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Did you have a happy childhood?( tuổi thơ hạnh phúc)
Yes, I did. I enjoyed playing hide and seek ( chơi trốn tìm) with my
Did you experience ( trải qua) your childhood in a city or
I spent my childhood in a rural area ( vùng nông thôn) where I could
see vast rice fields.( cánh đồng lúa rộng lớn)
Did you usually skip class when you were a child?( trốn học)
Yes, I did, and many of my friends did, too.
Who were you with when you were a child?
I was with my beloved family.
What did you want to be when you were a child ?
I dreamed of being a fashion designer.
Who did you love the most when you were a child?
I loved my mom the most since she was always there and took care of
Who was your childhood hero?( anh hùng)
Robin Hood, he took money from the rich and gave it to the poor.( lấy
của ng giàu chia cho ng nghèo)
What reminds ( nhớ) you of your childhood?
Green rice fields which I happen to see everywhere remind me of my
beautiful childhood.
Did you change a lot when you grew up?( lớn lên)
Yes, of course. I’m more mature now( trưởng thành hơn) both
physically and mentally.( thể chất- tinh thần)
Why is childhood important?
Because it shapes people into who they will become.( định hình)
How many rooms are there in your house?
There are 6 rooms: a living room, 2 bedrooms, a bathroom and a
Which floor is your bedroom on?
My bedroom is on the first floor of a three.-storey house.
Is it big or small?
It’s not very spacious, just enough to put necessary furniture in.
( phòng ngủ)
What color is your bedroom painted?
It’s painted pink , my favorite color.
Do you love your room? Why?
I love it very much because it is my private( riêng tư) space whenever
I go home.
What furniture does your bedroom contain(đồđạc) ?
It contains a bed, adesk , and a clothing closet.
What do you do in it?
Well, I spend most of my free time there reading books and sleeping.
How much time do you spend in your room?
About 10 hours a day, especially in the evening.
Do you share your room with anyone else?
No, everyone in my family has their own room, so I stay there alone.

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