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"Understanding my physical/sexual self in the religious and priestly life"

1-2 page of how I see my physical/sexual self in the context of chastity and celibacy that is part of my
religious life.

In the modern time, there’s a lot of things that also changing and develop in our social and community
life, but how we know ourselves of this changing and most complicated relationship in others, especially
in our home and relatives. For my experience, the evolutionology and modernism life in the fast
observation afterward the life is easy to say to identify and see what is he/she but in the modernism and
technical life all changing and they’re unknow and unconscious of what is he or she. Wordily, the
modernity environment and sociology partial give us impact on how revolve our lifestyle and knowing
self in the unlocking being. The physical and sexual self in the context of chastity and celibacy are how
the people interact and communicate others in wildly reconductor and monology, ever new I don’t know
myself like the broken glass in one drop lines in a specific clock movement. The physical self in the
context of chastity and celibacy is a self-knowing and paralogical thinking that on how you put yourself in
physical attachment to the chastity and celibacy life. As I know the life is more celibacy and to be chastity
on you handle and to process as you know what is the boundaries and limitations. Good to understand
that I and you or other aspect of a perceptions that you met and know. However, the understand the self
even I and my sexual self and physical self in the religious and priestly life is continuous to process to
understand or maybe I don’t understand what it is all.

As I am seminarian in a religious life that includes chastity and celibacy can be challenging, especially
when it comes to how one sees their physical and sexual self. Chastity means the successful integration
of sexuality within the person and thus the inner unity of man in his bodily and spiritual being. It is a
virtue that moderates the sexual appetite and enables one to use their sexual powers intelligently in the
pursuit of human flourishing. Chastity is not synonymous with celibacy, but it does embrace abstinence.
Some people profess virginity or consecrated celibacy, which enables them to give themselves to God
alone with an undivided heart in a remarkable manner. Others live in the way prescribed for all by the
moral law, whether they are married or single. Chastity involves physical, psychological, and spiritual
aspects, as well as the first signs of freedom, the influence of social. It is a joyous affirmation of someone
who knows how to live self-giving, free from any form of self-centered slavery. The chaste person is not
self-centered, not involved in selfish relationships with other people. Chastity makes the personality
harmonious. It matures it and fills it with inner peace. Therefore, it is essential to cultivate healthy
relationships with others, whether they are romantic or not, to fulfill the need for intimacy and
affirmation. It is crucial to remember that one's physical and sexual self is not the only aspect of their
identity. As a seminarian, one's identity is also shaped by their relationship with God and their
community. Therefore, it is essential to focus on cultivating a healthy relationship with God and
participating in the community's activities. In that, living a religious life that includes chastity and
celibacy can be challenging, but it is essential to remember that chastity is a virtue that involves physical,
psychological, and spiritual aspects. It is also crucial to cultivate healthy relationships with others and
focus on one's relationship with God and the community.
Living a seminarian in a religious life and priestly life can involve a commitment to chastity and celibacy,
which can affect how one sees their physical and sexual self. Religious commitment is associated with
decreased sexual activity, poor sexual satisfaction, and sexual guilt, particularly among women.

Religiosity can have a direct effect on sexual outcomes, as well as an indirect effect that works through
marital satisfaction. Sacred sexuality is a physical act that provides a direct connection to the divine. To
practice sacred sexuality, one needs to connect to their spirituality and recognize that we are spiritual
beings. Different religions have varying views on human sexuality, ranging from giving sex and sexuality a
rather negative connotation to believing that sex is the highest expression of the divine. Chastity is a
virtue that involves physical, psychological, and spiritual aspects. It is a joyous affirmation of someone
who knows how to live self-giving, free from any form of self-centered slavery. Chastity makes the
personality harmonious, matures it, and fills it with inner peace. living a religious and priestly life that
includes chastity and celibacy can be challenging, but it is essential to remember that chastity is a virtue
that involves physical, psychological, and spiritual aspects. It is also crucial to connect to one's spirituality
and recognize that we are spiritual beings. Different religions have varying views on human sexuality, and
it is essential to understand the teachings of one's religion.

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