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Corey and Oats in..

Transfur Terror
Corey and Oats couldn’t understand why Changed was so popular,
both of them hated that Mel got called out for clearly stating her
opinion on the game and they hated the game because it was creepy
and with a genuinely horrifying concept but it was totally wasted on
what was essentially Dragonsnow’s obvious kink. ‘This game is
disgusting, I cannot believe some people get turned on by this.’ ‘If I
was being assimilated I wouldn’t be turned on, i’d be freaked out.’
‘How about we teach those people a lesson?’

“Mommy, can you help us teach those people a lesson?”


‘Yaaaaay!’ Corey and Oats went into the bedroom and went to pick out
an item which enabled them to go into a portal, the duo and Mel
jumped through the portal and went into the video game to try and
straighten things out.

When the group jumped out of the portal they had arrived in the lab
from the game, and specifically the area with all the black transfurs
and they saw Collin. ‘Are you okay?’ ‘No, i’ve been stuck in this stupid
lab for decades, Dr K is constantly cruel to me, he won’t let me fight
back against the black latex freaks that want to either bang me or
make me like them, and he has tried to brainwash me numerous
times. I hate this game.’

“There there, Collin it’s alright.”

“No it’s not, i’ve been stuck with Puro for days and he is annoying
sometimes, he’s so needy.”

‘But human I am not needy, i’ m your friend.’ ‘Oh here we are go again
with the human nonsense, for the 300,00th Puro I am not called
human, my name is Collin, we’ve been through this. If you want to be
my friend, how about standing up for me when I get transformed,
huh?’ ‘I am sorry if I come across as annoying.’ ‘Look you’ve been
helpful sometimes but you and your species are the absolute worst.’

“It’s not my fault my species attacks people and assimilates them.”

‘But it is…it is all YOUR FAULT!’ Mel responded, pointing at Puro.

‘Mel?’ ‘Yes, don’t act like you had forgotten about how you very much
tried to touch me inappropriately and infect me you little predator. Bad
Puro, bad.’ She smacked Puro with her green bag, causing him to

“Hey…I have a painful feeling all over. Is this what pain feels like?”

“What? I thought that you’d already know what pain is, being such a
smart guy and all.”

Puro shook his head, he had learned many things about humans but
never anything about pain and/or suffering, because he was a transfur
he didn’t understand why Collin often acted like he didn’t want to be in
the lab yet alone be transformed and that’s when he realized
something…Dr K never taught him to understand emotions, he began
to cry and as he did he let out tears, which he did of course know
Corey and Oats raced through the various levels in the lab, avoiding
the transfurs which were trying to get at them. ‘Come on, being a
transfur isn’t so bad.’ One of the winged black transfurs hissed.
‘Yessss, join us..’ Another hissed in response.

Thinking quickly Corey went over to a computer and looked up all the
things that could dissolve latex, combining all of those things he was
able to defeat the black transfurs. The white transfurs and the cat-like
transfurs both tried to assimilate him.

Oats got in the way and used some magic to find them off before
hitting the fire alarm and activating it before pulling out what appeared
to be a ghost trap and a proton pack which he put on his back and he
gave one to Corey. ‘Alright, these guys may not be ghosts, but that
won’t stop them from falling into the trap.’

Corey activated his proton wand and fired it at some transfurs, also
peddling the ghost trap with his foot and bringing it closer, and when
the transfurs were in sight…the trap sealed shut, sealing them in. ‘Oh
yeah, if there is something evil in your neighborhood, who you gonna

The song Ghostbusters by Ray Parker Jr played as Oats also busted

some transfurs including busting the ‘Mother Yeen’, the ‘Mother
Dragon’ and the Leopardess as well as some other transfurs. ‘I ain’t
afraid of no transfurs!’ He exclaimed.

A snake transfur attempted to come back behind Corey and tried to

assimilate him, only to end up being assimilated back as they were
turned into a covid microbe with a snake themed pattern. Another
transfur tried to get Mel only to get turned into a koala-person like
her…’Yuck, and some people think this is sexy? Eeeeeew.’
Puro saw some black transfurs creeping up behind Collin and trying to
assimilate him, but then Oats stopped Puro. ‘Puro, this is your fault,
you are overrated and overexposed, and don’t think I haven’t heard
about you and Ciel, your number one fan-girl.’

“Hey,’s not my fault that people miss the point of this game.”

‘Oh yes, it is…the fans miss the whole body horror thing with the
transfurs because they can’t stop hyperfixation on you and the rest of
the edgy furry bois.’ Corey decided one way to make the game more
tolerable was to give it a flare his friend Serena loved, that is a Tim
Burtonesque one.

He poured out some new transfurs of his own…this time they were all
Tim Burton characters and classic horror characters and even some
Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure characters and Resident Evil characters. This
released an aura which altered and changed the game world to
accommodate that new retheme. Puro began to feel a little bit weird
as his goopy black latex fur slowly peeled off, transitioning into human
looking skin as his paw-like hands shifted to look more humanoid.

His feet underwent the same change as his tail retracted, his whole
frame becoming more humanoid as his muzzle reshaped into a
human face while his ears became humanoid ears, all of the fur
around his neck and face fell off but he kept the black hair on his head
which became messier as his ‘mask’ transitioned into a pair of
sunglasses, he had always wondered what being a human was like
and now he was getting to experience it.

He felt his new face as it took on the appearance of Tim Burton

himself and he grew facial hair just like his, he even gained Tim’s
voice as his transformation finished, in this new retheme…he wasn’t a
transfur anymore, he was Tim Burton but also still himself, but also a
much better friend to Collin.

Collin also found himself transforming as he found himself gaining not

only clothing but armor as well, armor that was jet black with silver
adorned in some places as his whole frame contorted and altered, this
felt way better than most of the transfur sequences he had gone
through. He examined himself as his brown hair turned jet black and
his skin paled to the point to make him look like he was becoming a

Naturally he kept his blue eye color but his eyes turned an
aquamarine shade of blue as his features contorted, becoming
handsome and making him look like Christopher Walken as his teeth
sharpened, looking quite pointed and dangerous. His voice deepened
and contorted as well, becoming that of Walken as his transformation
completed itself, he had become the Hessian Horseman.

Mel barged into Dr K’s office with an angry look on her face…’You
turned Collin into a transfur numerous times against his own will? Oh
you’ve really done it, you sicken me. I’ll show you a forced
transformation.’ She growled and as she did she began to bulk up,
growing in terms of musculature as her fur turned green.

She grew taller as she developed musculature on her body, her hair
turning from brown to dark greenish as her eyes also turned greenish
and her tank top slowly tore open due to her expanding chest as her
shoulders broadened. Her voice deepened as she leered over at Dr K.
‘Now you’re about to see why you shouldn’t do a forced transformation
when i’m around.’ She picked up the table with the specimens on it
and threw it at him before picking him up by the neck and throwing
him onto the ground. ‘Let’s see how you like it.’

Mel cast a spell on him which tied him to the floor before injecting him
with a serum, he cried out as his white fur fell out as his latex qualities
also melted away and the remaining bits of fur transitioned to skin as
his lab attire changed in appearance, the fur on his tail receded and
fell out as his tail retracted and his hands and feet became human-
like, his ears shifted to become human-like as his mask slipped off
and was replaced by a pair of glasses.

The remaining fur on his head grew longer and turned brown as his
facial features contorted into more human looking ones, to be
precise…he looked like the character Marty Casey, as his voice
changed to match his appearance. Dragonsnow burst into the lab,
crying that his creation had been ‘ruined.’ ‘What have you done to my
work?’ ‘We made it better.’ ‘But my fans like the game the way it was.’
‘You mean a gross hot mess full of brainwashing and forced
transformations? Yeah, they didn’t care for the plot and only cared
about it for Puro.’

He attempted to charge at Corey only to fall into a machine as his skin

softened and smoothened and his clothing changed, his hands shrunk
as his fingernails extended as his privates contorted while his hips
contorted and inflated, in addition to this he blushed as he developed
breasts on his chest and he lost his imperfections, his arms and his
legs also altered as his back arched and his shoulders shrunk, his hair
lengthened and turned dark brown as his features morphed and
reshaped themselves…turning into the likeness of Annie Ross as his
voice also altered into match, giving him her voice. His transformation
completed as he saw he or rather ‘she’ had become Vera Webster.
Vera and Martin were both feeling very awful that they put Collin and
Puro through all the stuff they had done and they apologized to the
two of them, Puro or rather ‘Tim’ admitted that he liked being human
and he hugged Collin.

“See? Everything is all better now.”

“Yeah, all better.”

Corey and Oats went over to the exit of the lab before using an in-
universe drive to transfer the rethemed version of the game over to
Steam and millions of computers, phones and consoles, now
everyone was able to play this much better game.

The duo and Mel went towards the same portal they had gone through
and jumped back through it, arriving back in Nile Road. Corey was
extremely happy to find that his friends were playing the new version
of the group and he contacted Serena to tell her he had made the
game better which she was glad that he did.

They had some snacks and afternoon tea, and an hour later they had
dinner, after dinner they had a karaoke party and celebrated with their
new friends, when it was time to go to bed they all put on their night-
clothes and brushed their teeth. They spent an hour or so playing
before finally getting ready for bed and when they got into bed they all
snuggled up and had sweet dreams.

Mel slept soundly that night too, knowing she no longer was plagued
by nightmares of Puro and his ilk. And they all had a lovely time, but
that’s not all, stay tuned for ‘Escape From The Blackout Zone’ and a
few more stories this year.

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