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Mangas-as Integrated School

Araling Panlipunan 9 (Ekonomiks)

Third Quarter

NAME:_______________________________________ Section: ___________________________ Date:_______________

Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a separate sheet of paper.

1. Movies, television, and family members can _____ prejudices that a person may have.
a. racial b. gender c. siblings d.influence
2. An example of _____ prejudice is thinking a girl cannot be as good of an athlete as a
a. racial b. gender c. neutral d. religious
3. Posting a negative comment about an economic social status of a family is an example
of _____ :
a. racism b. prejudice c. stereotype d. discrimination
4. Hearing a group of adults say "kids never do anything but play their games".
This sentence is a:
a. racism b. prejudice c. stereotype d. discrimination
5. Not being invited to play soccer because you are a girl is a form of _____.
a. racism b. sexism c. Prejudice c. discrimination
6. Carlos wants to know the favorite sport of people at his school so he asks his baseball
team. This sentence is a/an:
a. bias b. racism c. unbiased d. prejudice
7. A radio host wants to know where his listeners go for vacation. He takes 10 phone calls. This
sentence is a:
a. bias b. racism c. unbiased d. prejudice
8. "Eating tomatoes is one of the best things you can do." This sentence is a:
a. bias b. fact c. opinion d. unbiased
9. “Not serving someone inside a restaurant because of the color of the skin” This line
is a:
a. bias b. racism c. prejudice d. unbiased
10. Tomatoes contain vitamin C.
This sentence is a:
a. bias b. fact c. opinion d. unbiased
11. Research studies show that eating carrots lower the risk of eye problems because
they contain beta carotene.
This sentence is a:
a. bias b. fact c. opinion d. unbiased
12. Readers of papers judge first page stories to be more significant than those buried in
the back.
This sentence is a:
a. bias b. fact c. opinion d. unbiased
13. The bow in many countries and cultural communities that practice this custom and
gesture is a sign of:
a. love b. loyalty c. respect d. promise

14. The meaning of the gesture ‘thumbs up’ is culture specific. What does the gesture
‘thumbs up’ mean in the Philippines?
a. All is well b. I’m not in the mood c. It is a rude gesture d. I’m very happy

15 . Which of the following is the best example of prejudice?

a. A woman believes it will rain because she sees many grey clouds in the sky.

b. A man from Cancun, Mexico does not like Americans because he thinks they all

drink irresponsibly.

c. A person with disability is prioritized in all establishments especially in using

comfort rooms.

d. The owner of a company evaluates all potential employees exclusively by their

professional qualifications
TEST II - Read carefully each statement below. Write T in the line if you think a statement is TRUE
Place or F if you think the statement is FALSE.

____________16. Truth is factual based, rather than oriented.

____________17. If you lie about something, then what you are saying is false. _______3. Accuracy is
a condition or quality of being true, correct, or exact; However, still welcomes,
at least, small mistakes.
____________18. Whatever your view is on “truth” and the line between “fact” and “opinion” is a
simple enough idea.
____________19. Other things we should consider in Determining the truth of any
statement through
____________20. Truth lies at the heart of any inquiry.
____________21. Fake news is news stories that are either completely untrue, or do
not contain all the truth, with a view to deliberately misleading readers.
____________22. The credibility of the website is unnecessary in finding the sources of

____________23. The more likes a news item has, the more likely people are
to believe that the news is true, and the less likely they are to judge correctly if a news item is real or fake.
____________24. Facts are generally established truths, easily verified, and do not easily
change from one situation to another.

____________25. Relevance describes how the evidence relates to the claim.

____________26. When evaluating an evidence, your first task is to analyze it. _______13.
Fabrication has no factual basis but are published in the style of news articles to
create legitimacy.

____________27. Truth matters, both to us as individuals and to society as a whole.

____________28. Truth is the foundation for a fair and just society.
29 – 30. Full name of your English Teacher
Test III: DIRECTIONS: Read the given paragraphs below. Determine the irrelevant part from each
paragraph. Write the letter of your answer on the blank provided before the number.

_______31. a.) I never know how to stand properly when giving oral reports. (b) For instance, when

I am explaining point, many of my classmates would laugh because it is obvious that my legs are

shaking. (c) Sometimes I also laugh because of my reaction. (d) At other times I slouch especially when

I think I am losing my point. (e) A good speaker does not pause very much while he is speaking. (f) Often

I clasp my hands in front of me to keep them from shaking while I am speaking.

________32. (a) It was almost a perfect day. (b) It was the start of the holiday season.(c) Many planned

for a stroll, but suddenly the weather changed and became gloomy. (d) The flowers which seemed to be

happy sulked. (e) It was a day when the world seemed brighter and happier than usual. (f) Everybody

thought it was a perfect day.

_______33. (a) Durian fruit is one of the famous fruits in the Philippines. (b) Many Dabaweños are proud

of this fruit for this represents the city of Davao.

(c) It is known of its stinky odor which makes others avoid it. (d) I hate it too. (e) Little do they know that

this stinky fruit is the best. (f) Once you taste it, you will surely love it.

_______34. (a) Today, we depend more in the technology more than we realize. (b) We love it so much to

have everything in an instant. (c) We cannot even live without our phones. (d) We feel outcast when we
don’t have the updates of the most awaited model of Iphone. (e) We seem to be left out when we don’t

receive any message from our friends in Facebook. (f) We are changed by the latest updates in

technology. (g) We forget to live and we ignore how to live. (h) This saddens our parents.

________ 35. (a) Dabaweños were once shaken by a magnitude of 6.9 earthquake. (b) Everybody

became panicky. (c) Many properties and establishment were destroyed and many lives were changed.

(d) Different assistance have arrived from varied agencies. (e) Due to the quake, many are traumatized.

(f) Despite everything, Dabaweños stood up and recovered. To God be the glory.

________36. (a There is an old saying, "An apple a day keeps the doctor away and helps losing
weight." (b) In fact, studies have shown that a number of components in apples help the body to fight
many diseases. (c) Apples are also a source of dietary fiber which helps digestion and promotes weight
loss. (d) Blackberries and apples are a traditional duo for pies. (e) Unlike other snacks such as biscuits,
raw apples contain almost zero fat and cholesterol.

___________37. Which of the following is relevant to this claim “Students should not be able to have
phones in school”?

a. Phones do not help students look up information in the classroom.

b. Phones help them communicate with their families.
c. Phones can avoid cheating in the classroom.
d. Phones can cause distractions in classrooms.

___________38. Select the relevant evidence for this claim: “Schools should start later in the

a. Students would be more awake in class for getting more sleep in the mornings.
b. School would get out later in the day, which gives students less time to complete homework or
after school activities.

c. The temperature would be too hot if classes start late in the morning.
d. Anytime in the morning is a better time to start classes.

__________39. Which one best supports this idea:” Schools should require students to wear uniforms.

a. Families would be able to buy as many clothes as they want for other events.
b. Students would not be able to get lost in going to school alone.
c. Students would not break the dress code at school.
d. Students would not disobey the school rules.

_________40. Which of the following is a relevant idea to this topic: “Schools should require all
students to be involved in after-school activities”?
a. After-school activities will help students be opened to different experiences.
b. Students will go home immediately to do their homework and athome responsibilities.
c. Students should have a choice to join or not.
d. Students will be prepared to find a job.

Test II.

DIRECTIONS: Study the given pie chart and choose the relevant and truthful idea based on the graph.

Toni's Expenses
Dark Blue Dark Blue Food
Green Orange
Light Blue Dark Blue
Yellow Orange
Water Bill
Gray Green Savings


a.) Tonie spends much on fare and food.

b.) Toni spends much on food and medicine

c.) Toni spends much on food and electricity.

d.) Toni spends much on medicine and water bill.


a.) Medicine takes the least expense.

b.) Electricity gets the least expense

c.) Water bill takes the least expense

d.) Everything has equal amount of expense.


a.) Fare took the second highest budget

b.) Food has the second highest expenditure.

c.) Electricity got the second highest in budget.

d.) Food got the second highest in consumption.

Test IV: Look closely at this image. List two relevant ideas depicted in infographic.


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