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Corey and Oats in…

Invasion of the Were-Aykroyd Dum-Dums

Nathan Forester wasn’t your ordinary monsterologist, he was a were-aykroyd and sometimes
under certain circumstances, he had been going through different ‘masters’ to see if he could find
one who understood him and luckily he was lucky to find a new one that did.

Not only did this new master understand him but also had a respect for him and was a fellow
Were-aykroyd, the two of them bonded and had many good times together, but one night his new
master had something planned for him, he had seen Nathan’s transformations prior and he
wanted him to be a special kind of were-aykroyd, a big hungry one that didn’t have much brain
space but was cuddly and silly.

One evening after he came home from work, he saw his master sitting in of the tv in his were-
aykroyd from one of the nights before, but he was a larger than normal were-aykroyd who looked
like he had eaten several people’s meals and he had the most unusual gassy smells coming from

“Master…what the hell has happened to you?”

‘I’m a were-aykroyd, a big dumb happy fat were-aykroyd, and I want you to join in.’ ‘But look at
you, you’re fat and you…you look soo…stupid.’ ‘Yes, you will be stupidly happy as a were-
aykroyd too.’ Nathan was grossed out and afraid of this as his master spotted him, he flicked
through the tv channels finding nothing but commercials for products that hypnotized people into
being mindlessly happy fat were-aykroyds.

He changed the channel again, it showed a document on werecreatures and it showed footage of
a were-aykroyd who was…very much large and eating a lot of food and lived by himself which
made him depressed.

Nathan hurried into the kitchen to make dinner and after dinner he decided to study in the
computer room to see what was happening, why was his master not reverting back from his were-
aykroyd form and what was he on about.

That was when he heard his master running over to him, it was such a surreal and grotesque sight
to see his master running like that. He saw a cure for what was happening to his master and
decided to use it on him, curing him.

“Thank you..”

“No problem.”

‘So..sorry for what I did back there, I was in my fat were-aykroyd mode and as such I tend to not
think straight.’ ‘That’s an understatement.’ His master apologized for what happened and he
explained what had happened to him, explaining when he was a dum-dum were-aykroyd he wasn’t
himself, he was obsessed with making Nathan his own.
Nathan was worried about this but he cared about his master and offered to help him, but then his
master found himself turning back into his dumb were-aykroyd mode and he chased him
throughout the house.

Things got worse when a package of ‘dumb were-aykroyd’ food arrived at the front door and his
master attempted to force him to eat some of it. Nathan took one bite of it and hated it, but then
as if his master was hypnotizing him into eating it, he started to eat more and more and enjoy it.

“What’s going on? Why do I like this food?”

“Because it’s good for you.”

Nathan continuously ate more and more of the were-aykroyd food and it made him feel like
something was making him hungrier and hungrier, like he had been overtaken by a horror style
hunger that was influencing him…he tried to resist but he couldn’t as he ate more and more.

This caused his stomach to gurgle and growl as it began to slowly inflate and push against his
shirt, causing the buttons to pop off, he reached his stomach and started to rub it instinctively as
brown hairs grew on it, the same hairs were spreading on his hands which were growing larger as
his arms broadened. His skin matured several ages up as his chest and torso, also broadened.

Corey and Oats watched as Nathan ate the odd looking food…’Oatsie, do you see what is
happening here?’ ‘Sure do Corey, looks like one of Nathan’s masters is turning him Aykroydian
again.’ ‘How many times has this happened already? I have lost count.’

The duo watched as they saw Nathan’s master encouraging his thrall, making him eat more and
more…it was if a whole swarm of microscopical mouths were growing in his stomach and making
his body act in ways it shouldn’t have been acting, making it want to eat more and more.

Like some strange alien parasite was infecting Nathan, Nathan attempted to resist but he felt his
shirt getting tighter still as his chest, torso and stomach continued to expand and push against
them, both of the former also growing hairs on them. It didn’t take long for Nathan’s shirt to rip as
his back and shoulders broadened and gained a lot of mass.

He panicked as he snapped out of his trance…’Corey, Oats..what’s going on?’ ‘You’re being
turned into a hungry were-aykroyd by your master and we’re here to get you out of here.’ The duo
distracted the master while Nathan attempted to escape.

Nathan started to make a run for it but tripped over as his feet slowly began to enlarge, poking
through his socks as his shoes slowly broke apart due to his enlarging feet, with his toes growing
larger and also becoming webbed as his legs began to undergo the same change as his arms.

His master looked over at him and smiled as he put more delicious were-aykroyd food in his
mouth, which entranced Nathan and made him want it even more. Nathan was trying to make a
run for it but the master’s loving gaze and persuasive way of talking was getting to him.

He was starting to think it was good to be a big hungry were-aykroyd as his shirt
ripped apart, while the belt on his pants began to get tighter due to his legs
slowly extending and his rear growing. A button popped off his pants as his rear
inflated and his belt broke apart after his stomach expanded one more time…’You
didn’t need those buttons, did you, or that shirt? Of course not, you are a good
fat dum dum were-aykroyd, and you like to show off your belly.’

He started to hear those words in his head as his jeans slowly ripped apart
leaving him in his shorts as he gained weight and he grew to 6’1 while his
neckline lengthened. Somehow he was beginning to think it was nice to turn into
this form as his hair darkened.

“Nathan, don’t listen to him.”

‘But the master has a nice voice and he knows how to take care of me. He says
i’m a good dum dum were-aykroyd, he says i’m a very good dum dum were-
aykroyd.’ ‘But you’re not a dum dum were-aykroyd, you’re you.’ ‘My master says

Corey was creeped out by the mannerisms Nathan was showing, he was acting
mindlessly happy and like his master loved him, when his master had him under
his control. Nathan continued to eat as his hair darkened and he suddenly found
himself burping a couple of times as he ate some more Were-aykroyd food.

He was hopelessly addicted to the taste of were-aykroyd food, and he wanted

more, as he belched loudly while his forehead broadened and grew, his eyebrows
thickening in the process, Oats blocked the way and used his magic to keep
himself from being affected.

Nathan’s eyes widened as one turned from brown to green and his nose
broadened and developed a cleft in the middle, as his features shifted to look
Aykroydian, he couldn’t help but feel like he could trust this new master, but that
was due to the hypnosis, making him feel relaxed.

The duo pulled him out of the room to keep him away from the master and to
rescue him, luckily Nathan snapped out of his trance to call his friends up but not
before the master spotted him and used his Were-aykroyd powers to entrance
him back into wanting it, as Nathan’s voice deepened and altered to sound

Corey shot several spikes at the master and managed to save himself from
getting transformed along with Oats, but Nathan’s transformation increased as he
belched several more times and he gained even more weight, becoming a rather
hefty were-Aykroyd, he ate the last remaining bits of Were-Aykroyd food as he
looked at his master.

He snapped out of the trance and tried to make another run for it but he felt his
mind slowly slipping and breaking, making him want to want it, to want to be a
portly were-aykroyd who loved eating, his mind slipped further and further away.
‘We’ve got to save him before he thinks he’s a dum dum forever.’

“Why would you wanna do that?”

“Because it’s wrong to use him like this.”

“Do you think he likes being like that?”

‘Yes, he feels so much better being a dum dum.’ ‘No he doesn’t, look at him.’
‘Being a dum dum scares me.’ Nathan injected as he explained what his master
was doing to him and he offered to use a technique to turn his master back to
normal, and he did a good job keeping him at bay, but the master lurched towards
him and attempted to entrance him.

“No what are you doing?”

“Now you will be a dum-dum forever, friend, I love you.”

Nathan attempted to resist the mind changes but before he could even have one
last say in the matter he felt a bit of a pulsing in his head as his mind fully shifted
but he still remembered his friends, it’s just he remembered being a gassy were-
aykroyd who loved eating so much.

The now Aykroydified Nathan lumbered towards Corey and Oats and tried to get
near them only for his other friends to get in the way, Nathan grabbed his new
friends and hugged them, turning them into hefty gassy were-aykroyds too.

It wasn’t long until all of Nathan’s friends were turned into gassy were-aykroyds
and it became a crisis once it started hitting Oakendale, and Oakendale had
become a town infested by these gassy Aykroydians who infected everyone and
turned them Aykroydian too. Luckily though Corey and Oats escaped and called
Mel about this before jumping through a portal that took them all the way to Nile
They told Mel that their friend was a were-aykroyd and turning everyone into
Were-Aykroyds so they prepped up for battle and told Carmela, Mariah, Andrea
and Belinda to help get things set up for the big battle against the gassy were-
aykroyd invasion.

With the gassy Were-Aykroyds invading Oakendale, it was up to Corey and Oats
to defend Nile Road from the incoming invasion and they knew they were up for
one hell of a challenge. But the adventure hasn’t ended, there are many more
ones to come.

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