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Cebu Eastern College

Leon Kilat St., Cebu City, Philippines

AY: 2021 – 2022

Hermogenes, Nicole Shane N.


Activity 3: It Makes Sense

Commercial Link:

You will watch a TV commercial. As you watch the video, answer the following

1. What is the message?

We should appreciate and thankful for every sacrifices our parents do for us. We
might have misunderstandings along the way but at the end of the day they are
still our parents no matter what.

2. What is the purpose of the message?

This is for people who regret the loss of their parents and were not able to show
their love to them. It made us realize that we never neglect our parents, who
care about us, and taught us to love our parents no matter what and appreciate
them until their time is gone. Once we lost them, we cannot get them back.

3. How is the message conveyed by the text and/or video?

He sacrificed his life to save his daughter, which shows how much he loves her.
His father might not have hearing or a voice, but he has a heart, and that's what
really matters. There is no perfect father, but a father will always love us

4. What did you feel while and after watching the commercial? Cite the scene/s that
elicited the feeling/s that you`ve mentioned?
While I'm watching the video, I feel sadness and emptiness, and after I watch
the video, I feel despair and guilt. It made me cry, and it really breaks my heart
when her father says, "Take my house, take my money, and please don't let my
daughter die." Those are the words of a true loving father, and when he says,
"Sorry about being deaf and mute," he doesn't need to say sorry for his
disabilities. His daughter must be proud to have a father who loves her very
5. Who is the target audience of the message?
Teenagers, seniors, and mature adults who have an interest in having life

6. What modes were used in presenting the message?

Linguistic and Gesture

7. Do you think it effectively integrate the different modes in conveying its

Yes, because it can help us comprehend and understand the idea you are trying
to convey and help us avoid misunderstandings and conflict.

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