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The Nazi party were very popular with the German People as they used many tactics to appeal to the
people. They used the current circumstances of the country to gain power. I believe that the appeal of
Hitler and the Nazi party was the reason the Nazis became popular.

There were many groups of people in Germany who were afraid of communism, for example the Upper
and Middle-class. They feared communism because it would have meant that they would have to give
up their land and money to the working class. Another group that was concerned with communism were
socialists as if communism spread that would mean that the state would own everything. There was
evidence of growing support for communism in Germany, such as the attempt by German communists
after WW1. All of this led to increased support for Hitler and the Nazi party in the elections as the Nazi
party promised to fight communism, and the stormtroopers fought against many communist gangs.

People voted for Adolf Hiler and the Nazi party for many reasons, firstly they appealed to a number of
different groups in Germany such as the working class. When unemployment was at its peak in 1932,
Hitler promised the German people that he would give bread and jobs. This may seem simple now but
to them it was as if there was light at the end of the dark tunnel and Hitler was the one who would guide
them to the light. As a result, most working-class people had begun to vote for the Nazi party.
Furthermore, The Nazi’s were well organized and innovative, for example they had used radio to
campaigning during when radio was becoming very popular in Germany. They were also buying
newspapers and printing millions of leaflets and posters to persuade and influence the Germans. They
also used propaganda to spread and promote a political cause to persuade people. On their posters they
would normally use simple slogans to introduce their ideas and to make them appeal to the ordinary
people of Germany. Hitler had put one of his most loyal followers, Joseph Gobbels as the chief of
propaganda. The depression had made Hitler and the Nazis more appealing because they were
promising to rebuild the country of Germany and making it a strong nation once again.

Overall, the most important reason that Hitler and the Nazis became more popular was because of the
appeal of Hitler and the Nazi party, this was more significant than the fear of communism because the
promises he made favored most people and the strategies he used were innovative at that time
The overall argument of A is that Hitler was very appealing to most Germans. The most convincing
aspect of this source is when it claims Hitler was a persuasive speaker, because one appealing aspect of
Hitler was his public speaking skills which gained him much attention such as his court room speech
following the Munich Putsch. In addition to this the interpretation is convincing as it is claimed Hitler's
followers were swept along in a 'wave of enthusiasm.', and Hitler attracted great crowds who would
hang on his every word. The overall argument of B is that Hitler's appeal was based upon the despair
many had during the economic depression. The most convincing aspect of this source is the claim that
'Hitler owes his victory to the world economic crisis.' This is a convincing claim as the Nazi's only gained
2.5% of the vote prior to the 1929 economic crisis. In addition to this it claims Hitler appealed to the
unemployed, the businessman and other sections of society. I know this is convincing because Hitler
promised to reduce unemployment and prevent a communist takeover. Overall B is more convincing
because it focuses on the economic crisis, which was the main reason given in B for Hitler’s appeal to
Germans. Hitler oratory only became important when people got desperate and turned to extreme
parties after the Wall Street Crash. In the 1920s when people were more comfortable, the Nazis only got
tiny fraction of the vote.

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