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Quiz 2

Laura Portugal

Centennial College

Human Resources Management

Edward Nkyi

February 21 , 2024

Answer all questions (Reference all your sources)

1. Explain Human Resources Management in your own words (2.5 marks)

It is a set of techniques, tools and procedures used to manage and motivate

employees in organizations, including the processes of identification, selection and
training to motivate and develop employees while achieving common organizational
goals. (Schwind H.F., 2022)

2. A holistic review of human resources strategies with the intention of identifying and
correcting deficiencies is known as.........(1 mark)

Human Resources audit

3. ............... is the collection of tasks and responsibilities performed by an individual (1



4. Physical and mental demands on job holders are examples of ............ (1 mark)

Job Demands

5. List any 2 mandatory employee benefits in Canada (2 marks)

 The Canada Pension Plan (CPP)

 Paid time off

(Mandatory Employee Benefits, n.d.)

Schwind H.F., U. K. (2022). Canadian human resource management: A strategic approach (Vol. 13th
Edition). McGraw Hill Education.
(s.f.). Asinta:

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