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Aerial Birds


Aerial birds do many things in flight that other birds must
land or perch to do.

What Feeding: Aerial birds catch prey in flight, often

swallowing it whole without landing to consume their
Aerial meal, though their flight path may be disrupted briefly
as they feed.
Birds Do Drinking: While some aerial species do not drink
While regularly, instead, they deriving moisture from their
prey, others will dip their bills into a water surface while
Flying ? in flight to get a drink.

Bathing: These birds often bath by skimming the surface

of the water to wet their plumage and may shake or
jostle their feathers in flight to dislodge excess water.
Aerial Bird Adaptations

Slender, streamlined bodies that maximize

flight efficiency,
Long, pointed wings that aid flight agility and
create extra lift for added stamina
Some aerial birds are insectivorous
Less developed feet that may be insufficient
for walking or upright perching and many of
these birds cling to vertical surfaces instead
Aerial Birds

1. Nocturnal
2. These birds mainly feed on insects
3. Have large heads, and their large eyes help them see
at night
4. Short legs
5. Long wings
6. The bills of these birds can open very wide-this
feature is called wide gape.
7. Sized birds (14–55 cm [about 5.5–22 inches]) Caprimulgi
8. Have a simple coloring rather. The feathers are
usually black, brown, grey, and sometimes brownish
yellow or red.
9. Strong rictal bristles (specialized feathers with
elongated, tapering shafts and sometimes short
barbs that surround a bird's mouth
10.Global distribution (except new zealand and some
oceanic islands)
11.5 families, 24 genera, 105 species
Family :
1. Steatornithidae (Oilbird)
2. Podargidae (frogmouths)
3. Aegothelidae (owlet- nightjars)
4. Nyctibiidae (Potoos)
5. Caprimulgidae (nighthawks, nightjars)
Caprimulgus europaeus

Steatornis caripensis

Nyctibius griseus
Aegotheles bennettii Podargus strigoides
• 1. Apodiformes Anggotanya bersifat terstrial dan berukuran sangat kecil
atau kecil ( 6-23 cm)
• 2. Apodiformes ditemukan dibagian selatan dari Amerika hingga ke Alaska.
• 3. Mencari makan dengan memburu serangga , atau pun dengan
memakan nectar.
• 4. Paruh sangat berbeda pada kedua sub ordo,pendek lebar atau panjang
• 5. Sayap panjang dan sempit; mengepakan sayap sangat cepat
• 6. Bertengger atau bersarang di gua atau tebing umumnya.
• 7. Juga mengumpulkan serangga dan laba-laba dari daun dan bunga,
sebagai protein penting untuk makanan mereka.
• 8. spesies terkecil yang diketahui adalah lebah kolibri (Mellisuga helenae)
Kuba, yang panjangnya hampir 62 mm (sekitar 2,5 inci) dari ujung paruh
ke ujung ekor. Bahkan anggota terbesar, burung kolibri raksasa (Patagona
gigas) di Amerika Selatan , memiliki tubuh seukuran burung pipit besar,
paruh dan ekor panjangnya masing-masing sekitar 35 dan 85 mm (1,4 dan
3,3 inci).
• 9. Kurang dari sepersepuluh Apodiformes berada di bawah tingkat
ancaman yang serius, mulai dari Rentan hingga Terancam Punah.
• 10. Kaki sangat pendek, jari-jari mungkin bisa kuat atau lemah.

• Contoh dari ordo ini : Walet , Kolibri

• Ada tiga family dalam ordo ini:
• Apodidae ( Swifts ), Hemiprocnidae
( Treeswifts ) , dan Trochilidae ( Kolibri ).
Perbedaan caprimulgiformes dengan
1. Ukuran tubuh
2. Warna plumage
3. Bentuk paruh
4. Caprimulgiformes mempunyai bulu rictal
disekitar mulutnya, sedangkan apodiformes

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