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Numbar, Rabhen P.

Stem- 11 d


Legs Antenna Wings 2 pair of wings

Worm    
Spider    
Carpenter ant    
Housefly    
Dragonfly    

2. The worm is different from the others because it lacks certain features. Looking closely, we see that the housefly
is more similar to the dragonfly than the worm, spider, and carpenter ant. As we examine how these organisms are
connected, they seem less alike over time. This suggests that the worm came first, followed by the spider, carpenter ant,
housefly, and then the dragonfly in evolution.


Sponge Lizard Shark Kangaroo

Sponge 7 17 9
Lizard 14 5
Shark 13

4. The kangaroo appears to have no direct connection to the other three organisms. However, sponges, sharks, and
lizards show similarities suggesting shared ancestry.

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