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Major Referrence Books For Class 10

Clearing board examination is not an easy task especially for

those students who are appearing board exam for the first time
and this is the situation of every Class 10 student who is
appearing a board examination for the first time in their student
life. There are lots of dedications and hard work goes into getting
great mark in the examination where the competition in high and
most of the students are in an urge to get at the top.

The preparation period is going to be a tough time where you

need to focus more on your studies than any other activities, as it
would be your first step toward achieving your dreams.
There will be excitement in the students for being in Class 10
but as the days passes and the date of the examination are
getting near the tension will build up and hence the syllabus
will increase. So it is well advice to start your preparation way
before it is too late. Get hold on every useful NCERT Class 10
books written by good author like Lakhmir Singh, Manjit Kaur
and published by brilliant publications that have been in the
business for a long time and has made easier for student
score great mark. The syllabus is quite vast compared to all
the courses you may have came across in you school time
and this time the paper expectation will also be different from
others as the paper are prepared by unanimous teacher. It
won’t be the same like any other class; the topics asked in
the examination can be from any chapter or any portion. The
only things you will be aware would be the weight-age of
each section and chapter, on the basis of which you may
have to set a routine for you study and try to cover as much
as syllabus you can.

Here are the lists of some of the great reference books which
can be helpful for student to score well and be in the top
merit list.

1. Class 10 Maths Books by R D Sharma

2. Secondary School Mathematic for Class 10 by R S Aggrawal

3. All in one mathematics by Arihant Publication

1. Physics Science for 10th Class: Physics by Lakshmi Singh
and Manjit Kaur

2. Principle fo Physics S Chand Class 10 Books by N.K


3. Fundamental of Physics by Pradeep Publication

4. Chemistry Science for 10th Class: Chemistry by Lakhmir
singh and manjit kaur

5. Biology Science for 10th Class: Biology by Lakhmir singh

and manjit kaur

1. English Communcative by Oswaal School Books

Social Science
1. All in one social science CBSE Class 10 Books by Arihant

2. S’CHand for social science by N.K Chowdhry

3 Xam Idea for social Science by Editorial Board

These study materials will help you in many way, not only will
it solve your doubts for each topics but it will also help you to
solve sample paper which will eventually improve you skill to
complete the examination on time.

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