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1. X-ray, the wave of electromagnetic radiation, is similar to light wave.

X-ray can be
produced from cathode ray tube by shooting a high velocity stream of electrons at the
target. Electrons in the stream collide with the electron in the target. If non coming
electron has a great velocity, the target electrons are not into the higher energy orbital.
When the electron fall back down to the lower orbital, the energy differential is released
x-ray. The X-ray has then been through the subject. Rays are absorbed or pass through
depending on the tissue density. A screen on the other side of the subject captures the x-
ray. A developed X-ray looks like a photograph negative. Soft tissue areas allow more
rays pass through a darker. Bone absorbs the x-ray well and appears light.

1. Why did he say X-ray is similar to the light wave?

2. How can X-ray be produced?

3. Why does the image of bone appear light?

4. The Electron Scanning Microscope consists of a cylinder tube about two meters long
with a completely ….. In contrast to the light microscope, the electron microscope
visualize the objects using the thin beam of the rapidly moving electrons that interface …
with the specimens placed in the tube. The electrons are emitted by cathode at the top of
the tube and then accelerated by the anode. They then pass to a small aperture which
forms them into the beam and in a vacuum inside the tube. The part of microscope
generates the electron beam is sometime called the electron gun. The beam is maintained
along the tube by means of electron magnetic lenses. The coil is rounded the tube and
given intervals. The electromagnetic field is made by the coil focused the beam at the
center of the tube. The electrons encounter specimen and arrive the observed cathode or
pass through it. Because different regions of specimens are variously transparent to the
electrons, different amount of electrons with changed energy pass through these regions.
At the end of the tube, the electrons are collected on few region of photographic films.
On the screen, they generate an image of specimen. The beam reached the film consists
of different amount of electrons that pass through particularly regions of specimen. This
difference is responsible for the contrast in the film. The regional image produced by
electron microscope is always black and white. And it is impossible to see directly with

4.What is the difference between light microscope and electron microscope?

5.How do electrons move to the specimen?

6.How is the beam maintained along the tube?

7.What does the coil use for?

8.What is type of SEM image?

1. Why did he say X-ray is similar to the light wave?

2. How can X-ray be produced?

3. Why does the image of bone appear light?

4.What is the difference between light microscope and electron microscope?

5.How do electrons move to the specimen?

6.How is the beam maintained along the tube?

7.What does the coil use for?

8.What is type of SEM image?

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