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2018 ADSAI Grade 5 Science First Long Test on the Third Grading

Matching type
Match A Match B
1. It is the ultimate source of energy of all living things in an ecosystem a. Consumers / heterotrophs
2. It is the food making process on plants b. Autotrophs
3. They are all factors in an ecosystem including plants , animals and microorganisms c. Chemoautotrophs
4. They are all factors in an ecosystem including sunlight , air , water and minerals d. Energy pyramid
5. It is a community of plants, animals and other living organisms interacting with the e. Carnivores
non-living components in the area
6. This are organisms that can make their own food f. Tertiary consumers
7. They are organisms that use the sun’s energy to make their own food g. Herbivores
8. They are organisms that use some chemicals and inorganic materials to make their h. Ecosystem
own food
9. Plants are called ______________ because they make their own food through the i. Tertiary consumers
process of photosynthesis
10. They are organisms that depend on other organisms for food j. Primary consumers
11. They are heterotrophs that eat only producers such as plants and some algae like k. Decomposers
rabbit, grasshopper , goats and cows
12. They are heterotrophs that eat animals or meat only like snakes, hawks and lions l. Photoautotrophs
13. They are heterotrophs that consume both plants and animals like pigs , chickens and m. Abiotic factors
14. They are organisms that break down matter from dead animals into nutrients that is n. Food web
usable for the soil
15. This is a feeding relationship that represents a single pathway through which energy o. Sun
and matter flow in the ecosystem
16. It is the level in food chain of organisms that eat plants directly p. Omnivores
17. It is the level in food chain where animals eat the primary consumers q. Photosynthesis
18. It is the level in food chain where animals eat secondary consumers r. Biotic factors
19. It is a complex relationships of interwoven food chain s. Producers
20. It is the presentation that represents the transfer of energy from one trophic level to t. Food chain
another trophic level
Answer the following
21. What do you think will happen if some organisms in a food chain become extinct?
22. What is plant the most important part of an ecosystem? ______________________________________________________
23. What are the two components of an ecosystem? b. ______________________
a. ______________________
24. What are the three classifications of a heterotrophs?
a. ___________________ b. ___________________ c. ___________________
25. What are the four levels of food chain?__________________________________________________________________________
26. What is the importance of decomposers in the ecosystem? ____________________________________________________
27. Draw your own food chain.

28. Label the level of Food chain

( locusts , snakes , grass , frogs )
29. Make a food web from the following organisms . ( rice plants , mice , locusts , chicken , hawks , snakes , humans )

30. How many percent of energy is transferred from one trophic level to another trophic level? __________
31. Illustrate the transfer of energy from the following. Write the answer in the pyramid .
Plants = 1000 , worms= ____ , chickens = _______ , humans = _____

32. Name the 5 biochemical process that are essential for the balance ecosystem

a. _______________________________ d. _______________________________
b. _______________________________ e. _______________________________
c. _______________________________

33. E_____________________ and B_________________________ are important process in maintaining the balance of the
ecosystem because it involves biotic and abiotic components of the ecosystem.
34. Explain why there are usually no more than four trophic levels in a food chain?
35. Why should we not disturbed the balance of nature in our ecosystem?
36. What will happen all producers(autotrophs ) in the world will die ?
The Aquatic and Terrestrial Ecosystem
Match A Match B
37. It is an aquatic ecosystem where the region of water is salty like the ocean and the sea a. Freshwater ecosystem
38. An aquatic ecosystem is composed of ______ percent of the world’s surface b. Forests
39. It is an ecosystem found in water or water surface c. Tropical Rainforest
40. It is a body of water where fresh water and saltwater meet and mix d. Desert ecosystem
41. Estuaries serve as important habitats and are also called ____________ for many marine e. 97
42. It is a body if freshwater where land meets the sea and an area between the high tide f. Grassland
mark and the low tide mark
43. It is an aquatic ecosystem that includes ponds, lakes and rivers where the water is not as g. Terrestrial ecosystem
salty as a marine water
44. It is an ecosystem that are found primarily on land h. Estuary
45. It is a terrestrial ecosystem that is usually dominated by grasses with few trees or shrubs i. Aquatic ecosystem
and many animals live in this place
46. It is a terrestrial ecosystem characterized by diverse plants including tall trees and j. Marine ecosystem
climbing plants
47. It is a kind of forest where many animals live because the amount of rainfall and k. Intertidal zone
temperature are enough to sustain life in it.
48. It is a terrestrial ecosystem that receives very little rainfall in a year. It has a very high l. Sahara
temperature during daytime and very cold temperature at night time.
49. It is a well-known desert in the world m. Nurseries
Answer the following correctly
50. What are the two types of ecosystem on earth?
a. ______________________________________ b. ______________________________________
51. What are the two kinds of aquatic system?
a. ______________________________________ b. ______________________________________
52. Name some plants and animals in a marine ecosystem? ____________________________________________________________
53. Name some three differences in the abiotic factor of marine ecosystem and freshwater ecosystem.
a. ______________________________________
b. ______________________________________
c. ______________________________________
54. Name the six classification of a marine ecosystem.
a. _____________________ c. _____________________ e. _____________________
b. _____________________ d. _____________________ f. _____________________
55. Name two examples of estuary
a. ______________________ b. ______________________
56. Why are there abundant species of living organisms in an estuary?
57. Make your own food chain in a marine ecosystem.

58. Why is it unsafe for other organisms in intertidal zone when the tide is low? ___________________________________________
59. Why is it unsafe for other organisms in the intertidal zone when the tide is high? _______________________________________
60. Give three examples of a freshwater ecosystem. __________________________________________________________________
61. Name some organisms living in a freshwater ecosystem. ____________________________________________________________
62. What are the three examples of terrestrial ecosystem?
a. ___________________ b. ___________________ c. ___________________
63. The terrestrial ecosystem like forest and grassland differ in;
a. _____________________ d. _____________________
b. _____________________ e. _____________________
c. _____________________ f. _____________________
64. Name some grazing animals found din the grassland. _____________________________________________________
65. Why do animals in the desert hunt for their food at night time? ______________________________________________________
66. Name some well-known plants and animals found in the desert. ______________________________________________________
Open ended questions
67. Name two ways to conserve our marine and freshwater ecosystem.
a. ________________________________________________________________________________________
b. ________________________________________________________________________________________
68. Name two ways to preserve our terrestrial ecosystem
a. ________________________________________________________________________________________
b. ________________________________________________________________________________________
69. Name two importance of a marine ecosystem
a. ________________________________________________________________________________________
b. ________________________________________________________________________________________
70. Name two importance of a terrestrial ecosystem.
a. _________________________________________________________________________________________
b. _________________________________________________________________________________________
2018 ADSAI Grade 5 HELE First Long Test on the Third Grading
Answer the following correctly
1. Name the three livestock and poultry regulations
a. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________
b. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________
c. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________
2. Chickens are raised for their _____________ and _____________
3. Chicken ________________ can also be a good source of fertilizer for the garden or compost bin
4. The chicken cage is also known as ___________________ and has a minimum measurement requirement of
5. The coop should be safe from nocturnal animals like _____________________________________
6. Chicken needs a _________________ to lay their eggs and roosts
7. Place the coop where it is well exposed to s___________ and is always well _______________
8. The food for chickens are _________________ , ___________________ , __________________ and ______________
9. If you want to have an egg laying chicken , you must buy the ________________
10. Name the four things needed of the chicks for the first 60 days
a. ________________________________
b. ________________________________
c. ________________________________
d. ________________________________
11. The best flooring for the chicken brooder are _________________________________ because they are not slippery when wet
12. The best temperature for the chicken brooders are ___________________________
13. After the first 60 days, move your chicken in a coop once they are _________________________
14. Quail is locally known as _________ which is a small hunting bird in the tropical region
15. Quails are raised for the ________ and _________
Breed of quails
16. __________________ a breed that is black or grayish black in color
17. __________________ a breed that is white in color and black eyes
18. __________________ a breed known as pugo and is not suitable for commercial production
19. __________________ a breed that is black in color with white spot on the breast
20. __________________ an American breed that has a maroon feathers at the base of the head
21. __________________ a breed known as Chinese Quail and has dark brown feather mixed with white and gray
22. Place the quail in elevated area because __________ are their greatest predators.
23. Name the food or diet of a quail. ___________________________________________________________________________
24. Why is it easy to maintain a quail than any other poultry?
25. Ducks are raised for their __________________ and ________________
26. Ducks are raised to produce eggs that turned into _________________
27. Ducks are easier to raise because they require ______________________________ and ______________________________
Breed of ducks
28. ________________ is known as the pato real or bibe. Its distinct features includes small bulges on its face and being heavy with
yellow skin. Its flesh is of higher quality than the other breed
29. ________________ is a breed of duck that is extremely active on land and lay as many as 300 eggs yearly
30. ________________ is a breed of duck that is raised for its meat and is often mistaken as goose
31. ________________ also known as the itik and known as non-sitter for they frequently lay eggs but does not hatch them
32. The housing of a duck is made from _______________ and ____________
33. A _____________________ is given to ducks for 8 weeks and a mash feed made of ______________________________________
34. When the ducks gets older, what are the food given to them? _______________________________________________________
35. Why is it easy to maintain a pet duck? ___________________________________________________________________________
True or False
36. A chicken must have a nest or box to lay its egg, roost and forage on
37. Ducklings should be fed with a wet starter mash for 8 weeks
38. It is best to provide ducks with improvised pool around their shelter because they spend much time in water
39. Ducks are easier to raise because they are more resistant to diseases
40. Chicken , ducks and quail are raised for their meat and milk
Farming fish
41. Three ways to plan your Own Pond
a. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________
b. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________
c. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________
42. _____________________ ranks second as the most cultivated fish in the world and is very popular and its production increases.
43. What is the water depth level to be maintained in a fishpond? ____________________
44. What are the common feeds for tilapia? ______________________________________________________________
45. What are the supplement feeds given for tilapia? _____________________________________________________________
46. What vegetables can be used to provide shade for the fishpond and a natural fish food as well? ____________________________
47. Why should the ponds of the tilapia be exposed to sunlight? _______________________________________________________
48. Why should we fence the tilapia fish pond? _____________________________________________________________________
49. What tool is used to harvest a tilapia? __________________________________________
50. _____________________ is one of the most commonly farmed fish and is the most cultured ornamental fish out of the many
ornamental fish species
51. What are the common food/ diet of a carp? ______________________________________________________________________
52. These are the materials used to collect the eggs laid by a carp. _______________________________________________________
53. The fingerlings of a carp stay in the ____________________ before they are transferred in a ________________________
54. _____________________ is a black slippery fish with a mustache that serves as its aid in swimming and is usually found in a
ricefield , canals, swamps and lakes
55. What is the minimum size for the pond of a hito? ______________
56. When should we give a catfish a special care? During _______________________________________________________________
57. When can you say that a female catfish is ready lay eggs and produce offspring? ________________________________________
58. To harvest a catfish, the pond is _____________ partially and the fish is captured using a net hung _______________. A
_____________________ may also be used once the water level is low enough for easy catch.
59. Why can a catfish survive long enough without water? Because they have _____________________________________________
60. ______________________ is considered as an old practice and utilizes fish farms as a sustainable food production system
True or False
61. Tilapia ranks fourth most cultivated fish in the world
62. When the carp is cultured and reaches its marketable size, you must transfer it to a rearing pond.
63. Catfish is the most cultures ornamental fish out of the many ornamental fish species
64. Catfish is able to survive for a long period of time because it is equipped with special accessory breathing organ
65. Carps are born live and can grow a weight of about thirteen kilograms
66. Carps usually eat floating plants, tadpoles, small fishes , algae, mosquito and unlucky bugs near the water’s surface
67. Pechay and sitaw can be used to provide shade for the fish pond and serve as natural foods for the plants
68. Fence the pond with fine meshed bamboo so that no fish will escape
69. African carp and Japanese carp are the most common carp
70. Catfish is a white slippery fish with a mustache that aids in its swimming.

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