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Write a paragraph about the surgeon's job.

Use these guiding questions to help

The surgeon’s job is both exciting and difficult. Being a surgeon means performing
operations onpatients, welcoming and serving customers, and making important
decisions about patients' health and safety. To take these responsibilities well, you
need to have some main qualities including medical knowledge, physical and mental
strength, good persuasion skills, excellent eyesight and skillful hands, and good
teamwork and communication skills. This job is traditionally done by men as they
think men have better medical knowledge that women. However, these days, both
men and women can make great surgeons. First of all, men and women have the same
abilities to learn and apply medical knowledge. Besides, women can be as mentally
strong as men. Therefore, women can perform long and tiring operations as well.
Furthermore, people will benefit from having both male and female surgeons, for
example, female surgeons help female patients to be less shy about gynecological
examination and operation.

write a paragraph about the benefits for Viet Nam as a member of international
organizations. Use the information given below.

Viet Nam has gained three main benefits since it joined different
international organisations. First, it is easier and more convenient for Viet Nam
to promote its culture and learn about other cultures. For example, various
cultural exchanges help visitors know more about our country. In addition,
Vietnamese people have a better chance of experiencing different cultures.
Second, this has created more educational opportunities for both Vietnamese
and foreign students. Greater educational opportunities abroad are now open to
Vietnamese students. Finally, joining these organisations has also helped Viet
Nam increase both local and international tourism. In fact, Viet Nam has
become one of the most popular destinations for many foreign tourists in the
region. In short, Viet Nam has benefited greatly from becoming a member of
different international organisations.

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