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John Xhielwein G.

Gutierez BSN 1-C

INSTRUCTION: Maka a Critique about a "Possible Emotional, Psychological, Sociological confusion and
disarray" for a Child opening his/her eyes to the world with 2 Moms or 2 Dads showering him/her love
beyond compare.

A child under his or her emotional, psychological, and sociological development at such a young
age will naturally identify the parents as the normal ones unless exposed to an environment that has
parental figures of the opposite sex. The child would most likely grow as a homosexual for as long as the
child perceives his or her guardians’ relationship as the norm of society. Of course, there are some
exceptions and many factors affecting the development of the child in the Emotional, Psychological, and
Sociological aspects of his or her life like the parents’ teachings regarding these aspects of the child’s
development, the kind of social environment that the child has been raised, and how the child perceives
sexuality as influenced by the environment. Another exception is if the couple chose to adopt a child
which is already imprinted and is accustomed to the traditional way of a house environment thus, the
child may not be confused in terms of how to feel towards the same sex, how to think and act when
interacting with the same sex, and how to socialize with the same sex. With all this in mind, the child
within the years of his or her development will be affected by certain factors that contribute to the
child’s confusion, especially the environment. All of this shall contribute to and influence the child’s
perception of the sexuality of others including his or her own.

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