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•The study of the interaction between matter and energy.

•It is concerned not with chemical changes that occur but with the forces that exist between objects
and the interrelationship between matter and energy.

•Physics comes from the Greek word physika, meaning ‘Of nature or natural philosophy”.

Two General Branches of Physics

Classical Physics – focuses on the study of macroscopic object and physical laws governing them,
which is concerned with the motion of objects moving at speed that are low compared to the speed
of light.

Modern Physics – is the study of nuclei and other related phenomenon.

•It explains the properties and interactions among atoms and subatomic particles.

Classical Physics
1. Thermodynamics – which deals with heat, work , temperature , and the statistical behavior of a
large number of particles.

•Thermo means heat while dynamics means in motion.

2. Mechanics – this branch of physics studies the motion, energy, and effects of forces on matter.

3. Electromagnetism- which involves the theory of electricity , magnetism, and electromagnetic fields.

•This involves the study of concepts and principles of electrostatic force and electrically-charged
objects, as well as magnetism.

4. Wave Physics – are energy carries in the form of sound and light waves.

•Light Waves- also known as optics, focus on the study of properties and characteristics of light
and optical.

•Sound Waves – explain the transmission, emission, and production of sounds due to vibrating

5. Acoustics - Study of sound,its production transmisson and effects

Modern Physics
•This branch of physics deals with the study of properties, characteristics, and different applications
and interactions of atoms and subatomic particles.

•Two of its important contributions are the quantum theory by Max Planck and the theory of
relativity by Albert Einstein.
•Modern Physics also introduced the use of nuclear energy, particle accelerator and generator.

Brief History
Classical Physics , which means all of the physics developed prior to 1900, includes the theories ,
concepts, laws, and experiments in classical mechanics, thermodynamics, and electromagnetism.

Galileo Galilei ( 1564-1642)- made significant contributions to classical mechanics through his work
on the motion of objects having constant acceleration.

Johannes Kepler (1571-1630) –German astronomer, analyzed astronomical data develop empirical
laws for the motion of planetary bodies.

Isaac Newton ( 1642- 1727) – Provided the most important contributions to classical mechanics, who
developed classical mechanics as a systematic theory and was one of the originators of the calculus
as a mathematical tool.

Modern Physics
•The two most important developments in this modern era were theories of relativity and quantum

•Einstein’s theory of relativity completely revolutionized the traditional concepts of space, time and

•Relativity – which is a theory describing objects moving at any speed, even those whose speeds
approach the speed of light.


Michael Faraday – renonwed english scientist, discovered electromagnetic induction and formulated
the laws of electrolysis.

J. Robert Oppenheimer – directed the development of the first atomic bomb.

Charles Augustine de Coulomb- formulated Coulomb’s law, the principle that governs the interaction
between electric charges.

George Simon Ohm – German Physicist,formulated Ohm’s law, which shows the relationship between
electromotive force, resistance, and current.

Andre Marie Ampere- one of the discoverers of electromagnetism.

•The ampere (symbol A), the SI unit of the electric current, was named after him.

Daniel Bernoulli- known as the founder of mathematical physics.

•The Bernoulli’s Principle is used to explain some phenomena such as how kites fly.

Thomas Alva Edison- American Inventor, invented the phonograph, incandescent lamp, revolutionary
generator, and carbon-button transmitter for the telephone speaker and microphone.

Albert Einstein-German Born Physicist, best known for his special theory of relativity .

•He is known as the father of modern physics.

Lee De Forest- known as the father of radio and television.

Benjamin Franklin- discovered the electricity in lightning and invented the bifocals and franklin stove.

Galileo- Galilei- Italian Physicst, known as the father of experimental science.

•He discovered the laws of falling bodies and the motions of projectiles.

•He also invented the first thermometer and pendulum – timing device.

Isaac Newton – formulated the three laws of motions. , the law of universal gravitation, and
corpuscular theory of light.

He is also known as the father of classical physics.

Denis Papin- invented the Papin’s steam engine and the pressure cooker.

Blaise Pascal – invented the digital calculator and became well-known for his Pascal’s Principle

Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen- known for is discovery of the X-ray and invention of the X-ray tube.

Evangelista Torricelli- known for his invention of the barometer.

Alessandro Volta – discovered the voltaic pile ( the first battery) .

•The SI unit for potential difference , the volt ( symbol V), was named after him.


1.Curiosity - strong desire to expore and understand the world

2.Questioning attitude

3.Intellectual Responsibility - seeking knowledge,engange in critical thinnking,being open minded,

taking responsibility for one intellectual growth and development

4.Resourcefulness and Creativity - be able to think outside the box,generate new ideas.

5.Patience and Determination

6.Accuracy (respect for the evidence)

7. Humility

8. Open-mindedness - Receptive to new ideas,alternative view points ,be willing to changne one
beliefs , be open to feedback and consntructive critisicm , being adaptable and flexible in the face of
new info

9. Honesty - maintaining integrity and truthfulness in all aspects of life,it helps build trust

10. Believe in Cause and Effect - ackowledging that multiple factors contribute to an
effect,conducting experients and collect emprical evidence

11. Critical Thinking - Analyzing information,questioning assumptions and evaluating evidence

12. Perseverance - Persist and overcome challenges,having a stronng work ethic and dedicating time
and effort to their research

13 Collaboration - involves working effectively with others,sharing knowledge and resources.

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