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Title: The Challenge of Crafting a Research Paper on Climate Change

Writing a thesis on climate change is no small feat, as it requires a deep understanding of complex
scientific concepts, extensive research, and the ability to communicate findings effectively. Students
often find themselves grappling with the magnitude of the task, struggling to strike the right balance
between scientific rigor and accessible language. The multifaceted nature of climate change, coupled
with the evolving landscape of research in this field, adds another layer of complexity to the writing

One of the primary challenges students face is the vast amount of information available on climate
change. Sorting through the myriad of studies, reports, and scientific papers can be overwhelming,
making it difficult to pinpoint the most relevant and impactful information for inclusion in a thesis.
Additionally, staying abreast of the latest developments and breakthroughs in climate science is
essential, adding a time-sensitive element to the research process.

Furthermore, crafting a coherent and persuasive argument in support of a thesis statement poses its
own set of difficulties. Integrating diverse sources, synthesizing information, and presenting a
cohesive narrative that contributes meaningfully to the existing body of knowledge requires a high
level of analytical and writing skills. Striking the right tone that resonates with both experts and non-
experts alike is a delicate balance that demands careful consideration.

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Future changes also have some uncertainty due to natural variability, particularly over shorter time
scales (see FAQ A ) and limitations in scientific understanding of exactly how the climate system will
respond to human activities (see FAQ S ). If emissions continue to,.-, rise at or near current rates,
temperature increases are more likely to be near the upper end of the range. CICS-NC, North
Carolina State Univ., NOAA National Climatic Data Center Graeme Stephens. Thus, natural factors
cannot explain recent warming. Because of how they warm our world, these gases are referred to as
greenhouse gases. Other studies have shown that the temperature trends of rural and urban areas in
close proximity essentially match, even though the urban areas may have higher temperatures overall.
Ice Ice is the world's largest supply of freshwater. Year-to-year and even decade-to-decade
conditions do not necessarily tell us much about long-term changes in climate. These observations
indicate that the Earth-atmosphere climate system has continued to gain heat energy. These include
the amount of energy from the sun and the composition of the atmosphere, including the amount of
greenhouse gases and tiny particles suspended in the atmosphere. This drastic reduction in sea ice can
tip the Arctic Ocean into a permanent, nearly ice-free state in summer (Ch.2: Our Changing Climate,
Key Message 11). It is a thin layer of mixed gases which make up the air we breathe. Our societies
have not been built to withstand the changes that are anticipated in the relatively near future, and
thus are not prepared for the effects they are already experiencing: higher temperatures, sea level
rise, and other climate change related impacts. If we examine the graphs closely, we observe a large
increase in the world’s temperature in 2000, and also a considerably big increase in the concentration
of CO 2. Based on feedback from you, our users, we've made some improvements that make it easier
than ever to read thousands of publications on our website. As the Earth warms up, it emits heat in
the form of infra-red radiation - much like a hot pan emits heat even after it's taken away from the
cooker. Oceans Oceans cover about 70 percent of Earth's surface. Through the greenhouse effect CO
2 and the other greenhouse gases are likely to raise the temperature of the earth by up to 4 C o by the
end of the century. Since climate change is already occurring, adaptation in some form is inevitable.
Climate models require enormous computing resources, especially to capture the geographical details
of climate. However, there is a need for more research in this area. The resulting change in climate
and the impacts of those changes can then persist for a long time. This is a significant long term
physical cause as the effects are more noticeable and impact thousands of people in all different parts
of the world. Large quantities of carbon dioxide are exchanged between the land-based biosphere
and the atmosphere as plants take in carbon dioxide and give off oxygen, and animals inhale oxygen
and exhale carbon dioxide. Oreskes Chapter 4 (PDF) Oreskes on Science Consensus (PDF) Oreskes
Summary (PDF) Oreskes References (PDF). Receive a tailored piece that meets your specific needs
and requirements. The first principal component (panel a) represents the Arctic Oscillation and the
second principal component (panel b) indicates a pattern linked to interannual changes in sea ice
anomaly (time series in green), which is the average of the Barents Sea and the Kara Sea (Fig. (c))
(Mori et al. 2014, Nature Geoscience; Press release on October 27, 2014). The glass panels of the
greenhouse let in light but keep heat from escaping. It is a natural effect which allows solar radiation
to be absorbed to keep the earth at a temperature needed for life. These absorbent gases cause
trouble by raising the temperature of the planet.
Among all the papers that were self-rated as expressing a position on human-caused global warming,
97.2% endorsed the consensus. As the troposphere warms, Arctic ice and glaciers melt, also causing
sea level to rise. NOAA Technical Report NESDIS 142-9. 85 pp., National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration, National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service, Washington, D.C.
URL. Our analysis found that among papers expressing a position on human-caused global warming,
over 97% endorsed the consensus position that humans are causing global warming. Scientists have
undertaken painstaking efforts to obtain, digitize, and collate these records. Temperature changes in
a given location are a function of multiple factors, including global and local forces, and both human
and natural influences. This includes average weather conditions, regular weather sequences (like
winter, spring, summer, and fall), and special weather events (like tornadoes and floods). For
example, many thermometers are located in urban areas that could have warmed over time due to the
urban heat island effect (in which heat absorbed by buildings and asphalt makes cities warmer than
the surrounding countryside). However, they are relatively opaque to the heat energy the Earth
radiates back outward at infrared wavelengths. Investigation to see how the voltage changes when
we change the metals used. Some photosynthetic algae and seagrass species may benefit from higher
CO 2 conditions in the ocean, as they require CO 2 to live, as do plants on land. Some periods in the
distant past were even warmer than what is expected to occur from human-induced global warming.
NOAA Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory Felix Landerer. These changes have severely
increased the spread of diseases and damage to homes. The recent increase in carbon dioxide
concentration is due to the lack of producing more sustainable and renewable energy sources, which
are better for the environment. In the United States, more than twice as many high temperature
records as compared to low temperature records were broken in the period of 2001-2012. The
relative importance of these three sources of uncertainty changes over time. In the last 400 years, the
temperature of the globe surface is rising. But the fact that climate is changing, that this is primarily
in response to human activities, and that climate will continue to change in response to these
activities, is not in dispute (see FAQ I ). This paper took mountains and islands, two tourism
destinations that are vulnerable to climate change, as examples to study responses to climate change
and mitigation strategies on influences of climate change in tourism industry, and the results showed
that combining broadening sources of income with reducing expenditure could efficiently reduce
influences of climate change on tourism industry. Regional Environmental Change, 2007, 7(3): 161-
172. Global surface temperatures are measured by weather stations over land and by ships and buoys
over the ocean. Think about narrowing down your topic to something more specific. Knowing all
these factors enables scientists to quantify the climate at a given place and time. In this project, we
are looking at fire and insect disturbance regimes under a range of plausible future scenarios, since
they are already such prominent features of Canadian forests. The observations are a combination of
both the human contribution to recent warming as well as the natural temperature variations.
Investments in limiting emissions, combined with capturing and storing carbon, could possibly
reverse the warming trend, but it remains to be seen if this is feasible. For example, the poor, the
very young, and some older people have less mobility and fewer resources to cope with extremely
high temperatures, increased water scarcity, environmental degradation, and other impacts. Limited
resources and an already high burden of chronic health conditions, including heart disease, obesity,
and diabetes, will place the poor at higher risk of health impacts from climate change than higher
income groups. The report was completed this year and is part of the National Climate Assessment,
which is congressionally mandated every four years.
Spring snow cover has decreased across the Northern Hemisphere since the 1950s. There is a gaping
chasm between the public perception and the actual 97% consensus. By initiating reduced emissions
efforts in 2010 (blue line), a 4% per year reduction would have been required; waiting until 2020 to
reduce emissions (red line) doubles the rate at which emissions must be reduced. (Figure source:
Luers et al. 2007 21 ). Over longer timeframes, these models simulate wind patterns, high and low
pressure systems, and other weather characteristics that make up climate. Some parts of the ice sheet
extend out into the ocean as “ice shelves.” Here, above-freezing ocean water speeds up the process
called “calving” that breaks the ice into free floating icebergs. Much of what we know about the
current ecological impacts of climate change comes from long-. This is largely because our society
and infrastructure have been built for the climate of the past, and any rapid change from that climate
imposes difficulties and costs. When shelled species are at risk, the entire food web may also be at
risk. It shows that as more carbon dioxide is released into the environment, the global average
temperature is rising and also the sea level. I. If this were to happen, then ices sheets would develop
blocking off warmer ocean currents, following in a general cooling of the earth. Also, you can type in
a page number and press Enter to go directly to that page in the book. Patterns of vertical
temperature change (from the Earth’s surface to the upper atmosphere) provide further evidence that
the sun cannot be responsible for the observed changes in climate. Oreskes Chapter 4 (PDF) Oreskes
on Science Consensus (PDF) Oreskes Summary (PDF) Oreskes References (PDF). Both the
increased acidity and higher temperature of the oceans are expected to negatively affect corals and
other living things over the coming decades and beyond. Multiple lines of evidence show that climate
change is happening as a result of human activities. Among those 4,000 abstracts, 97.1% endorsed
the consensus. The paper analyzed the global climate change characteristics, and put forward that the
most important reason in recent years is human activities through many analysis. It is the place where
plants and animals, including humans, live. You can use essay samples to find ideas and inspiration
for your paper. Essentially, today’s built infrastructure has been developed based on the assumption
that future climate will be like that of the past. A portion of the carbon dioxide emissions from
human activities will remain in the atmosphere for hundreds of years and continue to affect the
global carbon cycle for thousands of years. The far right bar includes data for 2001-2012. (Figure
source: NOAA NCDC). This causes the greenhouse to heat up, much like the inside of a car parked
in sunlight, and keeps the plants warm enough to live in the winter The Earth's atmosphere is all
around us. The shapes and sizes of the wedges shown here are illustrative only. (Data from Boden et
al. 2012 3 ). However, when some gases leak into the atmosphere this heat can increase to make an
extreme difference. If the planet warms up then the amount of snow and ice will decline, causing less
reflection of heat and more absorption which leads in turn to heating of the earth. Global climate
change is a grave problem that might call for to be solvent by the governments and companies that
produce pollution. This paper took mountains and islands, two tourism destinations that are
vulnerable to climate change, as examples to study responses to climate change and mitigation
strategies on influences of climate change in tourism industry, and the results showed that combining
broadening sources of income with reducing expenditure could efficiently reduce influences of
climate change on tourism industry. We rated the level of endorsement of human-caused global
warming in each abstract, a short summary at the start of each paper. Light from the sun is directed
on to the land, which is covered in ice and snow, therefore about 70 to 80 percent of the sun's rays
are reflected back into space creating a colder atmosphere.
And human choices are nearly impossible to predict. CO2 emissions in China increased at an annual
rate of about 3 to 4. Climate change is defined as a change in the average conditions over periods of
30 years or more (see FAQ A ). Lava erupted from vents in the mountain, killing off vegetation and
in turn animals died from starvation - a third of the islands population died from famine. Climate is
projected to continue to warm, with the amount of future warming ranging from another 3?F to
another 12?F by 2100, depending primarily on the level of emissions from human activities,
principally the burning of fossil fuels. Also, you can type in a page number and press Enter to go
directly to that page in the book. The papers are not supposed to be submitted for academic credit.
Eventually, they fall back into the troposphere where they are rapidly removed by precipitation.
Dissolved calcium and carbonate ions are the building blocks for the skeletons and shells of many
living things in the oceans. Overwhelming agreement among scientists had already formed in the
early 1990s. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 2012, 20(7): 939-951. Publisher: Emerald Publishing
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The global warming observed over the past 50 years is due primarily to human-induced 1 -.emissions
of heat-trapping gases. Much of what we know about the current ecological impacts of climate
change comes from long-. A number of different research teams have taken up this challenge. The
first principal component (panel a) represents the Arctic Oscillation and the second principal
component (panel b) indicates a pattern linked to interannual changes in sea ice anomaly (time series
in green), which is the average of the Barents Sea and the Kara Sea (Fig. (c)) (Mori et al. 2014,
Nature Geoscience; Press release on October 27, 2014). Two pathways show how a cumulative
carbon emissions budget of 265 gigatons of CO 2 could be maintained by 2050. Our experts will
write for you an essay on any topic, with any deadline and requirements from scratch. Another
important lesson emerges from the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum. This figure shows how
regional temperatures can be much more variable than global temperatures, going up and down from
decade to decade; all regions, however, show warming over the last two decades or more. It is also
due to the increase in the amount of fuel being used, and in many cases wasted, depleting the world
of our resources and releasing the chemicals which may harm our environment. Global surface
temperatures are measured by weather stations over land and by ships and buoys over the ocean.
Climate change introduction for research paper of Anthropological Research 42 2: — Fhange mobile
search chnage Article Navigation. Evidence for a changing climate abounds, from the top of the
atmosphere to the depths of the oceans. As human-induced emissions of carbon dioxide build up in
the atmosphere, excess carbon dioxide dissolves into the oceans, where it reacts with seawater to
form carbonic acid, which makes ocean waters more acidic and corrosive. Older people are at much
higher risk of dying during extreme heat events. Through the greenhouse effect CO 2 and the other
greenhouse gases are likely to raise the temperature of the earth by up to 4 C o by the end of the
century. Yes, climate change can and has altered the risk of certain types of extreme weather events.
It will become increasingly costly to adapt, and some systems will not be able to adapt if the change
is too much or too fast. In the past, climate change was driven exclusively by natural factors:
explosive volcanic eruptions that injected reflective particles into the upper atmosphere, changes in
energy from the sun, periodic variations in the Earth’s orbit, natural cycles that transfer heat between
the ocean and the atmosphere, and slowly changing natural variations in heat-trapping gases in the
Their strategy was to construct the impression of active scientific debate using dissenting scientists as
spokesmen. Essentially, today’s built infrastructure has been developed based on the assumption that
future climate will be like that of the past. Other studies have shown that the temperature trends of
rural and urban areas in close proximity essentially match, even though the urban areas may have
higher temperatures overall. The journal publishes papers dealing with policy-making on climate
change, and methodological approaches to cope with the problems deriving from climate change.
Available evidence gives scientists confidence that humans are having a significant effect on climate
and will continue to do so over this century and beyond. That sound great but in the other hand solar
panels are difficult to installed on a rooftop surface or ground, in fact the cost of these panels are
high and only rich people can afford it. As discussed in FAQ F, the gases then re-radiate some of this
heat back to the surface, effectively trapping the heat inside the Earth’s climate system and warming
the Earth’s surface. Pre-existing health conditions also make older adults susceptible to cardiac and
respiratory impacts of air pollution and to more severe consequences from infectious diseases. The
relative importance of these three sources of uncertainty changes over time. Besides, governments
can implement a reforestations plan and should reduce the carbon dioxide. For example, many major
cities are located on the coasts where they are now vulnerable to sea level rise. Climate tells us what
it's usually like in the place where you live. Although climate changes over recent geological history
were generally more modest and slower. For these reasons, many scientists prefer the term “climate
change,” which connotes a much larger picture: broad changes in what are considered “normal”
conditions. High sea surface temperatures in the Pacific set off a reversal in the regular westward
flow of the Trade winds and ocean currents that drift across the tropical pacific from America
towards Asia. The questions addressed range from those purely related to the science of climate
change to those that extend to some of the issues being faced in consideration of mitigation and
adaptation measures. Click here to buy this book in print or download it as a free PDF, if available.
October 2005. Norwich: Tyndall Center for Climate Change Research. Our analysis confirmed this
prediction, finding most abstracts didn’t state a position on whether humans were causing global
warming. Most of the rest is due to the melting of glaciers and ice sheets. The graph shows the
increase in temperature very gradually over the period of 140 years. For example, water evaporates
from the oceans into the atmosphere. The papers are not supposed to be submitted for academic
credit. However, global warming is slowly progressing and changing the frequency of several
abnormal or extreme weather phenomena, although it is a slight change.?By conducting a large
number of elaborate simulations, we can understand the mechanism of climate events and calculate
the contribution of global warming. The human and physical causes of climate change are clear, it is
what to do about them that is not so obvious. However, they are relatively opaque to the heat energy
the Earth radiates back outward at infrared wavelengths. Foreign Relations held a hearing on climate
change threats from the per-. There is no clear scientific consensus at this time as to whether major
tipping points, other than loss of the Arctic sea ice in summer, will be reached during this century.
Such contribution is decreasing as anthropogenic warming becomes prominent.
Moreover, we found that natural climate fluctuations contribute to global temperature changes (right)
to a non-negligible degree at 47%, 38%, and 27% in each decade from 1980 to 2010, respectively.
Second, modeling studies show that when human influences are removed from the equation, climate
would actually have cooled slightly over the past half century. His doctoral and postdoctoral work
applied a regional atmospheric model to the investigation of North American summer climate. Ice Ice
is the world's largest supply of freshwater. On these time scales, global temperature continues to
increase. However, nobody can deny that it is happening and since scientists concluded that it was
very likely that as a human race were having some cause towards it we have to act fast. Having a
long term plan of recycle is one of the best solutions. The climate system has been relatively stable
during the time that human civilizations have existed. As indicated by the green band, without
human influences, temperature over the past century would actually have cooled slightly over recent
decades. Over the next decade, computer speeds are predicted to increase another 100 fold or more,
permitting even more details of the climate system to be explored. Climate models differ in the way
they represent various processes (for example, cloud properties, ocean circulation, and turbulent
mixing of air). Note: Results may vary based on the legibility of text within the document. Some
tipping points are more imminent, and some would have larger impacts than others. You can use
essay samples to find ideas and inspiration for your paper. Global surface temperatures are measured
by weather stations over land and by ships and buoys over the ocean. This moisture then falls back
to the Earth as precipitation - rain, snow, sleet, and even the morning dew on the grass. A changing
climate affects our lives in many more obvious ways, for example, by increasing the risk of severe
weather events such as heat waves, heavy precipitation events, strong hurricanes, and many other
aspects of climate discussed throughout this report. Uncertainty in the sun’s future output is another
source of variability that is independent of human actions. In this case, weather is like the individual,
while climate is like the average. By continuing we’ll assume you’re on board with our. Volcanoes
also emit carbon dioxide, but this amount is less than 1% annually of the emissions occurring from
human activities. Climate models are based on mathematical and physical equations representing the
fundamental laws of nature and the many processes that affect the Earth’s climate system. The
conclusion that the world is warming, and that this is primarily due to human activity, is based on
multiple lines of evidence, from basic physics to the patterns of change through the climate system
(including the atmosphere, oceans, land, biosphere, and cryosphere). Following the observed trends
over recent decades, more precipitation is expected to fall as heavier precipitation events. This
includes average weather conditions, regular weather sequences (like winter, spring, summer, and
fall), and special weather events (like tornadoes and floods). Temperature changes in a given location
are a function of multiple factors, including global and local forces, and both human and natural
influences. Siz- able early cuts in emissions would significantly reduce the pace and the overall
amount of climate change. Two pathways show how a cumulative carbon emissions budget of 265
gigatons of CO 2 could be maintained by 2050. The warming of global climate and its causes are not
matters of opinion; they are matters of scientific evidence, and that evidence is clear. Thus, natural
factors cannot explain recent warming.
Current efforts at local and state levels, and by the private sector, are important, but are insufficient
to limit warming to the lower scenarios described throughout this report. Climate change
introduction for research paper of Anthropological Research 42 2: — Fhange mobile search chnage
Article Navigation. Register for a free account to start saving and receiving special member only
perks. Climate change issues of importance to society: Widely discussed. A changing climate affects
our lives in many more obvious ways, for example, by increasing the risk of severe weather events
such as heat waves, heavy precipitation events, strong hurricanes, and many other aspects of climate
discussed throughout this report. Much more research is needed to see if such approaches could be
environmentally feasible. Temperature changes in a given location are a function of multiple factors,
including global and local forces, and both human and natural influences. Both the increased acidity
and higher temperature of the oceans are expected to negatively affect corals and other living things
over the coming decades and beyond. Humans are, by using electrical and fossil fuel powered items
in everyday life, directly contributing to global warming. However, the ice on the continent slowly
flows down the mountains and through the valleys toward the ocean. Since climate change is
already occurring, adaptation in some form is inevitable. This amount of temperature increase would
reshape human societies in ways that are almost unthinkable to us today. This is largely because our
society and infrastructure have been built for the climate of the past, and any rapid change from that
climate imposes difficulties and costs. When sunlight reaches Earth's surface some is absorbed and
warms the earth and most of the rest is radiated back to the atmosphere at a longer wavelength than
the sun light. The answers are based on peer-reviewed science and assessments and have been
confirmed by multiple analyses. For example, you don’t expect to see geography research papers
endorsing the fact that the earth is round. There have been many strong links established between
levels of CO 2 in the atmosphere and climate change. Tierney is a paleoclimatologist and and UA
Associate Professor of Geosciences. Pteropods are eaten by organisms ranging in size from tiny krill
to whales, and are an important source of food for North Pacific juvenile salmon. When a US
representative sample was asked how many climate scientists agree that humans are causing global
warming, the average answer was around 50%. The America’s Climate Choices reports from the U.S.
National Academy of Sciences discuss these issues in details. But these temperatures, recorded by
weather stations, are only one indicator of climate change. In the past, climate change was driven
exclusively by natural factors: explosive volcanic eruptions that injected reflective particles into the
upper atmosphere, changes in energy from the sun, periodic variations in the Earth’s orbit, natural
cycles that transfer heat between the ocean and the atmosphere, and slowly changing natural
variations in heat-trapping gases in the atmosphere. Use specific examples and avoid grammar and
spelling mistakes. Some have spent decades carefully analyzing the data and continually reassessing
their approaches and refining their records. Receive a tailored piece that meets your specific needs
and requirements. About 90% of the glaciers and land-based ice sheets worldwide are melting as the
Earth warms, adding further to the sea level rise. Older people are at much higher risk of dying
during extreme heat events. The cooling effect that some types of particles have on the atmosphere
has led to the proposal of an array of possible geoengineering projects, especially with the goal of
offsetting the warming until more non-fossil fuel energy is put into place. See Figure 3 for
measurements showing these trends. (Figure source: NOAA NCDC; based on data updated from
Kennedy et al. 2010 2 ).

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