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Title: Unveiling the Complexity: Writing a Literature Review on the Impact of Climate Change on


Embarking on the journey of crafting a literature review is akin to navigating through a labyrinth of
scholarly works, theories, and research findings. It requires a meticulous approach, an analytical
mindset, and a thorough understanding of the subject matter. When it comes to dissecting the
multifaceted relationship between climate change and agriculture, the task becomes even more

The impact of climate change on agriculture is a topic of immense significance, as it directly affects
food security, livelihoods, and ecosystems worldwide. As such, delving into the existing body of
literature demands not only expertise but also a deep dive into various disciplines including
environmental science, agronomy, economics, and sociology.

One of the primary challenges encountered in writing a literature review on this subject is the sheer
volume of available literature. Sorting through countless research papers, reports, and academic
journals can be overwhelming, often leaving researchers grappling with information overload.
Moreover, synthesizing divergent viewpoints, methodologies, and empirical evidence requires a
discerning eye and a comprehensive understanding of the nuances within each study.

Furthermore, the interdisciplinary nature of the topic necessitates bridging gaps between different
academic disciplines, each with its own specialized terminology and methodologies. Integrating
insights from fields as diverse as climatology, agricultural economics, and policy analysis requires a
careful balancing act to ensure coherence and relevance in the literature review.

In addition to the academic rigors, there are practical constraints such as time constraints and access
to relevant resources. For scholars and students juggling multiple responsibilities, allocating sufficient
time to conduct thorough research and analysis can be a significant challenge.

Amidst these complexities and challenges, seeking expert assistance can provide invaluable support
in navigating the intricacies of crafting a literature review on the impact of climate change on
agriculture. At ⇒ ⇔, we understand the nuances of academic writing and offer
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Next Article in Journal A Novel Bacterial 6-Phytase Improves Growth Performance, Tibia
Mineralization and Precaecal Digestibility of Phosphorus in Broilers: Data from Four Independent
Performance Trials. The issue of soil carbon inclusion was hotly debated in the discussions on
establishing the CDM (Post et al. 2001; Ringius 2002 ). It has adversely impacted physicochemical
properties of agricultural land. Note that from the first issue of 2016, this journal uses article
numbers instead of page numbers. The literature strongly suggests that carbon dioxide, temperature,
and precipitation affect livestock and crop production. The International Consortium for
Antimicrobial Stewardship in Agriculture (ICASA) advances research on antimicrobial stewardship
in animal agriculture. Severe heat affects livestock health and agricultural productivity (United
Nations Human Settlements Programme, 2016). Important new evidence (cited above) confirmed
many of the findings in the past Synthesis and Assessment Product on agriculture, 6 which informed
the 2009 National Climate Assessment. 7. Similarly, a loss of wheat productivity has been observed
at high temperatures. Vertical lines represent the 95% confidence interval. However, more severe
warming, floods, and drought may reduce yields. Once you are registered, click here to go to the
submission form. Climate is basically the history of weather over periods of years, decades,
centuries, and more (Edwards 2010). There is proof that implementing farm management software
enables total cost saving from 10 to even 20 percent. Connecting and sensitizing farmers to
sustainable technologies and activities is of utmost importance as they are the ones who can play a
major role in implementation of the ecological goals. Inclusive and competent Finland - A Socially,
Economically and Ecologically Sustainable Society. Portrait Agroalimentaire 2010 Saguenay - Lac-
Saint-Jean. This reduces resource consumption, benefiting both the environment and the farm’s
bottom line. The predicted climatic conditions would increase evapotranspiration of vegetation and
atmospheric CO 2 emissions. Effective climate adaptation in sub-Saharan African agriculture will
require coordination across multiple scales of governance. The cumulative impacts of climate change
will ultimately depend on changing global market conditions as well as responses to local climate
stressors, including farmers adjusting planting patterns in response to altered crop yields and crop
species, seed producers investing in drought-tolerant varieties, and nations restricting trade to protect
food security. Here, we highlighted the impact of climate change on agriculture and soil properties
along with recently emerging mitigation strategies applying biochar and biostimulants, with an aim
to protecting the soil, agriculture and environment. Climate change will have a direct impact on crop
and livestock production by increasing the variability in production levels from year to year, with
varying effects across different regions. On the frost-free map, white areas are projected to
experience no freezes for 2070-2099, and gray areas are projected to experience more than 10 frost-
free years during the same period. Geneva: Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Climate
change poses a major challenge to U.S. agriculture because of the critical dependence of the
agricultural system on climate and because of the complex role agriculture plays in rural and national
social and economic systems ( Figure 6.2). Climate change has the potential to both positively and
negatively affect the location, timing, and productivity of crop, livestock, and fishery systems at
local, national, and global scales. The findings of Lobell et al. (2011) point to a relative suppression
of maize and wheat production since 1980, compared with a theoretical scenario without climate
change. Feature papers represent the most advanced research with significant potential for high
impact in the field. A Feature. Manure begins to decompose shortly after it is excreted. These
emissions can be further broken down into sub-categories.
The Protocol emphasized comprehensive targets for GHG reduction in terms of CO2 equivalence
rather than individual GHGs. Agriculture Handbook No. 537. 62 pp., U.S. Department of
Agriculture, Washington, D.C. URL. Upland Development Programin Southern Mindanaao, Oct
2002, Davao, Philippines. Private industry is often fiscally better situated to invest in infrastructure
for agricultural expansion. The white circles and the black triangles correspond to the values obtained
under control and water deficit, respectively. The funded research will increase the basal or acquired
thermotolerance in the crop species mentioned above. Lauren David Yes, the Government Really
Does Stash Billions of Pounds of Cheese in. Impact of climate-induced environmental extremes on
agriculture, soil and crops. NK: conceptualization, data curation, formal analysis, project
administration, resources, software, supervision, validation, writing-original draft, writing-review,
and editing. We found evidence that scenario exercises can stimulate communities to develop
transformative approaches to climate adaptation that seek to reduce climate risk by creating new
systems and processes. It is mediated by the presence of ACC deaminase and IAA production.
Encouraging the Production and Consumption of Yukon-Grown Food 2016-2021. Hence it is high
time that we prepare ourselves for the up-coming challenges so as to combat the impact of climate
change and ensure food security not only for humans but other living beings as well. Ultimately,
CSA’s utility will be judeged by its effectiveness in integrating climate change response into
sustainable agricultural development strategies on the ground. Conflicts of Interest The authors
declare no conflict of interest. This study analyzed the CC mitigation potential of an alley cropping
system on crop physiological stresses and growth as compared. However, in recent times, political
systems and governing authorities of various countries have shown a neutral and ignorant stance
towards the importance of the impact of climate change in agriculture. We also provide some
preliminary policy advice based on the analysis. Therefore, we require more attention towards
adaptation and mitigation research. Shifting tropical fruit cultivation to new areas as an option is still
debatable but seems necessary owing to extending tropics Adaptation strategy must have imbedded
some mitigation potential in long run. Vertical lines represent 95% confidence intervals. Within each
of these categories the actions analysed had high correspondence with actions promoted for
sustainable agriculture. In the coming decade, this is expected to remain the case because of
technological progress (FAO and OECD, 2018). The effects of elevated CO 2 on grain and fruit
yield and quality are mixed. They were extracted from 80 genomic sequences gathered from within 8
Eurasian regions. For instance, extreme whether conditions, diseases and plagues are fairly easy to
map in this way. If this process is impeded due to sub-optimal water supply, it creates a growth delay
resulting in a yield depression. Similarly the number of extreme rainfall events as well as drought has
also increased in recent past. Crop yields in agriculture increased from Past to the end of Present and
then remained stable. The application of biostimulants in very small amounts could have the potential
to induce resistance against stresses, and this quality of biostimulants makes this class different from
applications of fertilizers and manures to soil.
CAP promotes agricultural productivity and rural development while supporting agroecological
practices, including organic farming, and ensuring that agricultural products are available to
consumers ( European Union Parliament, 2013 ). With the number of nights with hot temperatures
projected to increase as much as 30%, yield reductions will become more prevalent. 8. Maize, beef
and wheat are intermediate, with 12 %, 15 % and 24 %, respectively. Higher variability of climate,
including temperature, precipitation and other hazards is likely to increase the impacts on agricultural
production due to the response of crops (Lin, 2011, p. 183-193). Fuhrer 2003, Jones and Thornton
2003 explain that the effects include also shifting in nutrient cycling and soil moisture, as well as
changes in pest and diseases infestation: all of that will greatly influence food production and food
security. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research (JTAER). There is high
confidence in the effects of extreme temperature events on crops and livestock, and the agreement in
the literature is good. Altogether, the impact of climate change is very comprehensive but its far
reaching effects are now clearly visible on agricultural sector, on which relies the food production
and economy of the world. The period between 1997 and 2001 saw the emergence of the first global
agreement: the Kyoto Protocol. Yield response varies among crops, with cotton, maize, wheat, and
sunflower showing yield declines early in the period. However, food security concerns in new and
expanded settlements support increasingly localized production around these urban clusters in Russia
( Ivanov and Lazhentsev, 2015 ). Two such innovative solutions gaining immense attention are
biochar and biostimulants. The purpose of this study is to assess farmers’ beliefs. For example, small
island nations formed one coalition, as did the G77, representing a block of 130 developing
countries. On the one hand the expansion of food production and lowering of food prices a major
benefit to the consumers, particularly the poor (Pingali 2012 ). This opposition was based on the
argument that soil carbon offsets were a means of putting the mitigation. This also applies to manure
storage facilities; those that are covered and are exposed to little oxygen will primarily produce CH
4 and little N 2 O, while open air manure storage facilities will produce more N 2 O and little CH 4.
Rising sea levels increase the salinity of both surface water and ground water through saltwater
intrusion. In North America, warmer conditions are projected to benefit food production, but strong
regional differences are anticipated (Field et al, 2007). Agriculture Industry Supported by Increased
Access to Crown Land. Current climatic upheavals reduce water availability which impacts the
growth and fruit quality of plants. Made to a high standard and constructed using current research,
both dual coding and retrieval practices are at the heart of this unit. FAO reports that rise in world
hunger level is constantly increasing since 2014 and an increment in number of undernourished
people have been observed from 804 million in 2016 to 824 million in 2017. Consequently, northern
expansion of agriculture cannot be attributed to notable population shifts. Soil and water are
essential resources for agricultural production, and both are subject to new conditions as climate
changes. Increasing CO2 levels overcame the effect of ozone on peanut yield; however, in none of
the treatments was there a change in seed quality, or protein or oil content of the seed (Burkey et al.
2007). These findings are highly relevant in the context of regional development and trade in Turkey,
and hazelnut processing and manufacturing sectors abroad. SLs belong to plant terpenoid lactones
and are involved in plant fungus symbiosis. Trade agreements, particularly their sustainability
paragraphs, could provide a concrete mechanism for fostering resilience at source and diminishing
the risk of supply disruption. Shifting tropical fruit cultivation to new areas as an option is still
debatable but seems necessary owing to extending tropics Adaptation strategy must have imbedded
some mitigation potential in long run. The positive indirect impact of climate change on the factors of
production often partially or overly compensates for the adverse direct effect of climate change on
rice yield, leading to a surprising observation of the association of climate change with increased rice
yield, at least in the short run.
Callie Radke Stevens On the Ground with the Midwest Farmers Going All-In On Agroforestry
Sheila Julson. Commercialization of such PGPR in the form of biofertilizers, biostimulants, and
biopower are needed to build climate resilience in agriculture. Depending on the physico-chemical
properties of biochar, it can offer a sustainable way towards suitable feedstock for the circular
economy paradigm. This gene encodes glycerol-3-phosphate acyl transferase enzyme which degrades
cutin monomers in the plant cell wall. As root exudate shape microbe community, at the same time
microbes also influence the root exudate composition. Critical knowledge gaps exist concerning if
and how northern regions can incorporate, adapt or develop practices as the acknowledged
northward shift of the agricultural zone allows agricultural expansion, intensification and
diversification. However, no specific guidance was provided on how to define a CSA. Should the
conditions be anaerobic (without oxygen) then CH 4 is predominately produced; however, if the
manure is well aerated then N 2 O will be the primary GHG produced. The globalized food system
can buffer the local impacts of weather events on food security, but can also increase the global
vulnerability of food security by transmitting price shocks globally. 114. The application of biochar
as an enrichment of soil can offset the CO 2 emission of land by 12% annually. Sustainability
paragraphs in EU trade agreements could drive necessary investments. In many areas of the world,
water shortages prevail and threaten food production. Permission of the copyright owner must be
obtained before making use of copyrighted material. However, Europe is heavily reliant on imports
of products for animal feed (soybean and maize); products grown in tropical regions (e.g. cocoa,
coffee, bananas); and commodities for secondary processing (e.g. palm oil, beet and cane sugar).
Traditional knowledge and expert knowledge must be combined in order to work for successful
adaptation to climate change. Elevated CO 2 has been associated with reduced protein and nitrogen
content in alfalfa and soybean plants, resulting in a loss of quality. Projected increases in extreme
heat events (Ch. 2: Our Changing Climate, Key Message 7 ) will further increase the stress on
animals, leading to the potential for greater impacts on production. 53 Meat animals are managed for
a high rate of weight gain (high metabolic rate), which increases their potential risk when exposed to
high temperature conditions. Reducing demand through top-down policies and consumer-oriented
approaches is an option for products associated with high environmental pressures, such as palm oil
and soybean. Ingram, and K. Wiebe, 2012: A vision for attaining food security. Inclusive and
competent Finland - A Socially, Economically and Ecologically Sustainable Society. Climate change
will probably increase the risk of food insecurity for some vulnerable groups, such as the poor. In
particular, policy making towards large-scale production and health hazards due to the release of
black carbon particles in air during biochar formation requires attention and needs work. Bioversity
International, New Delhi, India, by Sthapit BR, Ramanatha Rao V, Sthapit SR. 2012. To this end,
we examined changes in precipitation at Mt. One example of the complexity of the interactions
among climate, host, and pathogen is aflatoxin ( Aspergillus flavus ). The establishment of the CDM
provided a basis for expanding the use of payment for ecosystem services to meet GHG reduction
targets. The issue of soil carbon inclusion was hotly debated in the discussions on establishing the
CDM (Post et al. 2001; Ringius 2002 ). Examples are cyclic lipopeptides (CLP) excreted by Bacillus
and Pseudomonas cells ( Raaijmakers et al., 2006; Banat et al., 2010 ). Addressing food security will
require integration of multiple factors, including the direct and indirect impacts of climate change.
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