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Monday, 5th March 2024

SB pg. 48-49


Ex. 1-5

Ex 1

Bank transfer


Credit card

Debit credit

Mobile phone payment

Online payment

Store card

Other payment method


(Pocket money)

soap (jabón)

Soup (sopa)

Ex 7


1. Mobile wallet (b)

2. Payment (a)
3. Currency (f)
4. Tax revenues (d)
5. Cashless economy (c)
6. Penny (e)
7. Financial system (g)


Cash crunch→crash crisis

Cash flow→ flujo de caja/tesorería

Cash register→caja registradora

Pay in cash→ pagar al contado

Withdraw cash→ retirar efectivo

Cash in hand→pago en mano

Petty cash→ dinero para gastos menores

Cash on delivery→ contrareembolso

Cash dispenser→= cash machine , cajero automático

Short of cash→ corto de dinero en efectivo

Ex 9a

1. Mobile wallet
2. Withdraw cash
3. Short of cash
4. Cash dispenser
5. Currency

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