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Dream Big: A Senior High School Recollection

Each one of us has our own dreams to fulfill in life, dreams that will motivate and
shape us to become a better individual in the future. Dreams that will make us happy
once these dreams will turn to goals, then goals will in turn become our achievements.
Isn’t it joyful when you tell yourself that you finally had the chance to fulfill your life
with these goals and move on in making another dream? When you think about, it is a
great sense of fulfillment and you try to walk on the right path for the rest of your life.
But the question is, have you ever dream big? Have you ever thought that your
dreams in life will soon become reality? Do you trust yourself enough to make all
your dreams come true despite of fear, hardships and obstacles along the way? Are
you afraid of taking each step towards achieving your real-life goals? If you cannot
answer these deep - thoughtful questions, then let me share to you how I understood
life and embrace it’s significant in gaining experiences to achieve your dreams.
The night before the recollection, Father Bong told me that I will be in-charge of the
Powerpoint Presentation. I will be his assistant during his presentation for the
program as he will be one of the speakers for the recollection. I have never done this
before to be honest, it was my first time. I knew that even though I never had the
experience with a powerpoint presentation, I took the liberty to ask Father Bong to
teach me how. At the back of my mind, I was actually nervous and excited at the
same time because I know it will be easy just like using a Microsoft word or Excel.
On the day of the recollection, I arrived 7:35 in the morning so I had time to prepare
and to practice the presentation before the program started at 8:00. Father Bong gave
me the handouts of the program and taught me everything in order for me to assist
him with his presentation smoothly without any issues and difficulties during the
As I was preparing, the Senior High students of Balara High School arrived on time
and they were properly assisted with hospitality. As we started, Father Bong
welcomed the students with such a lively song entitled ‘I Have a Dream’ by Verbum
Dei. The Senior High students were so very eager because Father Bong added some
actions to the song. The students had fun and loved the song to their hearts’ content.
Who wouldn’t be when the song was full of thrill and excitement.
The speakers were amazing with their presentations. The first speaker talked about the
actual example of 1,000 peso bill and at this moment, the students were seriously
listening as she crumpled and stepped on the money. She showed it to the students,
asking if they still want the bill to which they delightedly replied “Yes!”. The bill is
still significant because they do all know that it is still the same amount of valued
money but what was the main lesson of the speaker’s talk?
The point was for us to understand how important our lives are in the Eyes of God,
how Jesus still loves us no matter what we are going through in our lives. The bill she
showed represents us as we human beings encounter awful experiences, heartbreaks
and lost. He will never abandoned us despite our shortcomings, fears, troubles,
problems and all those negative things that make us undervalued by those obstacles
and hardships we encountered in our paths. He will never stop believing and will
forever be patient with us with welcoming arms no matter how sinful we are.
Sometimes it’s really hard to have faith when we are in a worse kind of situations;
situations of disappointments in life, sorrow and death but there is always a reason for
everything. At times we wonder why these things happen to us as we tend to be
frustrated and cursed the life for giving us the hard time to live but one thing is for
sure, surrender everything to God and trust that His plans for you will never fail.
Timing is everything and time is gold, never forget the saying “Patience is a virtue.”

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