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The holocaust

Rebeca Escobar
Rodrigo de León
Eva Chocooj
Oral Report
Vocabulary words

Nazis Jew Refuge Community

Grand mosque of Paris

1 2 3
Fact Fact Fact
It is a temple of worship, The Grand Mosque of Paris Over the centuries, the
where people felt protected is the story of the Muslim Great Mosque has become
and safe to be there. It was community of Paris during the epicenter of the
built in 1926 as an the Nazi occupation of religious and cultural life of
expression of France’s World War II and their Mali, and the community of
thanks to the many North efforts to rescue Jews. Djenné. It is also the site of
African Muslims who fought a unique annual festival
with the French. called the Crepissage de la
Grand Mosquée
Word Map

Oppressors Deportation


Muslim Detention

1. What the holocaust is? When speaking about the "Holocaust",

The Holocaust was the genocide of European
what time period are we refering to?
Jews that took place during the Second World During the Second World War, between 1933
War due to the Nazi ideology of the German and 1945.
government, which already had several
centuries of hostility and racism towards Jews.
The Holocaust as a consequence destroyed
the lives of individuals and cultures that had
developed for a long time throughout the
European continent.
Which Jewish communities What is a concentration camp
suffered losses during the and how many people were
holocaust? there?
A concentration camp is a type of detention facility where large numbers of
• Jews from Poland: With over 3 million Jews, Poland was the biggest Jewish population in Europe
people are imprisoned, often without trial or legal process, and are subjected
prior to World War Two. The Holocaust resulted in the murder of about 90% of them.
to harsh living conditions, forced labor, and inhumane treatment.
German Jews: There were around 500,000 Jews residing in Germany in 1933. Only a small
Concentration camps were used by the Nazis in Germany and other countries
portion of them were still living in 1945.
during World War II to imprison and systematically murder millions of people,
Jews of Hungary: With over 700,000 Jews, Hungary had the biggest Jewish population in
primarily Jews but also other groups such as Romani people, homosexuals,
Europe after Poland. Around 600,000 people were killed during the Holocaust.
disabled individuals, political dissidents, and prisoners of war.
Jews from Ukraine: There was a sizable Jewish community there, and many were murdered.
The number of people in concentration camps varied over time and by
by local allies and Nazi Einsatzgruppen (mobile murdering forces).
location. Some camps were much larger than others, and the number of
• Jews in Romania: Before to World War II, there were about 800,000 Jews living in Romania.
prisoners could fluctuate greatly depending on events such as deportations,
Almost 420,000 people were killed during the Holocaust.
The numerous Jewish communities who lost members during the Holocaust are represented by executions, and liberation by Allied forces. However, it is estimated that

only a handful of these instances. A horrific occurrence, the Holocaust had tremendous effect on between 1941 and 1945, approximately 1.7 million people died in concentration

Jewish communities throughout Europe and beyond. camps operated by the Nazis, with the majority of those being Jews.

When does the terms ''final What is your opinion about it?
solution'' actually begin? The final solution was a euphemism used by
Nazi Germany's leaders that encourage and
It takes place from 1941 to 1945, this refers to
forced Jews to leave the German Reich and
and euphemism used by a Nazi German y's
There were two metods to killed jewis, mass
shooting and gassing operations.
The Nazi leaders envisioned killing 11
million Jews as part of the final solutions,
they succeed killing 6 million Jews.

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