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Butterfly Montage

1. Butterfly images
2. Short Bondpaper
3. Glue
4. Scissor
5. Markers, paints, or other decorative materials: Optional, for embellishing the background or
adding details.
1. Prepare your base: Cut the cardboard or canvas to your desired size for the montage.
Consider painting or decorating the background before attaching the butterflies if you

2. Collect or print butterflies: Find various butterfly images or print them out. You can
choose different sizes, colors, and shapes to create a diverse and visually appealing

3. Cut out the butterflies: Carefully cut out each butterfly from the printed images or
magazine pages. Make sure to trim them neatly along the edges.

4. Arrange the layout: Before attaching the butterflies, arrange them on the base.
Experiment with different compositions until you find a layout you like. Consider color
combinations and placement.

5. Attach the butterflies: Once you’re satisfied with the arrangement, start sticking the
butterflies onto the base using glue or adhesive. You can overlap them, create patterns,
or organize them in a scattered manner—let your creativity guide you

6. Final touches: If desired, add additional decorations, details, or background elements to

complement the butterflies and enhance the overall aesthetic.

7. Let it dry: Allow the glue or adhesive to dry completely before displaying your butterfly

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