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Factors that influences learner’s speaking, problem that language
learner’s face during speaking, and managing speech anxiety.
 Factors that influence learners speaking

1. Motivation- When a child understand the

importance of understanding a language and can see
how it directly applies to their life ,they learn faster.
When they are interested in learning a language and
they see meaningful connections to their lives, they
begin to takes risk to produced language, which help
the to acquire it faster.
 Factors that influence learners speaking

2. Support At home-If a child’s family only speaks one

language, are they able to provide help when the
students needs it? It also matters how much value
parents place in learning an additional language.
Parents who prioritize language learning are more
likely to push their child to keep trying even when it
feels difficult.
 Factors that influence learners speaking

3. Prior Linguistic knowledge- Is the language they’re

learning their first foreign language?
Once a child has studied and acquire a language, their
skills at learning another will increase. Language
learners have the ability to translate skills from one
language to another.
 Factors that influence learners speaking

4. Learning environment- How does the child

feel in the classroom?
Students learning environment has an impact
on their motivation- a low anxiety language
learning environment increase the chance for
 Factors that influence learners speaking

5. Teaching Strategies- Offering an immersion experience helps

students connect the language learning to their everyday lives, but
rote vocabulary memorization and grammar drills create
“meaning-less” language lessons.
 Factors that influence learners speaking

6. Comprehensible Input- The curriculum must reach a child at

their current level and challenge them with activities and just level
1 beyond their current stage. To make sure that students
motivated to learn, it’s important to ensure that they feel like they
have the ability to progress to the next level of learning.
 Factors that influence learners speaking

7. Student personality- A student’s personality can affect how they

learn a second language. More introverted students have been
shown to take longer to acquire a language because they’re more
hesitant to make mistakes. Extroverted students are more likely to
go out on a limb and try out their newly learned vocabulary.
 Factors that influence learners speaking

8. Age- While the students of all ages can learn a

foreign language, there is consensus that certain
aspects are affected by the age of the learner.
 Factors that influence learners speaking

9. Comfort in their country of residence- How happy are the

students in the country where they are studying a language?
 Most children move to a new country because of a parents
job ,not by choice.
 A final factor in language learning is the child’s comfort in the
current country of residence. As a result, their motivation to
learn a new language can depend on whether they’re happy to
be in a new place.
Problems faced by the students in
speaking English Language
1. Common grammar mistakes while
speaking English language.
- In speaking English language mostly, the
students make grammar mistakes.
2. Lack of confidence in speaking English
-This is the usually caused by the
teachers in not giving sufficient
encouragement to speak English in
3.Shyness in speaking English
-In shyness they are not confident of themselves to
speak, they are unable to remember the grammar rules
and correct vocabulary in speaking English.
4. Fear of making mistakes when speaking English
-No one is born perfect, everyone makes mistakes but
they should learn from their mistakes and overcome
their mistakes in speaking English.
5. Lack of motivation in students in
speaking English.
-Motivation can be driven by the
teachers, other students, and also their
parents. But they didn’t motivate them
very well to speak english
6. Nervous in speaking English language
in public.
-By nervousness, the students feel
uncomfortable and confuse in speaking
English and communicating in public.
Managing Speech Anxiety
 Know your topic- the better you understand
what your talking about- and the more you
care about the topic- the less likely you’ll
make a mistake or get off track.
 Get organized- ahead of time, carefully plan
out the information you want to present,
including any props, audio r visual aid.
 Practice Some more- Practice to complete
presentation several times. Do it for some
people you’re comfortable with and ask for
feedback. It also be helpful to practice with
a few people with whom you’re less
 Challenge specific worries- When your afraid of
something, you may overestimate the likelihood of
bad things happening. List your specific worries.
 Visualize your success- Positive
thoughts can help decrease some of
your negativity about your social
performance and relieve some anxiety.
 Do some deep breathing- This can be
very calming. Take two or more deep,
slow breaths before you get up to the
podium and during your speech.
 Focus on your material, not on your
audience- People mainly pay attention to
new information- not how it’s presented.
They may not notice your nervousness.
 Don’t fear a moment of silence- If you lose
track of what your saying or starts to feel
nervous and your mind goes blank, it may
seem like you’ve been silent for an eternity
 Recognize your success- After your speech
or presentation, give yourself a pat on the
back. It may not have been perfect, but
chances are you’re far more critical of
yourself that your audience
 Get support- Join a group that
offers support for people who
have difficulty with public
10 causes of speech anxiety
1. Self consciousness in front of a large
group- This is the most frequently named
for performance anxiety
2. Fear of appearing nervous- Do
you fear that you’ll look fearful?
Many speakers do.
3. Concern that others judging you-
The tough-love message here is that
people really don’t care about you.
4.Past failures- Public speaking
anxiety is often learned behaviour.
5. Poor or insufficient preparation- lf
you haven’t done your homework,
( including knowing your audience)
there no reason you should succeed.
6.Narcissism- Indulging in extreme
self-consciousness while speaking is
7. Dissatisfaction with your abilities-
You should feel dissatisfied if your
speaking skills are below par.
8. Discomfort with your own body-
Why is it that were all at ease
physically with friends, but self-
conscious and awkward in front of
an audience?
9. Poor breathing habits- Public
speaking requires more air than
“vegetative breathing”
10. Comparing yourself to others-
your job is never to be an “excellent”

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