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Majalah Farmasetika, 6 (1) 2021, 10-22 idol org/10.24198/mfarmasetika.v6it.27420 ‘Arikel Review Stabilisasi Tablet Yang Mengandung Zat Aktif Bersifat Higroskopis Fits Nujanah, Sriwidodo’, Bambang Nurhaci? *Departemen Farmasetika dan Teknologi Farmasi, Fakultas Farmasi, Universitas Padjadjaran, ‘Jalinangor 453632 SDepartemen Teknolog! industri Pangan Fakultas Teknolog| Industri Pertanian, Universitas Padjajaran, Jatinangor 45363, e-mail firi16004@mail (Submit 1615/2020, Revisi 2176/2020, Diterima 03/08/2020) Rute pemberian obat oral merupakan rute yang paling banyak digunakan untuk obat yang berefek secara sistemik, setidaknya 80% obat yang menghasilkan efek sistemik diberikan secara oral (!|. Salah satu bentuk sediaan padat oral adalah tablet. Tablet merupakan bentuk sediaan yang memiliki banyak keuntungan diantaranya lebih mudah untuk dikonsumsi, biaya produksi yang lebih rendah, serta stabil dalam penyimpanannyal, Tablet memberikan kenyamanan dan keamanan untuk pemberian zat aktif farmasi (API) dengan stabilitas fisikokimia yang baik dan memberikan dosis yang akurat dibandingkan dengan bentuk sediaan larutan LiverTox Clinical and Research information on Drug-induced Liver Injury Bethesda (MD): National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseas 2012, ‘Copynght and Permissions EN Tar ¢ Codeine (koe” deen) is a natural alkaloid derived from resin extracts from the seeds of the opium poppy, Papaver somniferum. Codeine has opiate-like analgesic effects, but is much less potent than morphine. Codeine, however. is ‘well absorbed orally and is Jess likely to cause serious respiratory depression than morphine. Codeine has been used in clinical medicine for more than a century and is currently approved for use in the United States as an oral analgesic for mild-to-moderate pain and, in low doses, as an antitussive for suppression of nonproductive cough. Codeine is Basil V. Peechakara; Jack G. Tharp; Mohit Gupta, * Author Information and Affiliations. Authors ww Basil V. Peechakara; Jack G. Tharp!; Mohit Gupta” STATPEARLS SouTenT TE ne Affiliations, Univ of Mississippi Medical Center 2 Cleveland Clinic Foundation February 13, 2023, Codeine is a medication used in the management and treatment of chronic pain. It is in the opioid class of medications. This activity outlines the indications, action, and contraindications for codeine as a valuable agent in treating chronic pain and off-label use in cough, persistent diarthea, and restless leg syndrome. In addition, this activity will highlight the mechanism of aetion, adverse event profile, off-label uses, dosing, pharmacodynamics. pharmacokinetics, monitoring, toxicity, and relevant interactions pertinent for interprofessional team members in. ‘eating patients with clronie pein and related conditions. DIPONEGORO MEDICAL JOURNAL Goad ipnes) Volume 9, Nomor 2, Maret 20 ‘THE EFFECT OF PARACETAMOL AND CODEINE ANALGESIC COMBINATION ON SERUM GLUTAMIC OXALOACETATE TRANSAMINASE LEVELS IN MALE WISTAR RATS Rona Ayu Hanifah ', Farah Hendara Ningrum ?, Erwin Kresnoadi , Satrio Adi Wicaksono ? Undergraduate Student, Faculty of Medicine, Diponcgoro Univesity ‘Departement of Radiology, Faulty of Medicine, Diponegoro University "Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Cae, Faculty of Medi, Diponegoro Universiy *Comesponding email = sttriowicalsono(@fkandip.acid Chemical Disinfection of Hard Surfaces — Household, Industrial and Institutional Settings Edward Fu,... Diane Boesenberg, in Pee ey Science Handbook for Cleaning/Decontamination of Surfaces, 2007 5.6 Alcohols Ethyl alcohol, iso-propyl alcohol and n-propyl alcohol possess very good disinfectant properties in the range of 60-90% solutions with water. They are considered intermediate-level disinfectants, effective against vegetative bacteria, enveloped viruses, and some fungi and mycobacteria, including M. tuberculosis. Alcohols are believed to function by denaturing proteins, which is dependent on the relative amounts of alcohol and water [22]. Zoe Clarke, in xPharm: The Comprehensive Pharmacology Reference, 2007 Saeed ala memebers § Ethanol, or ethyl alcohol, is a central nervous system depressant. Although it has no unique medicinal value, it is regularly consumed for recreational purposes, Ethanol intake is often referred to in terms of units, with 1 unit being equal to 8 grams of ethanol, the amount contained in 1/2 pint of normal strength beer, 1 standard glass of wine, or 1 measure of spirits. . Toxic Encephalopathies I: Cortical and Mixed —— Encephalopathies CLINIGAL |v): Eicher, in clinical Neurotoxicology, 2009 NEUROTOXICOLOGY Ethanol Ethyl alcohol or ethanol (EtOH) is the most common organic solvent to which Americans are exposed. Its acute effects are well recognized and obviously occur most often in the setting of recreational ingestion of beer, 's, EtOH is also present in many household products, pharmaceuticals, and industrial solvents. The acute encephalopathy of EtOH Pyrolysis of Alcohols and Phenols Serban C, Moldoveanu, in Pyrolysis of Organic Molecules (Second Edition), 2019 ef Organic Molecules ENeouh) Glycerin (glycerol or propane-1,2,3-triol) is a compound widespread in nature either in free form or, more frequently, as an ester (glycerides). Glycerin can be considered a sugar alcohol formed by hydrogenation from ~ glycerin aldehyde (a Cy monosaccharide). Large quantities of glycerin are synthesized from epichlorhydrin and are generated as a byproduct in soap making and biodiesel production, Glycerin is used as a humectant in the ss food, beverage, and tobacco industries as well as a solvent, a sweetener, and a thickening agent. PASSN 2746-5241 JAM: Jurmal Abdi Masyarakat Vol, 4, No.1, Mei 2023, Hal (92-95) ai gpindha Webby wdhacid FACTS OR HOAXES OF ALL DANGEROUS SYR Sayyidah*, Humaira Fadhilah, Wafa, Neneng Sri Purwaningsih, Melizsa, Beny Maulana Satria, Suny Koswara Rahajeng, Mé ‘Oktavia, Dimas Wijanarko ‘Ske Wi Ema Hass Tings, Ko Tangs Sa, 37, nos Syrup is an oral solution containing sucrose or other sugars of high grade (simplex syrup is a syrup that is almost saturated with sucrose). The sucrose content in syrup is 64-66%, unless otherwise stated. In general, syrups are divided into 2 types, namely Non Medicate Syrup / Flavored Vehicle Syrup (Such as piperazina citrate syrup, isoniazid syrup). Non Medicate Syrup is a syrup preparation that does not contain medicinal ingredients, but only contains sugar, flavorings, preservatives and dves while Medicinal Svrun contains medicinal ingredients / Artikel Penelitian FORMULASI DAN UJI STABILITAS SEDIAAN SIRUP ANTI ALERGI DENGAN BAHAN AKTIF CHLORPHENIRAMIN MALEAT (CTM) Djelang Zainuddin Fickri, S. Farm., M. Farm.Klin., Apt. Abstrak: Scdiaan Sirup merupakan sediaan cair yang berupa larutan yang ditandai dengan rasa manis dengan kandungan sakrosa tidak kurang dari 64% dan tidak lebih dari 66,0. Pada penelitian formulasi ini digunakan bahan aktif Chlorpheniramin (CTM) yang

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