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The first thing I will think about is to improve my capabilities as an individual not with many

connections but being one that is connected to ensure myself and create a self that will prosper and give
a good path ahead for me to take and conquer from here on out. Knowing myself deeply is one feat
greatly equal to climbing a high mountain, the achievement is what makes us humans the endless
productivity and massive evolution for years to come will always taint history for its glory as humans
that walked earth. I have known myself deeply to point out I can easily criticize myself put myself down,
same goes with raising myself up the openness and acceptance of who I am within and out makes me a
dangerous person for anyone who will try to threaten me and my peaceful listless life.

My limitations exceed far beyond my comprehension as go through for what I can do and not do
I tend to not do everything I knew myself better far from anyone and my limitations are one of the
topics I will be alone know I di conclude my limitations is sometimes the hurdles to move forward and
having to be transparent for it will be equal to giving the enemy where are your weak spots.

The Ideal self that I longed is a free self a person that worked so hard to have a glamorous free
life an ideal self that knows itself better than anyone, the one that scolds itself internally than to wait for
someone to do it, the person that clearly sees its goals and acts upon it is someone that I dreamed to be
me. But life will always give you lemons giving that sour reality it’s too good to be true but it’s doable
and when it’s doable it’s not impossible. So I gather all those lemons and turn them to lemonade to
further boost myself from the inside out slowly but surely getting to that ideal self I longed to be from
the start.

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