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Stephanie M. Rebanal

What are the things in your faith that make you happy?

❖ The thing in my faith that makes me happy is the assurance that everything I hope
for will come true. This happiness affects my relationship with others because I
feel the desire of sharing the good news with them and eventually develop faith
in God. In this situation, the world is uncertain and chaotic which makes us feel
pressured and depressed. Knowing the truth from the Bible, deepend my faith in
God that keeps me going in this time of distress. My faith is like a shield that
protects me in every life’s battle and endures every situation with positivity.

How does this happiness affect your relationship with


❖ Happiness affects alot of things in our mind and body. When we are happy, Our
body tend to emit alot of movement like clapping and jumping around, while our
mind tend to tell us to show emotion like smiling and laughing and having a
beaming facial expression, with this it affects our relationship with other, the
more we emit positive vibes around another individual the more they pick on this
mood. They'll start laughing and smiling to and celebrating our happiness with
you and with this they tend to like more being around you for showing great

What is Religion?

★ Religion is a collection of cultural systems, belief systems, and worldviews that

relate humanity to spirituality and, sometimes, to moral values. Many religions
have narratives, symbols, traditions, and sacred histories that are intended to give
meaning to life or to explain the origin of life or the universe.

The Origin of Religion

★ Organized religion traces its roots to the Neolithic revolution that began 11,000
years ago in the Near East but may have occurred independently in several other
locations around the world. The invention of agriculture transformed many
human societies from a hunter gatherer lifestyle to a sedentary lifestyle.

What is the difference between Religion from Spirituality?

★ Spirituality and religion can be hard to tell apart but there are some pretty
defined differences between the two. Religion is a specific set of organised beliefs
and practices, usually shared by a community or group. Spirituality is more of an
individual practice and has to do with having a sense of peace and purpose.

Are you a Religious person or a Spiritual person?

★ Spirituality and religion can be hard to tell apart but there are some pretty
defined differences between the two. Religion is a specific set of organised beliefs
and practices, usually shared by a community or group. Spirituality is more of an
individual practice and has to do with having a sense of peace and purpose.
What is Theology?

★ Theology is the systematic study of the nature of the divine and more broadly
of religious belief It is taught as an academic discipline, typically in universities
and seminaries. It occupies itself with the unique content of analyzing the
supernatural, but also deals with religious epistemology, asks and seeks to
answer the question of revelation. Revelation pertains to the acceptance of God,
gods, or deities, as not only transcendent or above the natural world, but also
willing and able to interact with the natural world and, in particular, to reveal
themselves to humankind. While theology has turned into a secular field
religious adherents still consider theology to be a discipline that helps them live
and understand concepts such as life and love and that helps them lead lives of
obedience to the deities they follow or worship.

Characteristics of Religion

❖ These are the common characteristics or family traits of those members of the
category or “family” of religion. Just as with family members not every member
must have every trait but most have most of the traits. The more any human
phenomena demonstrates these traits the more likely it is that it will be included
into this category of social institutions known as religion.

❖ Common Characteristics: (family traits)

● Notion of a deity or absolute, which is of ultimate concern and importance
● Ideas on the nature of human beings
● The idea of divine providences, destiny, fate
● The idea and meaning of human history
● Problem of evil explained
● Description of the central problem of human life and suffering idea of an
afterlife-life after death
● A concept of the world
● Ideas of human community and ethics a moral code

Eight Elements of Religion

❖ Beliefs
❖ Myths/Stories
❖ Sacred Texts
❖ Ethics and Morality
❖ Rituals
❖ Symbols
❖ Social Structures
❖ Religious Experience

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