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Author: Dimisca Laurentiu

Title of the work: "I Love Paris"

Technique: Acrylic on cotton canvas
Dimensions: 100x100 cm
Year of execution: 2019
“Paris is the known as the city for falling in love…But what if it could be the city
for rising in love?
Starting from this thought, I created a vision of a common and simple couple
drinking one glass at the shadow of the Eiffel Tower, but the multiple number of
symbols and the expressions and impression given are telling the truth about love
Do not expect me to describe the world through memory and colorful events,
through technique and superlatives. I only want to show a message of love and
communication, of emotion and closeness. I meant to show not my own identity,
but my astonishment at an unshaped threatening… of not loving. Could you
imagine the crippling of the soul and the emptiness filling it after a prolonged lack
of energy of the feeling of loving?
“I Love Paris” is a painting meaning to flourish romantism in any cold heart and to
bring magic in any loving soul, as Paris itself is meant to create.”
Laurentiu Dimisca

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