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❖ Vocabulary
❖ Learning
➢ P20

1- Steer clear: Avoid

Example: I steer clear of making mistakes
when I speak English, for example, by
simplifying what I say.

2- Crucial element: The most important thing

Example: Motivation is the crucial element in
3- Deride: mock, make fun of
Example: I think a teacher should never deride a
student for making a mistake.

4- Highly beneficial: very good for

Example: Mistakes can be highly beneficial to

5- Praise: positive things said about someone

Example: I need to get lots of praise for my
efforts if I'm not to feel discouraged.

6- Engaged: Involved
Example: I learn best when I'm engaged in a
topic or conversation, and stop paying
attention to my English.

7- Make an educated guess: try to answer, usually based on some

Example: When I don't know something in English,
I can usually make an educated guess
about it.

8- Something of a perfectionist: someone who can't bear making mistakes (informal)

Example: I'm something of a perfectionist, so l
don't speak in English unless I'm sure I
will say things correctly.

By: Zahra Mirza :)

❖ Vocabulary Plus
❖ Idioms: Feeling
➢ P22

1- A sinking feeling:
An unpleasant feeling when you realize something bad is going to happen

2- Welcome (errors/sth/sb) with open arms:

be very pleased to encounter, meet, or experience something

❖ Vocabulary Bank
❖ Body Idioms
➢ P121

1.hanging over her head

2. on the wrong foot
3. head and shoulders above
4. fly in the face of
5. to see the back of
6. play it by ear

❖ Vocabulary
❖ Collocation: Education
➢ P23
1. curriculum
2. fostering
4. individuality
5. initiative
6. nurturing
7. path
8. respect
9. potential
10. standards
11. striving

By: Zahra Mirza :)

❖ Vocabulary
❖ Creativity
➢ P26

By: Zahra Mirza :)

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