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John Xhielwein G.

Gutierez BSN 2D 3/13/23

Critical Thinking Exercise (Postpartum Hemorrhage)

Critical Thinking Exercise: 10 pts.

A 35-year-old multipara gave birth to a 9lb baby two hours ago after a rapid labor. She

has saturated three pads. Her fundus is firm and at the level of the umbilicus. Her vital

signs are within normal limits.

1. Which data should alert the nurse that the patient is at risk for postpartum hemorrhage?

The three pads saturated in blood from bleeding are the data that would concern the nurse because
they also show that the mother lost more blood than the typical cc after labor, putting her at risk for
postpartum hemorrhage.

2. After the nurse performs the interventions, the patient continues to bleed heavily. The nurse

The nurse will evaluate and monitor the following:

- Heart rate of the patient

- Pulse rate
- Respiration rate
- Blood pressure
- O2 saturation
- Signs of hypovolemia (tachypnea, tachycardia, hypotension, low O2 saturation)

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