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Writing portfolio

Saurav yadhuvanshi
Enrollment number:
Ambedkar University Delhi

Under the supervision of

Monal Manik dewle
Dated: 16-08-2022

1. Watch this video and after watching this, write the thoughts that come to your mind in the
form of a paragraph.


Father is a verb that denotes a child's sire. Over the years, the concept of the parent has
evolved. But one element remained constant: fathers have always been seen as the
family's secondary carers, which may even include their own parents. Fathers are a
crucial component of the family because they set the framework for harmony among the
family's members. He instructs them on how to behave responsibly and with respect in
both their family and the wider community. Children start out with blank slates that their
fathers subsequently shape into men who will one day take charge of their family.
Considering the father daughter relationship, it is the most beautiful relationship in the
world. A girl's psychological development can be greatly influenced by her relationship
with her father. In reality, when their fathers are present in their lives as daughters, girls
grow up with a positive sense of self. They have a clearer idea of their life goals and are
more assured and self-assured. A girl always loves her father a lot as Because a father is a
man who understands what type of beasts men can be when they are on the wrong side.
They love their daughter more in order to provide them with the mental and emotional
power needed to cater to the men's world out there. Hence, Fathers, like mothers, play an
important role in the emotional development of their children. Children look to their
fathers to establish and enforce ground rules. They also look to their fathers to provide
both physical and emotional security.

2. Do you think that the woman needs to wait for her father?
I personally think that it is worth waiting for your parents as no matter whatthey always
come back to their child. In the movie there must be some reson for that her father left
her and she awaited for him. Understanding the dilemma behind the action and waiting
for your loved ones is the perfect things and most precious things you can do to a human.
The father daughter duo is far away from the imagination. A girl always loves her father
more than anything and it is obvious to wait for that person who is hero to us since our

3. What do you think about the relationship between the father and the daughter?
A young girl's life can be made or broken by her father and can even affect whether or
not she grows up to be a strong, self-assured woman. The influence of a father on his
daughter affects her ideas on males, confidence, and self-esteem. The psychological
growth of a daughter may be significantly influenced by her relationship with her father.
In actuality, daughters who have father figures in their lives grow to have strong senses of
self. They have a better understanding of what they want out of life and are more certain
and confident in themselves.

4. What do you think about the background depicted in the video? Does it have any
significance in the progression of story?
That dark and brown background indicates the sad and grief of the story the girl is facing
also the music playing is giving sad vibes and strong connection of how the girl was
feeling without her father. The lake where her father went eventually turned into a grass
land during the span of time which shows that everything around the world was changing
but still that girl holds herself their for her father. It says that everything changes over the
time but our feelings and hurts-harms stays their with us whenever we pass though the
same place.

5. Does this short video deserve an Oscar? Why/why not?

Yes this film obviously deserves oscar as Father and Daughter could be regarded from a
whole different angle than just a daughter's desire for her father. This piece could also be
interpreted as a moving portrait of fathers who uproot their children and migrate to other
nations in quest of well-paying employment. Their entire existence is dedicated to the
family's well-being. They toil like beasts in other countries, and the results of their labour
are enjoyed by the family they left behind, whom these fathers may not have seen for the
bulk of their lives. This movie experience will renew your affection for your father, and
he may even briefly cross your mind.


1. Watch this video and after watching it, write the thoughts that come to your mind in the
form of a paragraph

Hope is an essential part of our life. As shown in the movie the child was having hope to
get a yellow umberella and he got it at the end. He led to a good life and keep his father’s
belonging with him. The essence of existence is hope. Many of us could not possibly live
a peaceful existence if we did not have hope deep inside our hearts. Life can be
unpredictable, difficult, and even dangerous at times. Many times, things go out of hand
and beyond our control. Hope keeps us fighting and increases our chances of making our
lives better. Hope - the core of life - keeps our eyes peeled for a brighter future.Without a
doubt, life is a never-ending conflict. However, it's also not all that bad. Keep your
dreams in your eyes. Hope not only gives you the strength to persevere through hardship,
but it also eases the way to the future. Let's not let the fact that today is a bad day worry
us. That tomorrow will be better than today is something we constantly tell ourselves.
The basis of optimism is hope. When I have hope for something, I think that the sadness
and adversity of the present will soon pass. Having hope keeps us upbeat. As you are
aware, our thoughts greatly affect how we behave. If your mind pushes you to persist and
not give up on a course, you will.Thus, hope empowers an optimistic outlook. It creates
an aura around you that shields you from adverse circumstances. Because of this, hope
will always remain the foundation of existence.

2. What is the significance of the yellow umbrella in the video?

Umbrella is a labour of love, perseverance, and discipline. It shows that if we can find
unique stories in our own life and have a genuine belief that our dreams will come true,
they will. In this animation the child wanted that umbrella as to keep that as his father’s
belonging. For that little child that yellow umbrellawas more like his father’s memories
and how his father used to protect hi during their tough days.

3. Where did the little boy left at? Why and by whom?
The child was left at the door of the orphage by his own father. The reason could be
anything. The movie depicts them as extremely poor as expressed them as beggar. Maybe
his father could not take him with him and want him to face all the obstacles. His father
dropped him at a place he find safe for him.

4. What does the ending of the video indicate and why?

The end may be intended to represent when that guy let go of that umbrella and those
memories as well of his father. He gave that umbrella to that girl and made her happy in
the same way that umbrella made him happy in his childhood. With that umbrella, his
father’s memories also got vanished.


1. Watch this video and after watching it, write the thoughts that come to your mind in the
form of a paragraph.

Impact of war on children

Children are impacted by war in a variety of ways, just like adults are. Children depend
on adults' love, empathy, and attention, to start. Due to the death of parents, the extreme
concern of parents for providing for and protecting the family, and the emotional
unavailability of depressed or preoccupied parents, children's attachments are frequently
disrupted during times of war. The child may be receiving substitute care from relatives
or an orphanage, who only marginally look out for them. Second, childhood experiences
have a far greater negative impact on the lives of children than they do on adults.
Consider the children who are denied the opportunity to attend school during a war or
who are forced to live in refugee or displaced person camps in deplorable conditions
while waiting years for normal life to return if it ever does. Consider a child who is
injured in combat; in addition to losing a limb, sight, or mental faculties, they may miss
out on the opportunity to attend school and have a social life. A girl who has been
sexually abused may face social marginalization and lose her chance at marriage. These
people's lives will never be fulfilled.

2. What is the significance of the box in this video?

That box might be representing the support system that helps the one suffering from the
war. That might be a representative of the government which helps us get out of all the
consequences of the war by either sending us to a different country or anything possible
to them.

3. Why did you think the boy did not take the cat with him when he left?
There may be many reasons such as the boat might not hold the weight of both of them. It
can be possible that he is sure about how to nurture that little cat when he is not even
capable to feed him. It has been seen that cat is scared of water so might be the cat
doesn’t want to go via waterways.

4. How can we avoid such situations?

Apply international humanitarian law to the protection of children in times of war.
Ensure that general economic sanctions against a country are never used again as a
substitute for war, as they were in Iraq.
Implement strategies to reduce sexual exploitation and gender-based violence against
women and girls in times of war.

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