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The Walken’s Bride

A ChrisXKate story

This is a Chris WalkenXKate Beckinsale love story with Walkenization and vampirism related
themes, it also includes a nod to Dracula: Dead and Loving It, and mild blood-letting/blood-

This is by no means one of those creepy stalkerish Real Person Fics as this takes place in the
Monster World where humans and supernatural beings co-exist together in one world, this is
also by no means real and anyone who clearly thinks it is real needs to check themselves into a
psych ward with R.M Renfield. Also this is not a 'Mary Sue' story as the character of Chris the
alpha Walken actually has weaknesses and flaws.

It had been many a year since Nathan had become Chris the alpha Walken and made himself
an army of Walkens, and more than that - since he first made a human female into a She-
Hessian seductress. The last human he remembered seeing before becoming Chris was
someone he considered close and since then, he had been longing to be with the one humans
referred to as Kate Beckinsale, and more than that...he longed to be Chris once again.

Prior to this Kate had been hypnotized by Christopher Walken himself and conditioned into
becoming a She-Hessian, and was instructed to find Nathan and hypnotize him into becoming
Chris so that the two may be together as Walken and She-Hessian.

He was in his special horror themed room that night, it was adorned with various horror posters
including a poster of Jack Nicholson in the Shining and a portrait of Gary Oldman as Prince Vlad
in Francis Ford Coppola's Dracula - he had just finished his latest project when he got the call
from Jon who had just hypnotized him into doing a few missions as 'Chris'.

At this time he still was reluctant about becoming Chris, because for one thing Walken's main
speciality was playing shady or villainous roles, and because he feared he would lose any
memories of his previous life...the last few transformations into him had been quite painful and
scary for him, but only because of resistance. Deep down, he loved being Chris and loved
being hypnotized into becoming him, losing his humanity to the more bloodthirsty cowbell
crazed creature of darkness that lurked within.

It was at that moment that Kate appeared to him, manifesting through a cloud of mist almost like
in a dream or vision. At the moment she was in her human form as a means to seduce him.
She was dressed in her black 'Underworld' suit.

“What’s going on? What’s all this then?”

“Hello, Chrisss..”

"Oh my word! Kate Beckinsale...what are you doing here?"


Kate seductively walked over to him before leaning over to the bed where Nathan was sitting
on, hissing slightly as she made seductive movements, his heart beat increased rapidly as he
turned to see her.

“My god! What are you doing to the furniture?”


She hissed slightly and seductively called his name as she slinked over to the bed and laid
down, seductively hissing and moving on the bed sheets as Nathan watched, utterly
gobsmacked with what was going on.

“I’ll have you know that’s my knee you’re straddling.”

“Relax, everything is fine…”

“No, stop it at once!”

“Oh..but don’t you love it? Of course you do, Christopher…”

“No..this is wrong.”

“But it feels right...relax…”

“This is wrong, do you hear me, wrong? This is...oh...rrr.. ...oh….WRONG ME, WRONG ME,

She seductively gazed at Nathan, licking her lips as if she was ready to bite him - but she
wasn't going to do that.

“I will..”

"Kate? What are you doing?”

"Look deeply into my hypnotic eyes...I have been commanded to hypnotize you..and I will.."
Nathan gazed into her eyes and fell into an even deeper trance than before, the more he gazed
into her eyes, the more entranced he became - becoming ever so mesmerized by her and
devoted to you...he wanted to obey just that, he wanted to be with her.


"You have no cannot think...look only at me..."

"I have no will...I cannot think , I must only look at you.."

He looked up at Kate with a newfound sense of obedience as his eyes turned from hazel brown
to a hypnotic shade of blue, it was becoming difficult for him to focus on anything else but
her...he wanted to be with her.

"Sleep...dream of me...making love to Walken."

"I am.."

"Sleep now.. And dream of our night...Walken and Kate...sleep..."

He fell asleep on the bed, a blissful smile crept across his face as he began to dream a most
wonderful and alluring dream. He couldn't exactly pinpoint what was going on, but he was in
some sort of dark part of the woods, it was dark except for the blood moon peering out from the
clouds, he heard the sounds of Kate's voice and the sound of cowbell echoing throughout as he
ran through the woodland path with newfound inhuman agility.

"Dream...describe the dream…”

“Well i'm running through a dark part of the woodland area, I hear your voice and cowbell
beckoning to me and I see the blood moon peering out from behind the clouds. I am running
towards where you are.”

“, come closer...Christopher.”

In the dream Kate's voice enticed Nathan to come closer to her, and the cowbell was tinking his
way into his mind, making it the thing he wanted to hear next to her alluring voice.

He came across a clearing of sorts, and there he saw her - dressed in a very form-fitting and
stylish vampiress ensemble. She was sitting on an altar of sorts, and had been waiting for
him for quite sometime.

"I am here...mistress.."
"Now...let us be together forever as Walken and she-hessian..join me, the warm
embrace of the blood moon."


Nathan leaned over to Kate's side and embraced her before she leaned over to kiss him, her
kiss was quite addictive and powerful, the more he was kissed by her, the more entranced he
became and the more it happened, the more his human form slowly began to warp, alter and
transform. His skin paling as his arms and legs stretched and became longer and thinner, his
clothing ripping away to be replaced with an elegant black and grey ensemble, his frame
becoming more lithe as he grew to 6'ft, his hair turning sandy brown and prickling up as his
eyebrows thinned out and turned the exact same colour as his hair, his features morphing and
reshaping themselves to become those of Christopher Walken.

He tried to pull her back but his newly developing instincts wouldn't allow it, his thoughts slowly
shifting to focus on more...Walkeny things such as singing, dancing, acting and of course
cowbell. His moans grew deeper and lower, altering to become gravellier and more hypnotic,
warping, harmonizing and Walkenizing...his voice and speech patterns and vocal tone also
shifting to those of Walken as his fingernails and teeth sharpened. Christopher
Walken himself, gazed at her and happily growled as two chalices filled with blood materialized,
he grabbed the first chalice and lapped the blood up.

A few minutes later he awoke from the dream, moaning and sort of growling - uttering..."Kate,
I will always be your Walken." "Mooorre cowbell" and reciting the 'two little mice' speech from
Catch Me If You Can. He let out a yawn that sounded more like a Hessian roar as he sat up,
he saw Kate - this time her appearance had changed, she had become more attractive even
though she looked like a genderbent version of the Hessian.

"Awaken...and tell me the rest of your dream."

"We were a darkened part of the woods..sitting on an altar of sorts and we kissed...I
slowly transformed into Walken and we danced all night, and I drank blood out of a
tasted so very good. Tis a pity it was only a dream."

"Oh, it was more than a's destiny, Christopher. You are destined to be my dark
Walken master and I am destined to be your She-Hessian."

Nathan put his glasses back on and as he did, he noticed that there was blood dripping from
his mouth - it must have been from the dream he had, he carefully wiped it up with his tongue,
before wiping his mouth. actually tasted good. He then noticed what appeared to
be a cowbell of sorts with C.W's initials on it. He opened his eyes slightly, to his surprise they
were the same hypnotic shade of blue they were in the dream.

"Hmmm..maybe being Christopher Walken isn't so bad after-all."

“Of course it isn’t, Christopher. You are destined for this. Join me, we shall be forever
youthful and Walkeny together.”

“Oh, Kate...I have longed for so long to have you with me.”

“Then long no longer, for I am here…”

“Kate...make me your forever Walken. Make me yours forever.”

“Christopher, I shall make it happen.”

She leaned forward to kiss Nathan before biting him a few times on the neck, Nathan reacted
in an unexpected manner by letting out a low-growl of pleasure. He covered his mouth out of

“I’m sorry mistress...I didn’t mean to growl like that.”

“Don’t be sorry Christopher, you’re a is only natural for a Walken to growl.”

“It is?”

“Yesss...Christopher. Don’t be embarrassed.”

“You’re right, my dear Kate...I shouldn’t be. I am Walken and I shouldn’t be ashamed of what I

Nathan growled softly as Kate caressed him, leaning in to give him a passionate Hessian styled
kiss as her sharp pointed teeth bit into his lip, causing blood to drip from it, he lapped the blood
up with his tongue and tasted it, it may have been due to the hypnosis induced trance or from
her bite, but the blood was beginning to taste very good to him, he licked his lips at the thought
of acquiring more of it.

“You like blood, don’t you Christopher?”


“It’s can say it, it’s alright to say it here.”

“I waaaant blooood…”

He moaned as his stomach growled, his appetite shifting to become a more bloodthirsty one -
human food and drinks now didn’t do anything to sustain his increasing bloodlust.
In fact it was even more difficult for him to think straight as a set of Walken-like instincts started
taking over him mentally, any thoughts and recollections of being human fading as new
Walken-like thoughts and traits began to manifest themselves.

“Don’t you worry my beloved Walken, you will get all the blood you need.”

“Aaawwwrrgh...please mistress.”

A chalice containing a mixture of blood and a golden brown liquid that he couldn’t quite
remember the name of materialized in front of him. He licked his lips as he grabbed the
challice and happily lapped up the contents.

“That’s it Christopher, drink...drink it all up.”

“Mistress...what’s that golden brown stuff? It looks familiar to me.”

“It’s Walken, I know that you love it.”

“Rrrrr..mistress.. tastes good. I love cowbell, it is so good.”

“Of course you do..”

“Please, mistress...I need more cowbell..”

“You shall have all the cowbell you desire.”

“Mistresss..I love you.”

“Come, shred your humanity and join a Walken forever.”

“Forever, mistress?”


Nathan concentrated as a series of supernatural sensations flowed through his body and his
Walken-like mindset influenced him every step of the way, making him think more and more
like a Walken.

Just then there was a slight ripping sound as his jeans shredded apart before reforming into a
pair of black and silver tinted elegant dress pants, his belt snapped off and was replaced with a
semi Hessian styled belt.
His legs slowly stretched as they became longer and thinner, a pale skintone crept up them as
all skin imperfections faded away, his socks and slippers melded into a pair of elegant dress
shoes to match his new pants.

Kate moved into continue what she did started, she was starting to become more attracted to
Nathan/Christopher, as his arms stretched to become longer as they thinned out, his fingers
becoming longer as well as his knuckles became sharply more pronounced as his fingernails
lengthened and sharpened, the pale skintone creeping up his much longer arms to have them
match his legs.

His short button up shirt and his cardigan both peeled away to become replaced with an elegant
black and silver dress shirt with the Hessian style motif as he leaned in a little bit closer to the
woman of his dreams. His torso, chest and shoulders slenderized to become Walken-like as
he elevated in height to 6’ft, growling happily as he slimmed down to become more lithe. His
strength and agility increased to inhuman levels in the process as more Walken-like thoughts
started forming in his mind. Standing at the patrician height of 6’ft, he turned to Kate and
growled happily once more.

Feeling the urge to break out into a dance number, he twirled Kate around before spinning
around, moving his new Walkeny legs and feet to the music in his head. The more he
transformed, the more Walken-like he was becoming, and the more attracted Kate was
becoming to him.

“Oh love, you are becoming so wonderfully gorgeous.”

“And you are gorgeous too.”

“The more you transform into your true beautiful self, the more in love I fall with you. You are
my one and only Walken, always and forever.”

“Yes, mistresss…”

Kate caressed Nathan/Christopher as the two waltzed together, as much as he wanted to try
and pull her back, his Walken-like instincts didn’t allow it because of the power Kate had over
him and because this was his destiny.

Nathan/Christopher’s neckline elongated to become thinner and longer as the pale skintone
crept up it, he twirled Kate around some more as his hair prickled up slowly and turned sandy
brown as it took on the texture of Walken-like hair. His hair also getting a bit longer at the back
to become a marvelous Walken-like mane.

He moaned a little bit in a mix of awe and pleasure as his eyebrows thinned out and turned the
same colour as his hair, he was becoming so entranced by the process already that he didn’t
mind the changes at all. In fact in his already Walkenizing mind’s eye, he was becoming more
beautiful and youthful.

“That’s it my Walken… you are very youthful and enchanting...a true Walken.”

“Aaawrrrgh, my love...let me be yours forever, to be your Walken.”

“You are..”

His already hypnotic eyes which were still the same shade of blue from his dream, spread out
and became slightly sunken as they gave off a supernatural glow, his forehead elevating itself
higher up until it became higher and Walken-like too.

The pale skintone now manifesting itself on his face as his jaw-line shifting to become narrower
and more angular, his facial shape looking very elegant, leonine and priestly - giving him a
slightly more Walken-like facial structure.

His nose shrank a little as it altered to be Walken-like, his lips thinned out as the shape of them
reshaped into a more cresentian shape while the tips became pointed, but those weren’t the
only things that were becoming rather pointed.

Feeling his teeth with his tongue, he could feel them lengthening and sharpening as the
canines extended to become quasi-vampiric fangs while the rest of his teeth sharpened and
became pointed and very Hessian-like. His expression curling itself into a stern but powerful
pseudo Walken-like semi snarling expression as his cheekbones became sharper and more
pronounced, his cheeks becoming lighter and slightly sunken.

Kate reached for him and kissed him, before running her fingers through his Walken-like mane
and caressing him, molding his face with her hands to transform it, watching as it became
narrower and more quasi- Brachy/mesoian/dolichokephalian in shape. Giving him the face of
Christopher Walken.

“ love, I am becoming”

“Beautiful? Why yes, you are.”

“Mistress...I am yours forever, take me.”

“Oh I will…”

Kate massaged his throat softly, making his voice deepen and grow lower in tone, the more
she massaged it - the more his voice warped, altering to become deeper, gravellier and more
hypnotic in pitch and vocal tone. His moans and groans sounding more and more Walken-like
with a selection of growls thrown in.
In the process a New York accent of sort developed as his speech patterns altered from his
normal speech patterns to a more clipped and distinctive set of Walken-like speech patterns, his
voice now fully shifted to that of Christopher Walken.

Next, his Walken instincts took over completely as all thoughts he had as a human were now
completely gone, replaced with thoughts of dancing, singing, acting, hunting and acquiring
blood and cowbell, all of his problems he had back when he was human just melting away
along with his troubles and any recollection of ever being human to begin with, well to be fair he
STILL had his personality and his memories, it’s just they were fixed and altered to become
those of Walken.

When the transformation was complete, he let out a proud Walkeny roar as he leaned in to give
her a kiss in return. There was no longer Nathan, only Walken...Chris Walken, ready to take
the night by storm.

“Kate, my love...will you be my She-Hessian bride?”

“Oh, Christopher yessss….yesss….I will.”

Finally, with the transformation complete, Christopher bowed to Kate before standing up to
embrace her, she and Christopher embraced as the two of them twirled and levitated in the air
gracefully as if time was standing still just for them. Christopher produced a ring and a
necklace with a cowbell on it and Kate accepted the gifts.

The two married and had a huge ceremony with a vampiric/Walkeny theme, the sound of
cowbell echoing throughout the halls as the two of them celebrated and had unlimited supplies
of blood and liquified cowbell.

Now, Chris Walken and Kate Beckinsale the She-Hessian are happily married and have their
very own Walken’s castle modelled after Bran Castle in Transylvania. As for any future plans,
they really don’t have any apart from building an army of Walkens which is still growing to this
very day.

True love doesn’t always have to be for the young but also for the young at heart, for our
Walkeny couple is forever youthful and Walkeny - always and forever.

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