (07)
d) Mention the methods of speed control ofa de motor. Describe any oneof them. (12)

Page: I o/2
(Answer ANY THREE questions from this section in Script B)

5. a) What is phase? Find the angle of phase difference between v = 100 cos (cat - 30°) and (05)
i = -10 sin ( wt- 60°). Which wave lags?
b) Define impedance. Show that at no time the power in a pure resistance reach negative (06)
c) Find the· impedance of an L branch from its dynamic equilibrium equation. (12)
d) A voltage = -150 sin 3TI t is applied to a particular circuit element and it is found that (12)
i = 10 cos 3TI t amp. Make a sketch of the v and i waves. Find the nature and magnitude of
the circuit parameter.
. ....

6. a) Show that the crestfactor of sine wave is· .fi. and the form factoris 1.11. (10)
b) Find the equations for the amount of energy during a quarter cycle of an inductor and a (15)
c) Find the equation of instantaneous power delivered to the R-L branch and from the equation (10)
define real and reactive power. Also represent the power graphically.

7. a) What is phasor? Write the significance of operatorj. . (04)

b) Calculate real power and reactive power employing complex forms. The voltage of a circuit (12)
is v = 200 sin ((l)t + 30°) and the current is i = SO sin ((l)f + 60°). What are the p.f., reactive
factor and volt-amp?
y) Why is transformer rating in KVA? Describe the open circuit test and short circuit test of a (13)
single phase transformer.
�) What are the differences between alternator and synchronous motor? Write the advantages (06)
of stationary armature in an alternator. ·

8. a) Write the working principle of a transformer. Define step up and step down transformer. (12)
Write some applications of them.
b) What are the losses in a transformer? Define efficiency and find the condition for maximum (08)
efficiency of a transformer.
c) Describe transformer on (i) no-load and on (ii) load conditions. Draw necessary vector (15)
diagrams. Give constructional details of a transformer and write also the methods of cooling
�� .

B.Sc. Engineering 1st Year 1st Term Examination, 2015
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
EEE 1107
. Basic Electrical Engineering

· TIME: 3 hours 'FULL.MARKS: 210

N .B: i) Answer ANY THREE questions from each section in separate scripts.
· ii) Figures in the right margin indicate full marks.
iii) B-H curve will be supplied if needed.
(Answer ANY THREE questions from this section in Script A)
·. 1. a) · State and explain KVL, XCL and ohm's Law. . (09)
b) Determine the current supplied by each battery in the· circuit shown in Fig. I (b ). (13)
so ·40 sv ·. so

30 20.

Fig. l(b)
c) State the conditions for applying superposition theorem to a circuit. Using superposition · (13)
theorem- find the value of the output voltage "o in the circuit of Fig. I (c ). ·

·30 2n. +
. . Fig. l(c)
6V 1
. 2. a). For transformation from "delta network" to equivalent "wye network" find each of the (08)
"wye" connected resistances in terms of three ''delta" connected resistance ..
b) State Thevenin's theorem and by using Thevenin's theorem, replace the network shown in (15)
Fig. 2(b) with reference to terminals A and B. ·

80 60
2A o.
. 40
1.----0.B ,;
��2� .
c) A battery which gives 40 Amperes on short circuit will supply a current of 9.5 amperes to (09)
a resistance of 1 n ,connected between its terminals. (i) What is the electromotive .force of·
the battery? (ii) What is its internal resistance? · ·
d) State Millman's theorem. (03)
. .

3. a) "The power delivered to a load will be maximum whenthe load resistance 'is equal to the (08)
Thevenin resistance't-prove. Also show 'that at maximum power the .efficiency is only -
. 50%. . .
b) Define magnetic.field, flux density and permeability. . (06)·
c) . State ohm's law for magnetic circuit. Compare between the electric and magnetic circuit, (09)
d)., Find the magnetic field intensity at a point 5 cm distant from the midpoint of a straight ( 12)
wire 20 cm· long and carrying a current of IO amp. ·

4.. a) Write the principle of generator and motor. Describe a practical de generator. (IO}
b) Classify de generators according to their excitation with necessary diagrams. Describe the (08)
. open circuit characteristic of a de. generator.
c) Write the significance of the back emf of a de motor, Write the necessity of a starter in it. (07)
d) What are thefactors controlling.motor speed. Describe flux control method.' (IO)

Page: 1 o/2
. . .
(Answer ANY THREE questions
. from this section in Script
. B)

5.: a) What is phase and phase difference? Find the angle of phase· difference between· (I 0)
v = 3 lOcos(wt + 30°) =
and i ..:.2sin(wt -60°); which lags? .
b)· ·Define impedance: Derive the equation for impedance and power for an R-L branch.· (15)
· Show graphical representation of voltage, current and power variation in. that branch.
c). Find the amount of energy stored by a capacitor during a quarter cycle. (10)
. .
. 6. .a} · Define: (i) Form Factor (ii) Crest Factor (iii) Power Factor. (09)
b) 'What is phasor? Write the. significance· of operation j. Find all possible roots of ( 14)
·3 I OL45°5ef6o· (-4.04 T- /2.94)
I - JL732 .
c) Show· that the crest factor of sine wave is Ji and the form factor of the 'same wave is 1.11. (12)

7· a) . Define with necessary diagrams .(i) Oscillating current (ii) Periodic current and. ( I 0) .
.(iii) Alternating current. (iv) Period and (v) Cycle. · .
·b) Calculate the real power and reactive power employing complex forms. (10)
c) Find the impedance of an L branch from its dynamic equilibrium equation. . (07)
d) A voltage v=-l50sin377t. ·is applied to a particular circuit element and it is found that (08)
·.. i == l0c.os377t amp. Make a 'Sketch ofv and i . Find the nature and magnitude of circuit
· parameter ..

&. · ·a). Show· that e.m.f/turri. is the same in both the primary and secondary windings of a (07)
transformer. · .
b) Describe transformer on (i) No-load condition and (ii) on-load condition .. Draw necessary· (08)
vector diagrams. 1
. . .
. · .

c): Mention. themain parameters of a transformer. Briefly explain the open-circuit and short (12)
circuit tests ofa single phase transformer to calculate these parameters.
d) What are the losses in a transformer? Define. efficiency and· find the condition for (08)
maximum efficiency of a· transformer. .

Page: 2 of 2

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