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Student’s name______________ Quiz 30 minutes

Correct the mistakes

1. Tom was running on the highway fast two days before.
2. I don’t like your ram. It always eats my new plants.
3. When her uncle died, she became the only heir of her uncle.
4. The symbol of Australia is a kangaroo. Kangarooes are friendly animals.
5. Women spend millions of dollars on beauties products every year.
6. Can you give me three loafs of bread, please?
7. Your house is full of mice. Why don’t you have a cat to kill it.
8. Why was your clothes so dirty when I came home?
9. Thank you. I appreciate your advices.
10. Sorry, teacher. I am late. I had some works to do.
11. Have you read today’s papers? There is good news on it.
12. Our team is changing their clothes.
13. Twenty mile is too long to run in an hour.
14. Princesses had many lady-in-waitings to serve them.
15. John likes his car very much. It is his baby.
16. Tom was running fast yesterday on the highway.
17. I am afraid of wolfs. They scare me even in my dreams.
18. Everyone was in a hurry because policeman was coming.

Turn into possessive

19. word/hanger-on
20. the ceiling/the house
21. the today/newspaper
22. my/father/dog
Write translations and plural forms of the words
23. boy-friend
24. riches
25. VIP
26. Oasis
Write translations and other genders of the words
27. Stag
28. Countess
29. Cousin
30. Goose

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