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Name: __________________________________ Date: __________________

Choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. The illustration is a sense organ for ________________.
a. tasting b. smelling c. seeingd. touching
2. Which sense organ is used by the boy in the picture below?
a. eyes b. nose c. ears d. skin
3. Which of the following is the proper way of caring for the eye?
a. Reading in a moving vehicle. b. Visit an eye doctor twice a year.
c. Rubbing your eyes with dirty hands. D. Looking at the sun directly.
4. Part of the eye that is like the screen where the image of the object seen is focused.
a. pupil b. retina c. iris d. cornea
5. The outside part of the ear where the girl’s earring is pierced.
a. pinna b. ear canal c. eardrum d. hammer
6. It is the nerve that sends message from ears to brain.
a. auditory nerve b. eardrum c. pinna d. ear canal
7. Fishes breathe in water using their _____________.
a. tail b. fins c. scales d. gills
8. It is the part of the frog used for catching files and other insects.
a. mouth b. long sticky tongue c. bill c. strong hind legs
9. Which of the following pairs of animals use their bigger hind legs for jumping?
a. rabbit and frog b. rabbit and dog c. kangaroo and horse d. frog and turtle
10. Study the picture. Which part of the plant absorbs water and minerals from the soil?
a. flowerb. stem c. leaves d. roots
11. It is the passing on of some characteristics of parents to their children.
a. heredity b. growth c. development d. health
12. Which animal hatches from an egg?
a. cat b. elephant c. duck d. horse
13. Which animal is born alive by its mother?
a. horse b. snake c. chicken d. bird
14. Rolly’s mother is a good singer, his father can sing well also. Rolly can sing too because he inherits the singing
voice of his:
a. mother b. father c. friends d. parents
15. What does an animal needs as shown in the picture below?
a. food to eat b. air to breathe
c. space to live d. water to drink
16. Which of the following is not the basic need of animals?
a. air b. clothing c. food d. water
17. Trace the path of the taste of food after it enters the mouth. Choose the part which should be on the second
Food in mouth _________ Nerve ending brain

a. epidermis b. taste bud c. villi d. nostril

18. What happens when the temperature is hot?

a. The capillaries contract and limit the blood flow.
b. The capillaries in the skin enlarge so that more blood flows to the surface.
c. The muscle contracts.
d. The hairs become erect to prevent too much air from reaching the skin.
19. Who among these children exercise caution in handling animals?
a. Marvin who uses gloves in handling animal manure. b. Carlo who handles animal manure with his bare hands.
c. KC who teases her pet dog. d. Maycee who squeezes small birds.
20. Like animals, plants are also important to humans. Which of the following uses of plants do you think is the
MOST important?
a. Plants can be used as decoration. b. Other plants can be used as fiber for clothing.
c. Plants can be source of food for man. d. Plants can be made as furniture’s at home.
21You have noticed the flowering plants in your Grandma’s garden are drying up. What will you do?
a. remove the leaves b. water them c. cut the stems d. cover them with plastics
22. Why is it advisable to use gloves in gardening or handling plants?
a. Because some plants with thorns can be harmful. b. Because plants differ in color, size and texture.
c. Because plants are dirty. d. None of the above.
23. Most of the characteristics or traits that parents pass on to their children are physical in nature. Physical
characteristics include:
a. Solving Mathematics problems, drawing, painting and singing. b. Getting along well with other people.
c. Body built, color of the eyes and texture of the skin. d. Being wealthy or well-to-do.
24. Other characteristics that children get from their parents are mental in nature. These includes:
a. Solving Mathematics problem, drawing, painting and singing. b. Getting along well with other people.
c. Body build, color of the eyes and texture of the skin. d. None of the above.
25. How does a puppy develop into a dog?
a. It come out of the body of its mother. b. It comes out from a young water animal.
c. It born alive by its mother. d. It is hatched from it’s mother egg.
26. What is the effect of too much sunlight in plants?
a. The leaves of the plants become witted. b. The plants grow taller.
c. The plants grow healthy. d. The plants feel hot.
27. What will happen if there is less food and there are many animals in the habitat?
a. The animals will fight for food. b. Many animals will get sick.
c. The animals will be healthy. d. many animals will stay in the place.
28. Which of the following is the correct path of sound as it enters the pinna?
a. pinna- ear canal- eardrum- small bones b. pinna- small bones- ear canal- eardrum
c. eardrum- small bones- pinna- ear canal d. ear canal- pinna- small bones- eardrum
29. Which is a proper way of caring of our ear?
a. Using earphones with maximum volume. b. Using pointed objects in cleaning ears.
c. Shouting at one’s ear. d. Regular ear check up.
30. Jonna is suffering from irritation of her skin. Where should Jonna go?
a. Dentist b. Pediatrician c. Ophthalmologist d. Dermatologist
31. The pupils clearly hear the sound produced by a drum, which part of the ear collects the sound?
a. ear canal b. eardrum c. pinna d. hammer
32. What happens to the eardrum when the sound reaches it?
a. The eardrum vibrates. b. The eardrum sends message to the brain.
c. The eardrum detects the vibration. d. The eardrum tells the sound we hear.
33. Animals are important to humans. In what ways can you prove its importance?
I. Animals provide us food to eat. II. Pet dogs keep us safe from strangers.
III. Babies play with pets. IV. Stray dogs and cats are everywhere.
a. I only b. I and II c. II only d. I, II and III
34. Which of the following statement is true in comparing living things with non-living things?
a. Living things grow tall. Non-living things do not. b. Both living and non-living things grow.
c. Both living things and non-living things die. D. None of the above.
35. Why do man, plants and animals are considered as living things?
a. Because they grow big and tall. b. Because they grow old and die.
c. Because they have life span. d. All of these.
36. Why do plants die when they do not get enough sunlight?
a. They cannot see. b. They cannot make food.
37. Greg saw two caterpillars crawling on the stem of the plant. The next day, the two caterpillars were still there
but most of the leaves disappeared. What need is shown about the caterpillars?
a. food b. air c. shelter d. space
38. James has a straight hair. To which family does he possibly belong and, and why?
a. Family 1, because he looks like his father.
b. Family 1, because his hair is like all the members of the family.
c. Family 2, because he looks like the daughter of the family.
d. Family 2, because his hair is curly and he might have inherited from his grandparents.
39. Rocky is left-handed like his father, why?
a. Children grow to what they like. b. Children grow to be like their parents.
c. Children grow to be like their godfather. d. Children grow to be like their classmates.
40. All of these are basic needs of plants in order to grow except:
a. Right kind of soil. b. Right amount of water. c. Enough amount of sunlight. d. More plant fertilizers.
41. What will happen to the ecosystem if there’s too much heat from the sun?
a. More living organisms will live. b. Living things will become stronger.
c. The life cycle will be destroyed. d. The life cycle will continue.
42. Why do animals need water?
a. They need water to balance body temperature and to perform normal body processes.
b. They need water to play.
c. They need water in order to make food.
d. None of the above.
43. Why do people need air?
a. So that we can be fat. b. So that we can fly.
c. So that we can breathe in order to live. d. All of the above.
44. Clean air is needed by living things, what happen if the air is not clean?
I. Animals cannot breathe well. II. People become sick often. III. Plants become healthy.
a. I only b. I and II c. II and III d. I, II and III
45. What will happen if you plant mongo seeds in soil? Water the seeds. Draw your prediction after 1 month in the
box below.

Prepared by: VERDEL JOY S. VICENTE Teacher II Roxas Central School Roxas Or. Mindoro.

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