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Writing a thesis on climate change is no easy task.

It requires extensive research, critical thinking, and

strong writing skills. This topic is complex and constantly evolving, making it difficult to narrow
down and analyze. As a result, many students find themselves struggling to complete their thesis on
time and with the level of quality they desire.

One of the biggest challenges of writing a thesis on climate change is the vast amount of information
available. With the growing urgency of this issue, there is a wealth of data, studies, and opinions to
sift through. It can be overwhelming to determine which sources are credible and relevant to your
research. This process alone can take weeks, if not months, to complete.

In addition to the overwhelming amount of information, climate change is a highly controversial

topic. There are many differing opinions and conflicting data, making it difficult to form a clear and
concise argument. It requires careful analysis and critical thinking to navigate through the various
perspectives and present a well-supported thesis.

Furthermore, writing a thesis on climate change requires a deep understanding of scientific concepts
and terminology. This can be challenging for those who do not have a background in science or
environmental studies. It may require additional research and consultation with experts in the field to
fully grasp the complexities of the topic.

Given the difficulty of writing a thesis on climate change, it is understandable why many students
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Because of the complex processes controlling carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere, even
after more than a thousand years, the global temperature would still be higher than it was in the pre-
industrial period. However, at the same time that I feel this movie is informative, I do not believe
that global warming needs to be completely addressed in today's society. Following the observed
trends over recent decades, more precipitation is expected to fall as heavier precipitation events.
These observations indicate that the Earth-atmosphere climate system has continued to gain heat
energy. This includes researching and identifying the problem they are trying to solve, brainstorming
and prototyping different solutions, testing and evaluating their designs, and making improvements
based on their findings. Items were either explicitly nominated for inclusion in the EOT archive or
have been extracted from the EOT Archive for inclusion in this collection. Our societies have not
been built to withstand the changes that are anticipated in the relatively near future, and thus are not
prepared for the effects they are already experiencing: higher temperatures, sea level rise, and other
climate change related impacts. Climate change is something that all of us should take very seriously,
educate ourselves about and focus our energy on. Technology to do this consists of amine scrubbers,
which use amine solutions to get rid of 98% of carbon dioxide from waste gases. Recent research
has shown how climate change can alter atmospheric circulation and weather patterns such as the jet
stream, affecting the location, frequency, and duration of these and other extremes. Through change
of climate, the rate of infection, distribution and seasonality of these diseases have greatly changed.
Surface Reflection: Snow and ice reflect sunlight back to space. Today, those data provide a clear
record of the effect of human activities on the chemical composition of the global atmosphere. This
rising of water has the ability to destroy crops and contaminate fresh water in rivers. However, when
some gases leak into the atmosphere this. These rises are predicted to increase over longer periods of
time, and this could lead to many horrible situations. The upper ocean has warmed, and more than
90% of the additional energy absorbed by the climate system since the 1960s has been stored in the
oceans. It is an important challenge to the official view of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change (IPCC). Which type of uncertainty is most important also depends on what type of change is
being projected: whether, for example, it is for average conditions or extremes, or for temperature or
precipitation trends (see FAQ S ). The government gave Givaudan sole rights to an area of pristine
forest in a deal where the Swiss firm promised to give a percentage of any profits made from
perfumes based on local plants to nearby villages to help finance for public projects, such as new
schools and health centres. Besides burning fossil fuels, humans can cause climate changes by
emitting aerosol pollution—the tiny particles that reflect sunlight and cool the climate— into the
atmosphere, or by transforming the Earth's landscape, for instance, from carbon-storing forests to
farmland. Even in the early years of the study of climate change, more science studies were
discussing concerns about global warming than global cooling. (Figure source: Peterson et al. 2008
14 ). For more detail on how we collect, store and use your information, please read our privacy
policy. These vehicles are often used in science and engineering classrooms as a way for students to
learn about physics, engineering, and design. The left panel shows results from the previous
generation of climate models (CMIP3), and the right panel shows results from the most recent
generation of climate models (CMIP5). Scientists like Dr William Grey believe that it is a step
towards the world’s period of global cooling (“Gore's climate theory savaged”, 2007). But an
absence of certainty does not indicate an absence of risk. We wish to pay our respects to Elders past
and present and recognise the continuous connection of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
to land, water and Country. NASA’s last data check of rising sea levels was back in March of 2020
and the sea levels at that time had increased from the previous measurement by 4 mm (1). Short-term
natural variations in the Earth’s climate (see FAQ A ) and increasing emissions of sulfur and other
particles from coal-burning power plants, which reflect solar energy and have a net cooling effect on
the Earth, likely contributed to cooler temperatures during that time period.
Oceans Oceans cover about 70 percent of Earth's surface. In general, the larger and faster the
changes in climate, the more difficult it is for human and natural systems to adapt. Both coast lines
have also seen an increase in frequency of flooding since 1950 due to rising sea levels (2).
Nonetheless, each successive decade in the last 30 years has been the warmest in the period of
reliable instrumental records (going back to 1850). It destroyed 40% of the country's road network
and caused widespread crop failure. This is largely because our society and infrastructure have been
built for the climate of the past, and any rapid change from that climate imposes difficulties and
costs. In the future, March is projected to have thinner ice (more blue in panel C); September is
projected to be nearly ice-free (almost all blue in panel D). Source. Only after an exhaustive series of
studies over many years, by many different research groups, are new ideas widely accepted. On the
other hand, studies have shown that a more acidic environment has dramatic negative effects on
some calcifying species, including pteropods, oysters, clams, sea urchins, shallow water corals, deep
sea corals, and calcareous plankton. It is clear that carbon dioxide is the main pollutant in the
atmosphere, and this is probably because that everyday millions of people uses excess CO 2 around
the house, sitting in traffic or at work. At this time, however, there is no indication that any of them
could be implemented on a large enough scale to have a significant effect. It is possible that the West
Antarctic Ice Sheet, which contains enough ice to raise global sea levels by 10 feet, could begin to
lose ice much more quickly if ice shelves in the region begin to disintegrate at the edges. Taking
actions to reduce the emissions that cause climate change has costs. The Great Barrier Reef for
example is dying due to the acidity of the ocean and its warmer temperature. The consequences on
health include a greater risk of obesity, diabetes and other lifestyle diseases but, from an
environmental perspective, the associated greenhouse gas emissions from producing these foods in
high quantity are significant. These natural factors are thought to have contributed to a recent
slowdown in the rate of increase in average surface air temperature caused by the buildup of human-
induced greenhouse gases. It is the sum total of these indicators that lead to the conclusion that
warming of our planet is unequivocal. When snow and ice melts Earth?s climate warms, less energy
is reflected and this causes even more warming. 'here are many different ways that plants, animals,
and other life on our planet can affect climate. 0ome can produce greenhouse gases that trap heat and
aid global warming through the greenhouse effect. Temperatures are not increasing at the same rate
everywhere, because temperature changes in a given location depend on many factors. By the late
1800s, scientists were aware that burning coal, oil, or natural gas produced carbon dioxide, a key
heat-trapping gas. The heat-trapping abilities of greenhouse gases were corroborated by Irish scientist
John Tyndall with experiments beginning in 1859. These drastic environmental changes have a direct
link to the damage of the coral reefs from the warm seas, which when ravaged by hurricanes can lead
to the destruction of more than half of these essential structures in the Caribbean. The longer the
problem lasts, the more those people who lack food get affected. However gases like carbon dioxide
and methane can absorb some of the infra-red radiation and then begins to warm the troposphere.
Children, primarily because of physiological and developmental factors, will disproportionately
suffer from the effects of heat waves, air pollution, infectious illness, and trauma resulting from
extreme weather events. Over shorter time frames of years to decades, however, the response of
these ice sheets is more complicated. They know that greenhouse gases make the Earth warmer by
trapping energy in the atmosphere. Cold periods in our past have tended to occur during periods of
circular orbits. Higher sea temperatures not only kill the coral reefs but make hurricanes more
frequent and intense. The temperature of the upper atmosphere, particularly the stratosphere, has
cooled, consistent with expectations of changes due to increasing concentrations of CO 2 and other
greenhouse gases.
White arrows indicate increases, and black arrows show decreases. These questions guided this
study, and answers were used to develop scientifically- and locally-informed policy
recommendations. Because ice is highly reflective and because of its insulating properties, ice plays
an important role in regulating climate. Some photosynthetic algae and seagrass species may benefit
from higher CO 2 conditions in the ocean, as they require CO 2 to live, as do plants on land. These
analyses suggest that current temperatures are higher than seen globally in at least the last 1700 years
and that the last decade (2001 to 2010) was the warmest decade on record. (Figure source: adapted
from Mann et al. 2008 4 ). The shell on the right is from a pteropod collected in a region with higher
acidity (Photo credits: (left) Bednarsek et al. 2012; 16 (right) Nina Bednarsek). At this time,
however, there is no indication that any of them could be implemented on a large enough scale to
have a significant effect. The devastating turn of events from environmental factors to scientific one.
Because of how they warm our world, these gases are referred to as greenhouse gases. This includes
average weather conditions, regular weather sequences (like winter, spring, summer, and fall), and
special weather events (like tornadoes and floods). Greenhouse effect The greenhouse effect is the
rise in temperature that the Earth experiences because certain gases in the atmosphere (water vapour,
carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, and methane, for example) trap energy from the sun. The far right bar
includes data for 2001-2012. (Figure source: NOAA NCDC). A portion of the carbon dioxide
emissions from human activities will remain in the atmosphere for hundreds of years and continue to
affect the global carbon cycle for thousands of years. But they also know that they'd never get any
grants if they spoke out. People with Cardiovascular Disease are also more sensitive to warmer
temperatures which can lead to more difficulties as Earth’s temperatures keep getting warmer.
Records indicate that since the start of the Industrial Revolution around 1880 that the global
temperature of the planet has shown steady increase. Because Antarctica is so cold, there is little melt
of the ice sheet in the summer. It is a thin layer of mixed gases which make up the air we breathe.
Furthermore, oceans are warming and ice caps are melting. Globally, the amount of water vapor in
the atmosphere has increased over the land and the oceans over the last half century. Yes, climate
change can and has altered the risk of certain types of extreme weather events. With flooding
intensity and frequency increasing it would be exceedingly difficult for people to clean their habitat
and keep it clean and toxic free. WHO recommendations are extensive, but include suggestions of
eating less than five grams of salt per day and at least five portions of fruit and vegetables per day,
with potatoes, cassava, sweet potato and other starchy root vegetables not classified as vegetable.
The researchers tried to replicate the results of those 3% of papers—a common way to test scientific
studies—and found biased, faulty results. Knowing all these factors enables scientists to quantify the
climate at a given place and time. The downloadable PDF is the official version of the 2014 National
Climate Assessment. At the same time, however, longer growing seasons, along with higher
temperatures and carbon dioxide, can increase pollen production, intensifying and lengthening the
allergy season. Climate is projected to continue to warm, with the amount of future warming ranging
from another 3?F to another 12?F by 2100, depending primarily on the level of emissions from
human activities, principally the burning of fossil fuels. These gases are natural in the atmosphere but
have been added to by humans which lead to a gradual warming of the atmosphere, which then
leads to global warming. Oceans buffer and regulate temperature - energy absorbed or lost by the
oceans results in a smaller surface temperature change than would occur over land.
For example, it may rain for an hour and then become sunny and clear. The climate change is all
linked to carbon dioxide emissions and rising temperatures, which are a direct result of our
dependency on fossil fuels, growing population and the world’s need for easy, pre-packaged food
with little thought to recycling. It was clear that humans were increasing the natural greenhouse
effect and that this would warm the planet. Under the B1 scenario the projected rise is
approximately 40 inches; under the A2 scenario, approximately 48 inches; and under A1F1,
approximately 56 inches by 2100. For example, because about 28% of the energy used in the U.S. is
used for transportation, developing and driving more efficient vehicles and changing to fuels that do
not contribute significantly to heat-trapping gas emissions over their lifetimes would result in fewer
emissions per mile driven. There is a link between the keeling curve graph, the carbon dioxide
emissions graph and the rising sea levels graph. Many people look at scientific evidence and conclude
that humans are playing a role in it, while others claim that the planet is just going through a natural
transition. In some areas, located in between wetter and drier areas, the total amount of precipitation
falling over the course of a year is not expected to significantly change. Because ice is highly
reflective and because of its insulating properties, ice plays an important role in regulating climate.
Three types of geoengineering approaches have been proposed to alter the climate system: 1)
enhancing the natural processes that remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere; 2) altering the
amount of the sun’s energy that reaches the Earth (referred to as “solar radiation management”); and
3) direct capture and storage of CO 2 from the atmosphere. In the past, climate change was driven
exclusively by natural factors: explosive volcanic eruptions that injected reflective particles into the
upper atmosphere, changes in energy from the sun, periodic variations in the Earth’s orbit, natural
cycles that transfer heat between the ocean and the atmosphere, and slowly changing natural
variations in heat-trapping gases in the atmosphere. The left panel shows results from the previous
generation of climate models (CMIP3), and the right panel shows results from the most recent
generation of climate models (CMIP5). We are now left with more carbon dioxide polluting the air,
because of the depleting of trees. A detailed explanatory article about the paper is available here.
Due to a change in weather patterns we may be getting a frigid winter but around the world other
countries may be experiencing drought or above average temperatures. But the fact that climate is
changing, that this is primarily in response to human activities, and that climate will continue to
change in response to these activities, is not in dispute (see FAQ I ). How factors influence the
energy change when metals are added to a metal sa. When climate change occurs; temperatures can
increase a dramatically. Most of the time I feel like people may see an issue like global warming and
think that it is too broad of an issue for them personally can do anything about it. Nitrogen and
oxygen, the main gases of the atmosphere, do not posses this quality. Large quantities of carbon
dioxide are exchanged between the land-based biosphere and the atmosphere as plants take in
carbon dioxide and give off oxygen, and animals inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide. Climate
Change. The Greenhouse Effect: Scientists are sure about the greenhouse effect. NOAA, National
Climatic Data Center Kenneth Kunkel. No. Since accurate satellite-based measurements of solar
output began in 1978, the amount of the sun’s energy reaching Earth has slightly decreased, which
should, on its own, result in slightly lower temperatures; but the Earth’s temperature has continued to
rise. After publication, other scientists will often undertake new studies that may support or reject
the findings of the original study. Since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, the pH of
surface ocean waters has fallen by 0.1 pH units, representing approximately a 30% increase in
acidity. Said another way, global warming is one symptom of the much larger problem of human-
caused climate change. The storms also are unpredictable and may take a more extended period. The
white paper seeks to create a consensus around science-based evidence on climate change and
increasing overall temperatures. These recordings show that the earth’s surface temperature is
increasing massively.
One important consideration regarding solar radiation management is that ocean acidification would
still continue even if warming could otherwise be reduced by reflecting light away from our
atmosphere. Nitrogen and oxygen, the main gases of the atmosphere, do not posses this quality.
These natural factors are thought to have contributed to a recent slowdown in the rate of increase in
average surface air temperature caused by the buildup of human-induced greenhouse gases.
Greenhouse gases in the atmosphere behave much like the glass panes in a greenhouse. When
temperature rises, many different changes can occur on Earth. For more detail on how we collect,
store and use your information, please read our privacy policy. Detection and attribution has been
used to analyze the contribution of human influences to changes in global average conditions, in
extreme events, and even in the change in risk of specific types of events, such as the 2003
European heat wave. To extend this analogy into the realm of climate change, we can also calculate
the life expectancy of the average American who smokes. Through change of climate, the rate of
infection, distribution and seasonality of these diseases have greatly changed. There are different
measures of climate sensitivity. For example, many thermometers are located in urban areas that
could have warmed over time due to the urban heat island effect (in which heat absorbed by
buildings and asphalt makes cities warmer than the surrounding countryside). No matter what your
political views are or what your thoughts on climate change is, there is no denying that we are seeing
changes on our planet. Other studies have shown that the temperature trends of rural and urban areas
in close proximity essentially match, even though the urban areas may have higher temperatures
overall. This result could have occurred via a mistake in using the equipment, a false reading, or the
temperature may have indeed fallen, a factor which remains unlikely, due to the fact that the in 1940
the temperature continues to rise, and the reading is higher than the year of 1900, however an actual
temperature decrease is feasible. One is that about one-sixth of the world’s population relies on water
from natural springs, which could fail because of the impact of melting glaciers
( Another effect deals with the sea levels rising because of melting. Most of
the rest is due to the melting of glaciers and ice sheets. Before the Industrial Revolution, natural
levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere averaged around 280 parts per million (ppm), that is, 280
molecules of CO 2 per million molecules of air (which is mostly nitrogen and oxygen). As the
concentrations in the atmosphere of these heat-trapping gases increase due to human activities, they
are absorbing greater and greater amounts of infrared heat energy emitted from the Earth’s surface.
Increasing heat and changing rainfall patterns will lead to a decrease in crops, then a decrease in
nutrition, and an increase in stunting among children, particularly in the developing regions of the
world. The upper ocean has warmed, and more than 90% of the additional energy absorbed by the
climate system since the 1960s has been stored in the oceans. It shows that as more carbon dioxide is
released into the environment, the global average temperature is rising and also the sea level. I.
Question marks indicate systems whose status as tipping elements is particularly uncertain. (Figure
source: adapted from Lenton et al. 2008 17 ). Farmers sells their excess crops at the market as a
source of income for their families. The blue band shows model simulations of the effects of human
and natural factors combined. Global temperatures over the last 100 years are unusually high when
compared to temperatures over the last several thousand years. This causes the greenhouse to heat
up, much like the inside of a car parked in sunlight, and keeps the plants warm enough to live in the
winter The Earth's atmosphere is all around us. In addition, satellite and ocean observations indicate
that most of the increased energy in the Earth’s climate system from the increasing levels of heat-
trapping gases has gone into the oceans. Temperature changes in a given location are a function of
multiple factors, including global and local forces, and both human and natural influences. Over
longer timeframes, these models simulate wind patterns, high and low pressure systems, and other
weather characteristics that make up climate. The effect of ice melting hugely concerns the lifestyles
of the animals but also effects humans by flooding.
The results therefore suggest that future global warming will be much less than expected. In addition
to farmland and drinking water local ecosystems can be decimated (7). To confuse matters.
volcanoes can also release massive amounts of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, leading to a
rise in global temperatures. The Article “Monkeys stir climate fears in Kenya” demonstrates a result
of climate change. I also believe that humans are actively causing global warming, and the world can
be saved if we act fast and decrease our carbon footprint. Nasa has conducted extensive research into
climate change and their findings are very alarming. When burning all of these fuels, harmful
chemicals get released into the air, and one of these is carbon dioxide. As the temperature increase in
the atmosphere, people experience more frequent and hotter days. These economic factors combined
with climate change have created a circumstance by which overall food sustainability within the
world is threatened. I think that we should make an change to this world before we are left with
nothing. If you would like to deposit a peer-reviewed article or book chapter, use the “Scholarly
Articles and Book Chapters” deposit option. Most of the rest is due to the melting of glaciers and ice
sheets. For example, it may rain for an hour and then become sunny and clear. NASA reports that
nineteen of the hottest 20 years on record have all happened since 2001. The increased acidity causes
several events to occur that affect both humans and animals alike. Thus it is not surprising that recent
reports from the U.S. National Academy of Sciences, including America’s Climate Choices 22 and
America’s Energy Future, 23 have concluded that the environmental, economic, and humanitarian
risks posed by climate change indicate a pressing need for substantial action to limit the magnitude
of climate change and to prepare to adapt to its impacts. The brackets on the thermometers represent
the likely range of model projections, though lower or higher outcomes are possible. Source. These
independently produced estimates are in very good agreement at both global and regional scales.
NOAA, National Climatic Data Center Kenneth Kunkel. The current increase in global average
temperature appears to be occurring much faster than at any point since modern civilization and
agriculture developed in the past 11,000 years or so—and probably faster than any interglacial warm
periods over the last million years. How can the small proportion of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere
have such a large effect on our climate? Differences in these projections are principally a result of
differences in the scenarios. (Data from CMIP3, CMIP5, and NOAA NCDC). In the future, March
is projected to have thinner ice (more blue in panel C); September is projected to be nearly ice-free
(almost all blue in panel D). Source. Globally, the amount of water vapor in the atmosphere has
increased over the land and the oceans over the last half century. This will be achieved by the
exploration of several key articles related to the topic of global warming. In many mid-latitude
regions, including the United States, there will be fewer days with precipitation but the wettest days
will be wetter. The greenhouse effect is also a huge subject when we talk about climate change. For
the 21st century, sea level change is projected by four scenarios: AR4, B1, A2, and A1F1. Warmer
waters are the perfect climate for bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens to multiply and flourish in.
The resulting change in climate and the impacts of those changes can then persist for a long time.

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