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Name: ___________________ Date: _________________

By Pearlyn

They have no mouth, but seem to speak

A thousand words so mild and meek.
They have no eyes, but seem to see
And bury thoughts into me.

They have no ears, but seem to hear

All my cries, my every tear.
They have no arms, but seem to pat
When with worries my heart is fat.

They have no feet, but seem to walk

Along with me in my dreams and talk.
They, I know, are the flowers so nice
That spread their fragrance a million miles.

Grow a few and then you'll know

How your life is fresh and new.
With a smile so broad, I thank my God,
Whose work to imagine is really too hard.

Activity 1

1. How do you think the person in the poem felt in stanza 2? How do you

2. What did the writer say about the flowers’ fragrance?


3. Did the writer suggest us to plant flowers? How do you know?


1 | Venny English Course (+6281 228 596 040)
4. How does the poem describe the flower as a character?

5. From this poem, where do you think the writer when they saw the poem?

6. Pay attention to these lines: “They have no mouth, but seem to speak”,
“They have no ears, but seem to hear”. What are the flowers being
compared to?

7. How many stanzas does the poem have? _________ stanzas

8. How many lines does each stanza have? ________ lines
9. What is the rhyming pattern from this stanza?

They have no mouth, but seem to speak

A thousand words so mild and meek.
They have no eyes, but seem to see
And bury thoughts into me.


10. Find 2 rhyming pairs from stanza 1.

__________ and ___________
__________ and ___________

11. Find 2 rhyming pairs from stanza 2.

__________ and ___________
__________ and ___________

12. Find 2 rhyming pairs from stanza 3.

__________ and ___________
__________ and ___________

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13. Write 4 new lines to continue this poem with the same rhyming pattern
14. What is the meaning of layout in a poem?

15. What is the meaning of repetition in a poem?


Activity 2

Now make your own poem about nature. Make 8 lines of a poetry with 4 pairs of
rhyming words in it.











3 | Venny English Course (+6281 228 596 040)

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