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(Script) Day 4 __.

Figure Out Your “WHY”

 I was a city manager for almost 15 years in the state of North Carolina.
 Big shot, broke big shot.
 And I didn't realize, you know, I was even broke.
 I was broke compared to my contemporaries.
 You know, it's always in relation to what?
 I just didn't have any money. I was in debt. I was 48,000 in debt.
 Now, some people can say, oh, they love being in debt.
 But I don't mind being in debt as long as I've got more money than I owe.
 You see, but then I owed more money than I had.
 I didn't like getting up every morning at the ringing of an alarm clock.
 There was many things that I didn't like.
 I didn't like having other people to control my life.
 I didn't understand why, but you see, when I went to high school,
 I was never taught anything about success.
 I didn't have a single course on success.
 I went to college. I never had a single course on success.
 I thought I was doing good as a city manager because, you know,
 I was usually the top dog. I was the top rat in the barn.
 I was the biggest hog in the trough.
 I made more money than all the other in city employees made.
 than any other in city employee made.
 I was broke so that meant they had to be broke too.
 But I didn't have a strong why, but one thing helped me out a little bit.
 And there was a woman that appeared to hate my guts that lived in the town where I was a manager.
 Some of you folks that have life too easy, that don't have a big reason to get out and change it,
 may get caught under that little security blanket of failing.
 But anyway, I wanted to get turned loose because there I was almost 15 years as a city manager.
 And I still didn't have any control over my life.
 Other people could control me and I couldn't control who was going to get elected to a city council.
 So I wanted to have me some extra income so that when I got fired,
 I would have something to fall back on.
 So that was one of my wives.
 Now, I don't know what your why might be.
 But I know this that everybody has got to have a why.
 And it's going to be different from person to person.
 As I developed the business, as I worked hard,
 Peg and I went over 7,500 PV or third month into business.
 And right then all I had was I wanted to make some money.
 I had no idea that this thing was so big that I would actually give up the job that I had worked for hard for so
many years in order to be a city manager.
 I thought that was a big deal at the time.
 I really subconsciously knew better but at the time I thought it was a big deal.
 Now, I don't know what your particular why might be.
 For some of you already that society is saying to you,
 Hey, you're doing good.
 Don't believe them.
 If your family is saying, Hey, you're doing good.
 Don't believe them.
 If your friends are saying, Hey, you're doing good.
 Don't believe them unless all of those people are doing good too.
 Because it's all in relation to what?
 Now, my why has changed.
 But let me tell you how they changed.
 I remember when I heard some people get up in this business and say,
 They like to get up at the crack of noon.
 I remember the first time I ever heard that.
 I said, What kind of nut would like to get up at the crack of noon?
 But then I started thinking, You know, I never thought you could get up at the crack of noon.
 But I started thinking about it.
 Who in the world would get up at the crack of noon?
 Would I like to do that?
 I remember I'd lay in the bed in the morning after I heard that idea.
 And the alarm clock would ring at 7.30 in the morning.
 And I knew who wanted to get up at the crack of noon.
 Me.
 So that became one of my why's not that I wanted to be lazy.
 I wanted to be creative and productive.
 But I wanted to control my life.
 So one of my why's soon developed into the fact that I wanted to control the circumstances of my life
 and not let other people control my time and me.
 You see, because all of us are in the selling business.
 You have to sell to eat, don't you?
 Most people go up and say, Hey, here I am, five foot nine, two hundred and ten pounds.
 I'm yours for X number of dollars a week.
 Everything I am, you buy me, that's when you have a job.
 Well, it wasn't long before I knew that one of my why's was that I would never ever again have a boss.
 One of my why's why I wanted to build this business, why I wanted to be successful in business for myself,
 because I wanted to look in a mirror and see the boss.
 I wanted my wife that believed in me to be married to a successful man and only I could do something about it.
 I like to control the circumstances rather than have the circumstances control me.
 And I saw other people that have done that and had done that in this business.
 I started looking at them and I looked in the mirror and looked at myself and I said, Hey Bill, if they can do it,
but you can do it.
 And so I got a why and one of my why's was I wanted individual personal freedom.
 Now, in fact, that why I got so big that I'd show this business to a telephone pole that stands still for 20 minutes,
 because I could see myself being freed from my job.
 And let me tell you it happened on July the 4th, 1972 Independence Day.
 I got my freedom on freedom day on Independence Day and America I became a young, free human being that
was in business for himself successfully,
 that was making more money and his own business than he could ever make working as a city manager, even
though that was a big deal profession.
 So I was free. I went home and took my alarm clock and stuck it down underneath the bumper of my motor
 And I got up on that bumper with my 210, put my army combat boots on and I jumped off.
 And I asked the question, it's guts all over the ass fault there in the circular drive in front of my house.
 And then I took my boots and I took the heels and I stopped them on the hands and on the face and on the glass
it wasn't broken and all the metal it wasn't crushed up.
 I crushed it and I took a dust pan and a broom and swept it up in it and threw its guts in the garbage can where it
 It's been disturbing my rest for too long.
 Some of you say, some of you say, hey, that's silly. Successful people do silly things because they're why it's
strong enough.
 It's a reward situation. It's a reward situation. My why was strong enough that I would do the work so I could
experience the reward.
 I wanted to be free. You say you're not going to get out and draw circles unless you got a big reason.
 You got a big dream. The dream gives you your why. How big is your dream? The bigger your dream, the
bigger your why.
 Some of you single ladies in this business somebody's going to tell you, you can't do it.
 But one of your why is this to show them that you can. That's why I'm in it.
 Some of you single people in here. One of your why's be that should be to show them that sure you can be in
business for self,
 yourself as long as you got a body temperature of 98.6 and you got some guts and your dream is big enough.
 You've heard all day about how, how, how to do this, how to do that, how to invite, how to contact, how to hold
a meeting,
 how to follow up, how to follow through, how to relate to your business, how to build an organization, how to
develop a personal direct distributorship,
 how to develop a personal group and how to develop a large organization.
 You've heard all these how, how, how, but they don't amount to a hill of beans until you got your why strong
and for sure so you can identify
 so that no one can steal that why from you because it's strong enough. Maybe some of you want to one day
write your boss a letter.
 That's one of your why's where you say, dear boss, I love you and I enjoyed having the job these so many years.
 However, I am happy to inform you now that I cannot afford to work for you anymore and I tenderize
resignation because I'm going to be free.
 That's one of my why's. Maybe some of you would say, one of my why's is I'm going to pay the price and I'm
going to join Diamond Club.
 I'm going to be up there with those people that I admire and respect. Whatever it takes, I'm going to do it. That's
my why.
 Maybe some of you are going to say, my wife and my kids deserve a beautiful home.
 They deserve to go traveling across the world with some of their friends to Paris, to Rome, to Rio de Janeiro,
wherever we want to go,
 because we're not going to be limited by the lack of money because all money does this restrict us and we're
going to remove the restriction by having enough of the money so we can do what we want to do.
 That's one of the why's. One of your why's may be that you want to be respected by a lot of people and you see
you can't be respected until you respect those first.
 You have to give it in order to receive it. Maybe some of you want to be admired. Maybe some of you want to
be loved, but you can't have those things unless you first give them.
 And maybe one of the why's is you want to be important. You want to be respected. You want to be needed.
You want to be a productive creative human being.
 You want to make your mark in life. That may be one of your why's. And you find out that after they teach you
what to do at college and you start doing it, all you do is turn around and say, is this it? Is this what I've got to
do for the rest of my life?
 And you find out you're from nowhere. You see success is not a destination. It's a journey. And maybe you want
to have the journey just to see where it's going to take you.
 Because you see all we're all really after is happiness not making money. We're just after happiness.
 And we find out that a human being can't be happy unless they're in a process of true personal accomplishment.
And nobody else can do that for you. Just like nobody can go the bathroom for you.
 You have to make your decision about success. And that's only because your dream is big enough because your
why is big enough. And then you'll take the time to learn, apply the how.
 Can you see yourself with an organization like this one day? Nothing but directs. One leg.
 Can I see this auditorium full of people? 16, 17,000 people. All directs. One leg. I can see it.
 You know why? Because my why is big enough. I know why. My why is real simple. My why is I want a free
country to live in.
 And you can't have a free country unless you have a free people. And you can't have a free people unless they
control their own government because they stop their government from controlling them.
 Because they've got the guts because they've got a why big enough.
 So, you know, the why is an individual thing. Just like success is a personal choice. The why is a personal
 Do you know why you're here today without a doubt? Did somebody drag you here today? If you they did,
you're broke.
 And I think one of the biggest why is to find out who you really are. Why? It's such a simple word, isn't it?
 I'll tell you one of those secrets of the business. When you know why, you'll figure out how. The information's
 You'll figure out how to use the information that's there. If some of you've been in the business for a while and
it just isn't working for you, it's not because you don't know how.
 It's because you don't know why. When the why is strong enough, you can overcome the self-image problems.
You'll overcome everything.
 How do I know that? Because I watch people that get folks growing bigger than they are in depth and their why
gets strong real fast and they figure out how.
 There's no shortage of how. It's just when you're why is strong enough, you'll find the time to use the knowledge
and information that's out there.
 When you have a gut feeling, when deep down inside of you, you know you're going to do it because your why
is you want to be diamond.
 You know? Because you know what's there. You know the income level that's going to be there. You know the
price that it's going to take to get there.
 And you know that you're willing to pay that price, whatever it happens to be. Now most of you in here would
like to have a nicer home, wouldn't you?
 How about a few cars? How about a few vacations, trips? How about some new clothes, nice wardrobe?
 A lot of nice things like that, right? We'll see all those things can be tied up into one word and the word is
 So you're why should be in my opinion right now that I'm going diamond. Someone says why you say because I
want to be me.
 I want to be me.
 I just want to be myself and I can't be myself when somebody's controlling me every day because they got the
money and I don't and I got to go do what they want me to do.
 You know what I want to do. How many people you know that get up every day when they don't want to get up.
 Go someplace they don't want to go. Do something they don't want to do. For somebody they don't want to do it
 Had a place they don't want to do it at and say they're happy.
 Why?
 When the why is strong enough, you'll work your business five and six nights a week on faith because if these
folks can do it, you can do it.
 Really that's the message just whole weekend. If I can do it, you can do it. If they can do it, you can do it. If
you're why is strong enough.
 If you're why is strong enough, you'll get yourself looking neat. You cut the hair. You trim the face or whatever.
 You get your teeth fixed.
 Or if you're a high paid quote-unquote professional, you get off your high horse and get rid of that stupid status.
 All status is something for poor people to have. Try to act like there's something or not. All status is as
camouflage for low self-image. I don't have any status. I got money.
 You know, it really gets me when somebody says, oh, I think I'm too good for that business.
 There's plenty of stupidity around. I'll tell you that. How many people you know that make judgments and
decisions without any information?
 The business just happens to be something special. What it is is very simply the best business opportunity in the
history of the known world for the masses of the people.
 You know how we know it's good? Because it's good for any human being. Black, white, yellow, red, or any
color there between.
 It's good for any religion. We're in the business of observing the rights of each other, not taking each other's
right away.
 And so you've got to write to be what you are and I've got to write to be what I am. I'm a Christian, but that
doesn't mean that you can if you're something else be in this business.
 And be what you want to be because I don't have the right to take away what you are anymore and you've got to
write to take away what I am.
 Ain't it great? We just respect each other because we're winners.
 You see, I understand. You see, if that weren't true, my why to build this business could not be as big.
 But this business is all incompetent because it can include any honest why. It can include any honest person.
 If I make more money than a week or two than some professional people, I'm not that much smarter than they
 I just know something they don't know.
 And my why is big because my why includes freedom for the whole world. And I believe I'm a part of it.
 And if I don't do my part, I haven't gotten any right to gripe and bellyache about what happens because all it
takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.
 Maybe you're a man and you're, you need a why. Maybe your why should be you ought to have something to
stand for.
 You can say I've never had anything to stand for. I never stood for anything. I was always, I didn't know where I
 And when you don't know what you stand for, that means you stand for nothing. It's about time people in this
country stood for something and they could identify it.
 And maybe that's your why. Maybe as a man, you want to be the hero of your own children, but you understand
something, something's wrong.
 And that's part of my why, to write the wrong. I believe the greatest shortage in this country today is one thing.
 If we could overcome that shortage, we could change this country and we could change freedom throughout the
 And that shortage is a shortage of men that stand for something. Maybe that's your why. Maybe your why is
you want more backbone.
 Maybe your why is you want your wife and kids to respect you, because you stand for something, because
you've got a dream.
 God said, man without vision, shall perish. You know what? I believe I could extend that in my understanding
and say that when the man of the house doesn't have a dream, the whole family seems to perish. It carries on to
the kids.
 Now some of you guys out there, remember, some of you guys out there can make all the excuses in the world
why it's good to fail, especially some of you guys over 40 or 45.
 You think you're too old to have a dream.
 Let me tell you something exciting to see a guy about 85 that's like a little kid with a fire truck. He's so excited
about helping his fellow man have a better way of life.
 What a wonderful feeling. Maybe that's one of your whys. You know too many people are mentally dead and
they're waiting for the body to catch up so they can put it all in the hole at the same time.
 And bury it all. Maybe you'd like to have a large funeral someday.
 You ever see a funeral, one purse and one car? Traffic doesn't even know they went through.
 Who is that? Had somebody never gave anything?
 The giver always receives what they gave and when the person didn't give, they didn't receive. Maybe you want
to learn how to be a giver. Maybe you want people to really love you because you loved them first.
 I don't know what your why is, but I know this. It's got to be or you can't be.
 Without a why, you're caught up in the great sea of mediocrity. You're caught up like a number in a computer.
 But once you have the dream and you're not ashamed of it, I'm not ashamed to say that I wanted to be free, that
I wanted to be in business for myself.
 I believe that's what America is all about, to be in business for yourself successfully.
 I tried to figure it out one time and I believe that when you work for somebody else, you don't have near the
creativity or the energy to use that you do when you're in business for yourself.
 I believe when you're in business for yourself, you work five times harder and I figured that out one time about
five times harder than when you work for somebody else.
 Have you ever noticed when people are in business for themselves, if they're working, they don't take a 20-
minute coffee break?
 They don't have to get off when the clock says five. They don't have to worry about being late to work.
 You know, my system is not geared to going to work at eight, getting off at five. My system is geared to sleep
until about noon.
 I'm a night person, I'm not an early morning person, they say the early bird gets the worm. I don't need any
 I geared myself to it night, I love to be in bed at night and read for an hour or two.
 Two, three, four o'clock in the morning. Why? Because I don't have to get up and go be productive for
somebody else.
 I'm more creative and productive in my own business than a few hours than most men are in a few years
working for somebody else.
 Because it's my business.
 And one of the most beautiful things about our business is simply this. You earn what you make.
 There is no pay raise. There's no merit increase. Your income is based on you and you along your productivity.
 Because see, you don't have to depend on your group. You got to depend on you.
 When you decide you're going to do it, it's going to get done no matter what they decide it.
 Because if they don't decide to do it, you'll replace me and get somebody else that's going to do it.
 Because you're wise big enough. Because you're dreams big enough.
 Let them talk. Let them complain. Let them make fun.
 I'm a laugh all the way to the bank.
 Because every person in my 11 years that's criticized me is always been broke.
 And I refuse to let them pull me down where they are because I choose to leave where they were and to get
where I am.
 And I'm not happy where I am because I'm not where I'm going to be yet because I'm overcoming what I am to
become what I haven't been.
 Which is better than whatever it was because I'm willing to change.
 Let them laugh. Let the dogs bark because the caravans move it on.
 Why?
 Why?
 Why?
 Because I choose success.
 I choose to succeed.
 I refuse failure.
 I refuse mediocrity.
 I accept my responsibility in the lives of my fellow man.
 I enjoy it.
 I enjoy it given hope to some new person.
 You've seen people that are doing good economically.
 You check their lifestyles.
 And we're not hung on for that because we know all these beautiful homes are going to one day rot.
 Turn to dust.
 We know all these beautiful cars. Mickey just got a new Rolls Royce and Paul has a Rolls Royce.
 Let's see. Wayne has a Rolls Royce. He's over in the West Coast today.
 I just bought a new Rolls Royce.
 Four of us bought them together.
 How'd you like to call three of your friends and call them and say, come on, buy a Rolls with me.
 I don't want to buy one by myself.
 Okay?
 You know?
 I can tell you this, folks.
 Those are nice cars.
 But one day they'll be no more.
 They will have rusted and rotted and turned to dust.
 We only use those things in order to encourage you to show you what's happened
 and economically so you can see freedom.
 We're not hung up on them.
 Believe me, these guys buy them to encourage you.
 You come by my place and you'll see I make a lot of money.
 Uncle Sam knows I make a lot of money because I pay Uncle Sam a lot of money.
 But I'm free in a free society.
 And I believe society is a little bit better because I'm not going to work every day like I used to.
 Because I'm free.
 And I believe it's going to be better when you're free too.
 When you can say, if you really want to do your job, you can tell them, hey,
 I don't need the money, I just do it because I enjoy it.
 Keep your money.
 I'm free enough and economically free enough to do it because I enjoy it, not because I've got to do it.
 And then if you don't like your job, you know what you can tell them.
 Rather than that, that you'll do it for nothing.
 A lot of wise, is your wife big enough?
 Only you can search your heart and find out if you've got what it takes.
 You don't have to worry about, do you have the guts?
 Worry about, do you have the why?
 If you've got the why big enough, you've got the guts.
 You say because when the why is big enough and your dreams big enough, the facts don't count.
 You can still do it.
 No matter what the world says, we're here to tell you this thing is something special.
 We believe we're in the process of becoming the largest corporation in the world because we're the best
corporation in the world.
 I believe that Rich and J are special because they have a special dream and a special dream makes any human
being special.
 And you see, dreams are interconnected.
 Our dream is part of Rich and J's dream.
 Your dream is part of your uplines dream.
 Your dream is part of my dream.
 And one of my dreams is to have you on the beaches of the world with us.
 It's not crowded as you climb the ladder.
 The air gets thinner and rarer and we get lonesome.
 We want you to pay the price so when you get in the club you didn't fake your way in.
 You earned it.
 And when we're sitting there together like us sitting with all the diamonds, I know that every one of them has
earned it.
 It's a club that we can enjoy only when it's earned.
 It's not given because you got pretty teeth or who your mother and father happened to be or who you cozyed up
 You got special parental treatment.
 This is only when you earn it.
 And when you get the burn deep in your gut, that's going to be because you've got a why.
 And part of it is going to be because you want to be with us.
 I remember asking Wayne Martin one time, I asked a dentist to say, Doctor, I said let me ask you something,
why are you working so hard?
 I never told you you had to work this hard.
 And he said, Bill, I want to be with you guys.
 I want to be with you diamonds and I'm going to earn it.
 Whatever it takes, I've made the decision.
 I'm going to earn it because I want to be respected by the people that I respect the most in my life.
 So folks, I'm going to encourage you to write down your whys, to burn them into your mind and to your heart.
 And you're not going to have to worry about these houses.
 They're there. All you got to do is go out and start using them through consistency and persistency.
 And when your whys strong enough, nothing is going to deter you.
 They may not get down, but you find out without a lot of trouble that when you knock a winner down,
 you better get ready for something to happen.
 When you knock a loser down, they just stay down in the end or all over the place.
 But friend, when you get knocked down and you're a winner, you get up and you're tougher than you were when
you get knocked down.
 Now, one of my whys this weekend is just this.
 I want you to be up here on this stage.
 I want to lift your hand to Rocky.
 I want to see you walk across the stage.
 I want to see your people happy that you represent them up here in your organization.
 So whatever it takes, our whys big enough will work with you.
 We believe in you and we love you.
 And I can say it for all the diamonds, we really do want you to develop a whys so you can use the how.
 God bless.
 We'll see you tonight.
Summary 1 Day 4 __. Figure Out Your “WHY”

"Presenting the Power of Moral Motivation: A Journey to Purpose and Satisfaction"

In the appealing motivational speech provided, the speaker looks further into the changing power of drive
and purpose in one's life journey. Drawing on his personal experiences as a municipality manager, the
speaker explains how professional success does not always translate into personal feeling satisfied.
Despite evident achievements, an internal gap persisted, requiring a thorough examination of the basis of
The heart of the argument is that a strong "why" serves as the foundation of meaningful living. The
speaker highlights the need of understanding one's important motives and overcoming the superficial
attraction of external confirmation. Rather of tying goals to society standards or money advantages,
individuals are asked to discover their own motivators.

The tale is centered around the subject of self-awareness and reflection. Individuals are encouraged to
remove back the layers of their wants, objectives, and values via honest reflection. This introspective
journey indicates the road of connecting activities with personal principles, that lead to a deep feeling of
The discourse highlights the need of achieving control over one's life trajectory. Individuals restore
autonomy and chart a route guided by their inner direction by freeing themselves from unnecessary
restrictions. This statement of autonomy plants the seeds of personal self-determination, removing
individuals from the boundaries of societal expectations.

However, the path to personal development is not without obstacles. Accepting that there will be of
problems, the speaker praises tenacity and resilience. These personality characteristics function as loyal
friends, encouraging people onward in the face of difficulty and disappointments.
Given the challenges, the speech highlights the importance of community and support. Surrounding
oneself with others who share similar values creates a caring atmosphere that encourages growth and
development. Individuals find peace, encouragement, and personal responsibility inside of the protective
arms of a supportive group, strengthening their drive to go after their goals.
In essence, the speech serves as a clarion call to action, encouraging audiences to go on a journey of self-
discovery and purpose. The speaker conveys a significant message via the lyrical narration of personal
experiences and motivational insights: honest fulfillment is found in the unreserved pursuit of one's
hobbies and values rather than the gain of external recognition. Individuals can achieve personal liberty
and true satisfaction by developing their inner motivation.

Summary 2 Day 4 __Figure Out Your “WHY”

"Presenting the Power of Moral Motivation: A Journey to Purpose and Satisfaction"

The transcript is a motivational speech delivered by a speaker who offers personal experiences and
thoughts on the value of having a strong "why" or motivation in life. The speaker reflects on their own
experience as a city manager, recognizing that they were financially struggling despite their professional
accomplishment. This revelation fueled a desire for change and prompted a search for a greater purpose.

Throughout the lecture, the speaker emphasizes the need of having a clear cause or purpose to guide one's
activities. They emphasize the importance of identifying one's own unique reasons rather than relying on
external validation or social norms. The speaker emphasizes that success is judged not only by outward
achievements, but also by internal fulfillment and personal progress.

The main point of view in the speech include:

1. Self-awareness and reflection: The speaker encourages listeners to reflect on their own
desires, dreams, and motivations. They highlight the importance of understanding oneself
and one's aspirations.
2. Taking control of one's life: The speaker discusses how they were guided by external
circumstances such as financial difficulties and cultural expectations. They highlight the
necessity of accepting responsibility for one's life and decisions.
3. Determination and adaptability: The speaker recognizes the difficulties and failures
that people can overcome on their path to achievement. They do, however, highlight the
value of endurance and resilience in overcoming adversities.
4. Freedom and personal empowerment: The speaker discusses the concept of personal
freedom and empowerment, which comes from pursuing one's passions and dreams. They
highlight the liberation that comes from living a life aligned with one's values and
5. Community and support: The speaker highlights the necessity of surrounding oneself
with helpful people who have similar beliefs and goals. They underline the importance of
community in offering support, advice, and responsibility.
Overall, the speech serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of having a strong sense of
purpose and motivation in life. It encourages listeners to reflect on their own motivations, pursue
their passions, and take control of their destinies. Through personal anecdotes and motivational
insights, the speaker inspires listeners to embrace their dreams and strive for personal fulfillment
and success

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