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- Document screening and schedule of the assessment date
- Candidate assessment (Shows your readiness to become an Airline Pilot)


Test without right or wrong answers. You will be given statements to indicate to what is close to You and what is not.


Test without right or wrong answers. Questionnaire to describe Your everyday behavior in the workplace and similar

Test which measures Your deductive reasoning ability.
Test is based on a gird containing several objects. One cell in the grid is marked by a question mark. Your task to figure
out what object should be in the cell marked with a question mark.

Test measures Your speed of perception. Your task is to identify the number of moving objects as soon as it possible.

Test measures Your reaction time. Your task is to select equal symbols while they are changing as quickly as it possible.

Test measures Your sense of orientation. Your task to identify the position and course of an aircraft relative to a non-
directional beacon with the aid of a gyrocompass and a radio compass.

Your task is to complete several tasks at the same time.

Test measures Your calculating capacity (within translation of units, percentage calculation, and areas and spaces
proficiencies). Your task is to solve the question and to mark the correct solution.

Test that measures Your ability to discover rules and relationships in a complex information.

Test which simulates flying through a tunnel as You avoid obstacles.

Test which measures Your mechanical-technical understanding on several topics. Test is made up of 24 tasks that will
check You mechanical-technical understanding.


English test, where You need to select correct option which is required in a sentence.

Test measures Your auditory comprehension skills of tower instructions. Your task is to listen to audio files and to
choose the correct readback from a set of response options.

- Try not to guess answers, but to orient on logics.
- Practice mental calculation (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division).
- Remind basic geometry: to be focused on shapes and spatial relationships between objects.
- Take some sudoku practice: non-verbal logic reasons.
- Discover some aircraft instruments’ (compass) basics.
- Be ready to demonstrate Your reaction: how quick You notice and react.


- Applied Numeracy
In everyday life, you can do a lot with a small effort to really improve and reach your full potential.
How to improve Your calculating capacity:
Read/Write: Create a budget and track your spend and savings manually. Calculate how much fuel
a frequent trip in your car consumes, find out how much carbon emission is in that fuel amount and
calculate how much you would save if you got public transport.
Auditory: Solve simple distance and time problems and explain them to a friend/colleague.
Visual: Use math puzzle books that promote mathematical understanding, as these can be a
challenging but fun way to practice numeracy.
Physical: When shopping, try to calculate your total spend before you get to the check out. Use
notes and coins when paying, rather than a credit card, as this is a hands-on approach to solving
easy math problems dealing with everyday life.

- Multitasking
Read/Write: Make a to-do list and keep it visible by posting it in a prominent spot. Writing down
what you need to do every day helps you stay alert and remember important tasks you must
complete. Color code or bold the most important tasks and make sure you set aside enough time to
address them.
Auditory: Have a conversation with a friend/colleague while listening to a podcast. Try to memorize
what was being discussed on the podcast and share it with your friend/colleague.
Visual: Do two or more things at the same time, e.g., solve a crossword puzzle while you are
watching TV. Try to memorize the most important news and complete the crossword puzzle
Physical: With the left and the right hand knock different rhythms on a solid pad (e.g., right hand
twice as fast as the left hand). Try to keep these rhythms in both hands for at least 1 minute.
Increase the time bit by bit.

- Personality
For the role of an Airline Pilot, the following four competencies are critical to success:
Safety Focus: following standard operating procedures; monitoring details and openly speaking up
to assure safety standards.
Motivation and Self-Development: seeking to improve capability; demonstrating self-insight;
openness to build upon strengths and weaknesses.
Teamwork & Communication: actively listening and clarifying understanding; establishing trusting
relationships and sharing information; treating others with respect and promoting an inclusive
work environment.
Resilience: remains calm in stressful situations; persists in the face of difficulties; keeps control of
own emotions.
Personality is relatively stable over time, however the more you do something, the more you are
likely to enjoy it.

Usually this part takes 3-3,5 h, You can change language from English to Your native, if it’s different. Then
You will have 1,5-2 h break (for lunch and little rest).


Interview with our psychologists, You will discuss Your personality, goals, motivation (it’s not enough to say,
that aviation is Your dream since childhood, specialists will check how deep is Your passion to aviation). We
ask students to be Yourself and honest during this part. This interview lasts 45-60 mins.

During interview You should show Your motivation of being a pilot (what pilots do, how pilots life looks
like, how the aircraft is flying. Provide as many details as possible You know.

Guidelines to personality questionnaires and interview are listed below.

- Pilot’s work life, responsibilities, duties, challenges. Do a thorough research on these areas, using
different resources of information.
- Do research on personality traits and competencies that are necessary for Commercial Pilots. It
might be beneficial for you to find ICAO list of competencies applicable for pilots. It will give you a broader
perspective and understanding what is needed and expected from pilots. The main point is that knowing
them is not enough. It is important to develop those competencies in your daily activities.

Also find the useful for preparation links:

Consider videos,
as example of English test within 1st part of assessment. You will have listening with a task to figure out
what voices with strong accents were talking about.

Assessment result could be:

Ready: You have met the required standard in all areas, and you are ready to enroll on pilot
Almost ready: Some development is required; it is likely that you are meeting the standard in some
areas but not meeting the standard in other areas (could be done retake).
Not ready: You will need significant development in order to reach the standard required to apply
for pilot training.

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