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1. How did the video make you feel about the idea of your parents aging?

2. How often do you communicate with your elderly parents?

3. In what ways do you express your love and appreciation for them?

4. Are spending quality time with your parents, engaging in activities they enjoy?

5. Have you taken the time to learn about their life experiences and the stories they have to share?

5. What emotions did you experience while watching the video, and why do you think those emotions arose?


1. Why is the ant's hardworking nature a good example of taking personal responsibility?

2. Can you think of a moment when being responsible and taking initiative made a positive difference in your

3. How does the ant getting ready for winter show why planning for the future is important?

4. What can the grasshopper's unpreparedness teach us about the problems of not planning ahead in our own

5. Do you think there is a balance between working hard and enjoying leisure time? How does the fable portray
this balance?

6. Can you relate the ant and the grasshopper to your own habits of balancing work and play?

7. Do you think the ant's refusal to share with the grasshopper is justified? Why or why not?

8. How might the fable encourage us to practice compassion and understanding even in challenging situations?

9. How can the changing seasons in the fable be seen as a metaphor for different stages in life?
In what ways might individuals need to adapt their behavior and priorities based on the "season" they are in?


1. How does the V shape made by geese show why working together and helping each other is important?

2. Can you find similarities between how geese fly together in sync and how people in groups or teams can
work well together?

3. In the geese line, the front goose faces the strongest wind. How is this like leadership in human situations?

4. Think about a time when you led or followed someone. How does that connect to the geese and their leader
facing the wind?

5. Geese honk to cheer on the leaders. How can this be like giving support in your own life, at work or

6. Remember a time when you either supported someone or got support. How did it influence what happened in
the end?

7. Think about a time when things changed suddenly. What did you learn from adapting to that situation?

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