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A. Role Play : Evita Pratiwi Wulandari as Evita

Ulfa Ulzannah MD as Ulfa
SafieraSukma A. as Sukma

*at hallway class*

Ulfa and evita meet in front of lift and both of them walked to the class.
E : Hey ulfa.
U : Oh hey evita.
E : it seems we are coming too fast today.
U : yes, it looks like this campus is still quiet.
E : it’s okay because it’s better to come earlier than to come late.
U : nah that’s right.

*arrive at class*
Class is still quiet. Ulfa and evita choose to sit in behind the class.
E : what do you think of we should give to for her birthday gift? Asking Opinion
U : i feel that we should give jacket for her because she often ride a motorcycle Giving
E : but my personal opinion is she already has so many jacket. Giving Opinion
U : how do you know if she already has so many jacket?
E : i see many jacket in her cupboard when i’m visited her home.
U : how about a shoes? she wears the same shoes everyday to go to collage.
E : i think it would be great if we give her a shoes, because i also feel she wears the same
shoes everyday. Are you agree if we are give shoes for her birthday gift? Asking
U : i agree for give shoes for her birthday gift. Giving agreement
E : yes, we are agree but where we are can buy the shoes?
U : i don’t know because i never buy shoes in here.
E : yes, me too especially we are not from jogja so we don’t know many place or shop in
U : i think we can ask sukma because her lived in here and so she must know where is the
shoes shop.
E : that’s right and than i see her has shoes with good quality.
U : that’s good, let’s go to ask sukma.
E : not now but she has class untill 5 pm.
U : ooh okay, we can wait her.
E : okay, how we are waiting her in cantin.
U : we must told her if we waiting her in cantin
E : yes, i’m will sending a massage first to her

*at cantin*
Sukma already waiting ulfa and evita at cantin.
E&U : hey sukma.
S : hey guys…..
E&U : sorry for waiting me and ulfa.
S : it’s okay guys
E : I’m want to bought a drink, what you like to order a drink like me?
S : yes, please.
U : I want mineral water, please.
E : okey, wait a minute.

*After evita buy a drink*

U&S : Thanks you evita.
E : you’re welcome guys.
S : What do you want talk about?
E : we want to ask you about something.
S : yes, of course.
E : we will give shoes for raisa birthday gift.
S : Raisa from communication departement?
U : yes, she is our bestfriend.
S : so what is the problem?
E : we don’t know where we are can buy shoes with good quality.
U : yes, we see you has shoes with good quality.
S : oh my god, i think this seriously problem hahahahha.
E : where we are can buy the shoes like yours?
S : it is in elisabeth shop
U : but we dont know where it is, can you give us a direction? Asking Direction
S : okay, can you remind it well?
E&U : insyaAllah hehehehe
S : from here, you will see the intersection, then you have to turn left. You will pass the
jogja city mall. Go straight, the you follow sudirman street until you see the elisabeth
shop shoes and bag. It is in front of matahari shop and in behind of ramayana shop.
Giving Direction
E : i think we can’t remind it well because that complicated.
U : how do you if deliver us to the store ?
S : Sure… But i can’t go now. How if Saturday or Sunday?
E : But in Sunday, I can’t go to the shoes store . I have a event with my friends
S : And you, ulfa ?
U : Yes, I same with evita. Sunday, I go to library with my friends to doing task
S : Okay, already decided, we go to the shoes store on Saturday. How do you think?
E&U : We agree with your decided…

*at home*
( After go to the shoes store, evita,ulfa and sukma back to home )
E : The shoes is nice right ?
S : I think prefer the other one. Maybe.
U : Why ? I think the both shoes are good
S : Because I think the shoe’s colour was more suitable used raisa.
E : Yes it’s okay because we’ve already bought and also I’m believe raisa likes this shoe.

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