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Los animales del campo (ver vida campestre)

 (to) hiss  fish (pl. fish)  fox  fur

sisear pez zorro pelaje

I heard a snake The fish swims in A fox ate the fowl. A squirrel's fur can
hissing in the grass. the aquarium. be red, grey or

 rat  snail  snake  squirrel

rata caracol serpiente ardilla

He saw a rat A snail moves very A snake's tongue is Squirrels eat nuts
running across the slowly. forked. and live in trees.

 wolf (pl. wolves)  worm

lobo gusano
There are wolves in I saw two or three
the Alps. worms while
digging the
garden. 1/3
16/9/21 6:28 7Speaking LMS


 (to) fly (flew, flown)  blackbird  eagle  feather

volar mirlo águila pluma

Little birds were Blackbirds were An eagle was A bird's body is
flying in the sky. singing in the circling high in the covered with
hedge. sky. feathers.

 hawk  lark  nest  penguin

halcón alondra nido pingüino

She has eyes like a A lark is a small I found a bird's nest Penguins are black
hawk. brown bird. with three eggs in and white birds
it. living in the North

 raven  wings

cuervo alas
Ravens are large Penguins can't fly
black birds with a but they use their
rough cry. wings for


 (a) fly (pl. flies)  (to) buzz  ant  spider 2/3
16/9/21 6:28 7Speaking LMS

mosca zumbar hormiga araña

There was a fly on A big fly was There is an ant She saw a big
my hand. buzzing against the colony in my black spider on the
window. garden. wall.

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